Originally Posted by
What doesn't transfer to Live servers:
- On Horseback (same deed that rewards the Horse-lords frame)
- Blaze of Hope (same deed as the frame you listed)
- Bree-seeker (same deed as the adventure-seeker frame)
- Eorlingas by deed (same deed as the regal horse-lords cloak)
- Legend of Helm's Deep (same deed as the frame)
- Bane of Shadow and Flame (same deed as the Watcher cloak)
- Bane of the White Wizard (same deed as cloak)
- Shatterer of Nurzum (Complete Final Stand quest in Wildermore)
- Shadow-breaker (Completing Carn Dum, Urugarth & Rift)
- Legend of Rohan (rebuilding Hytbold)
- Great River Guide (comes with the frame I listed above)
- Helmingas by Deed (level to 95)
- Noble and True (from same deed as Greenwood Cloak)
- Rekindler of Light from the Shadow (from same deed as Narmeleth's Cloak)
- Legend of Angmar (5 legendary coins - toon only)
- Legend of Moria (15 legendary coins - toon only)
- Legend of Mirkwood (10 legendary coins - toon only)
You're also forgetting the Legendary Challenger of the Gaunt Lords and Legendary Challenger of the Necromancers Stronghold - both for completing the Challenges in all the In Their Absence and Mirkwood Instances on Tier 2. This was only available during the four months the servers were at level 65.
Mirage | Fathom | Situational Awareness | Reformed
Arkenstone | Shadowfax | Treebeard