It's more like a ripoff since it is fewer levels and less value. It also sucked before the new LI system.
120 valar gave 2 first age max weapons while 105 gave something like 2 third ages without anything at all. it is incomplete and whenever people ask me about valar (i had all of them except the upgrade jumps) i always tell them do 120, 130 or nothing. well now 140 could be a thing. but really everyone paying full price for 105 will feel sad if the buyer finds out what other packages have.
Gwaihir [DE] - Specialized in Festivals, UI-Settings, Character-Management and Efficiency, scenic Screenshots, cinematic Videos, Showcase-Videos, Game-Guides, Opinions - Ultimate Grand-Master of Bullroarer's Challenge within Greenfield during Spring Festival - my favorite place in Lotro :) - Edit [Update 35.1]: It's still Lotro - just everyday a bit less.