Ok, I don't use the forums enough to be good with the formatting so I wont have all the clean little bubble quotes for my responses to each of the proposed changes, I'll just name the trait and then respond.
Thrill of battle
-Cool. I dont mind the building/removing of the effect the way you proposed, besides the fact that It may be uneccessary compute power, and may have some weird interactions with cuts the way some other classes get double autocrits. Its fine overall though.
Heavy Weapons Damage
-Also cool. I noticed a lot of possible overall increases to block responses in red line, potentially opening some form of supportish Sword and board red, I'm glad this trait incentivises two-handers for damage gameplay. I'm all for the opportunity to have differering 2h vs SaB playstyles, as long as 2h is the go to for "damage dealing" intents.
Reactive parry
-meaningless trait. Lots of classes have them, so I wont say its by any means a big deal. Ideally this should be something more impactful though
-ok some nuance to unpack here in terms of implication. Others have addressed the obvious Cooldown increase just completely throwing TtK count out the window, so I'll assume you already know about that. Something I think hasn't been clearly addressed is that removing the reliance on retaliation completely shakes up the current gameplay paradigm (in a bad way imo!).
-Currently paradigm is a full parry response chain every ~5.5 seconds, alternating between use of overwhelm and thrust.
-Because thrust no longer needs retaliation, now there is an incentive to use it immediately after overwhelm (to put the thrust bleed back up ASAP). This means youd now have one parry chain that will feel way too long, and one that will feel empty, really messing with the nice flow red guard currently has
-If you want to reduce reliance on parry chains ( I think this is the correct goal, dps lines should not be reliant on defensive procs!), you should instead alter the base of the chain, making retaliation/whirling not need parries instead of changing one of the skills in the middle.
Invigorating response
-on live this trait gives power when you crit with a parry response skill. the way you worded it sounds like youre changing it to give power with the response itself instead of the skills? if so that's not ideal, because as I said dps classes shouldnt rely on defensive procs. If it performs as it does on live where the power comes with crits with the SKILLs then this is fine.
To the rescue
Warriors Fortitude
-Realistically I think all variants of warriors fortitude should just be specialization passives, but thats whatever. Adding block and partial block to this in red line is a lipservice change, because again DPS lines don't really care for these things. If it keeps its current offensive buffs though then its fine
Honorable combat (now rupture)
-offensive utility is something red guards were hurting for, so good job making a stab at addressing it! A few minor notes though
-5 tiers of this trait makes me ????. 1 would be fine? what do the other tiers do?
-12% at full power is a weird number. 20s duration is a balanced time for group utility, but a weird duration for self dps as youre going to take a third to half of that time to put your bleeds back up.
-considering your note about wanting red guard to be lower power than main line dps specs (you mentioned champ as the melee leader, but right now warden is probably the better measuring stick. Red burg is the highest but is so gated by fight mechanics its not a good standard) I have to ask if red guard is intended to be balanced around group play or just a landscape line? Depending on the answer to this you may want to change your numbers.
now for yellow
Force opening
-Cool. glad to have a parry opener in blue. Glad that in red this gives a block too so I have a means to use Catch a breath without sacking a vital parry response from dps rotation.
Bastion of light
-Like the idea, dont think the implementation is there yet. Considering the value of marking targets, not having and control of who you mark does not sound good. Also, only being able to mark 3 targets just feels bad considering the importance for both red and blue.
-For red, considering flash of light changes damage to light, I don't want to be dpsing a pack of like 8 and half of my damage is light and half is normal. Breaking the damage profile (and on random targets too!) sounds like a major pain to accomodate support wise. Which targets need bear pmit reduction? which need call of earendil?
-For blue, a line that thrives in mass target situations, I want my defensive debuffs rolling at max power (incapacitate) on as many targets as possible. I understand radiate is meant to assist with this, but in some situations you end up with so many targets that your aoe skills could very well not hit any of the 3 marked. 5 would probably be good enough though. Someone else mentioned making this ground target area, which i think would actually be a pretty cool implementation for this.
-not really changed, so also cool
-this is a cool change so that blue can have this. It'll be a nice grab for 1 point, but not a big deal either way, so I'm pretty happy about it.
Flash of light
-see above comments about split damage profile mentioned with bastion of light.
Strong Bursts
-I don't particularly mind its current or proposed implementation, but I do think its worth asking if this trait thematically belongs in red maybe? (Also tangentially red guard has a gaping lack of any sort of AOE power or even play paradigm, but thats a much bigger scope issue than this trait)
manifested ire
-remove this trait, or make it something other than runspeed reduction. Noone wants that for any sort of enjoyable gameplay. If you made it something that reduced enemy damage when they stopped hitting guarding that would be pretty cool maybe, and sort of fit guardian thematically. Perhaps like cappy yellow mark, but only applies when enemies stop hitting the guardian for long enough, and obviously only for short/mid duration
mark of permanance
-If bastion of light is going to randomly go out on targets uncontrolably, this should be baked into it imo, Making people spend 1 extra point for it isnt the end of the world though
Overall, relatively happy with the way things are going. Biggest concern about your proposed changes is the thrust impact on red line rotation. A few issues relatively unaddressed though
-Blue is still a little behind on group utility compared to Cappy Warden and Brawler
-Blue is still heavily weighted toward mass add tanking and has significantly less effective defensives against bosses (I recommend changing juggernaut to big damage reduction instead of block, easy fix that strengthens vs boss and marginally weakens vs mass adds)
-Red still has no AOE value, power, or play paradigm. (I recommend making overwhelm spread thrus instead of upgrade it when used after whirling!!)
Glad youre working on this though!