Wonderful, you are still here and posting!
Please remember that the regular servers and BR are on "easy" difficulty. Treebeard and Shadowfax have higher difficulty levels. There is a good probability that these difficulty levels will be implemented later this year on the regular servers.
(BR does not appear, at present, to have the capability for higher difficulty levels.)
The difficulty levels affect not just landscape, but also skirmishes, missions and delvings.
Higher difficulty fights can last much longer as the monsters are tougher, the character has reduced damage and the monsters can more readily BPE attacks. Add short respawns, "wandering" monsters and "wandering" bosses, these make for much longer fights.
Thus "landscape" may also have power shortages.
To keep the "ear ache" down I suggest that you approach this cautiously and build slowly over this year's patches.
Tralfazz's excellent suggestion (further up) is a good approach.
Refugee Status: Veteran (Windfola, Bombadil, Ithil, Anor, and Coming SoonTM - Treebeard)