Option 2 is a much larger departure.
We move Hunstman to a utility line. This allows the inherent utility of blue to apply to both the Bowmaster and Trapper of Foe lines.
As with the other thread, any trait that is not mentioned is not, currently, slated to be altered.
No longer can be specialized.
0-5 Ranks
Nock on the Move
Induction based attacks can be used while moving.
Quick Shot Focus
5 Ranks
+4% Quick shot focus bonus/rank
Impact Arrows
2 Ranks
+2% Ranged Damage/rank
Scourging Blow
Grants the Skill: Scourging Blow
5-10 Ranks
Fire on the Run
Requires Nock on the Move
2 Ranks
Reduces the induction movement penalty bu 10%/rank
Press Onward
Grants the skill: Press Onward
Split Shot
Grants the Skill: Split Shot
Grants the Skill: Barrage
11-15 Ranks
Rank 1: 10% Press Onward Heals
Ranks 2-4: +5% Press Onward Heals
3 Ranks
+5% Boost to Find the Path Speed/rank
Improved Intent Concentration
-30s Intent Concentration Cooldown
Strong Arm, Sharp Eye
6 Ranks
Ranks 1-6: +2% Bow damage for bow skills that consume focus and +2% Melee damage/rank
Rank 6: Using a skill that costs Focus has a 15% chance to reduce the cost of all skills by 1 for 5s
Barbed Hindrance
5 Ranks
1-5: +6% Barbed Arrow Damage and +4% Hunter Bleed Damage per rank
Rank 5: Slows the target by 20% for 20s
Rain of Arrows
Grants the Skill: Rain of Arrows
Improved Blood Arrow
3 Ranks
Rank 1-2: +5% Max morale over time heal from Blood Arrow
Rank 3: -5s cooldown of Blood Arrow
Hunter's Voice
-10s Cooldown to Cry of the Hunter
+10% Movements Speed bonus
Fleet of Foot
(Combines Fleetness and Improved Fleetness)
On every harmful skill, an additional 20% chance to increase run speed by 10% and gain 1 focus
5 Ranks
Per Rank: Using a skill that costs focus has a 3% chance to remove the induction time of your next skill stacks up to 5 times and expires out-of-combat
(Requires 3 ranks in Improved Blood Arrow)
3 Ranks
Rank 1: Grants Skill: Exsanguinate
Rank 2: 66% chance to unlock Exsanguinate after Blood Arrow
Rank 3: 100% chance to unlock Exsanguinate after Blood Arrow
Strength of the Earth
2 Ranks
Rank 1: Grants the Skill: Strength of the Earth and increases ranged and melee damage by 10% for 5s
Rank 2: Increases ranged and melee damage by 20%
Shot Through the Heart
Heart Seeker and Merciful Shot do more damage to targets with active bleeds
2 Ranks
Tier 1: Stance: Precision now generates 1 Focus every 4s
Tier 2: Stance: Precision now generates 1 Focus every 3s
Strength of earth now restores morale and increases 1 focus/second while active.
Grants the Skill: Rapid Fire
Bow skills that have a focus cost no longer have a cost
Duration 10s
Cooldown 180s
Intensified Fire
Removes all inductions actions for the duration of Rapid Fire
Grants the Skill: Pinning Shot
Grants: .8s Swift Bow induction reduction
-25% Attack Duration
+10 Max Range for all ranged skills
Draw Weight
5 Ranks
+3% induction bow damage and +3% induction bow critical damage multiplier/rank
Shoot to Kill
Set Bonus (10 Ranks)
+10 Ranged Damage
+2.5% Critical Magnitude
Deadly Precision
Requires 5 tiers in Critical Eye
2 Ranks
+5% Critical Damage to all Bow Skills/rank
Improved Rain of Arrows
2 Ranks
+1% Rain of Arrows Critical +5% Ran of Arrows Critical Multiplier
Haemorrhaging Shot
20 Rank Trait Set Bonus
+5% chance to Critical and On critical Hit; applies an additional moderate bleed to the target
Focused Precision
Requires 2 Ranks in Deadly Precision
On a critical hit: +2 Focus
Bodkin Arrows
Plant Feet
Every 1.5s you do not move you earn a rank of Hold Ground
Hold Ground has 5 ranks
Hold Ground grants +2% Evade, Damage, and Critical strike chance at each rank
When you move, all tiers of Hold Ground are dispelled
When you critically strike, reduce the rank of Hold Ground by 1
Trapper of Foes
Grants the Skill: Lingering Wound
Grants the Skill: Decoy
Traps can be used while moving and have no induction.
Rain of Thorns
5 Ranks
+10% Damage to Rain of Thorns per rank
Armour Rend
Requires Piercing Trap
4 Ranks
Penetrating Shot debuffs Target: -4% Physical Mitigation and .75% Parry, Evade, and Block Rating/rank
Piercing Trap debuffs Target: -2.5% mitigation bypass per rank
Harassing Shot
New Skill requries 20 Ranks in Trapper of Foes
Grants the Skill: Harassing Shot
Force taunts the target and forces the target to attack the hunter for 5s
Cooldown 15s
Survival Gear
Requires 25 Ranks in Trapper of Foes
6 Ranks - all remain the same
The One Trap
Now requires Piercing Trap otherwise unchanged
Emergency Preparations
Requires The One Trap
3 Ranks
Rank 1: After evading an attack you place a Set Trap in front of you
Rank 2: After evading an attack you place 3 Set Traps around you (Front, left and right)
Rank 3: Grants the Skill: Survival Preparation
Survival Preparation places a set trap in front of you, a Piercing Trap to your left, and a The One Trap to your right
Okay, with this setup, the movement utility of the Hunstman becomes available to either style of the remaining specialization lines.
Trapper of Foes picks up an ability where it can, with proper execution, keep a target locked down with a root for a longer period of time, and can benefit more from the melee bonuses now offered as part of the Huntsman utility. Bowmaster maintains its core strength as the ranged damage powerhouse it has always been, but can now move when it needs to get out of mechanics without seeing an overly detrimental hit to its rotation.
Let's discuss.