Give a guy a pound of gold...he'll complain about how heavy it is.Enmity of Forum Trolls: 106/5000 Of the Egaads clan
You said in one of you posts that you were very satisfied with the chat you had with Sapience. Really? What is satisfactory, in what he said?Sapience said nothing new, literally nothing new and he didnt say nothing good/interesting about RoI as well
If you are happy with a so called ''expansion'' that launches with nothing more than a region and quests, then i dont know what to tell you..
And for all those replies that people say ''that was great''. ''cant give you more rep'', what are you talking about? did you read something that you liked in what Sapience said? Am i missing something here or what? Nothing exciting been said or any news for Isengard
Last edited by WinterStar; Aug 22 2011 at 06:40 PM.
Thanks! It really means a lot to me to read so many positive comments and thankyous! Not just for me personally but more so because I've been very disappointed with the extremely negative attitude that has descended upon this forum. And I can't remember ever seeing anything remotely like it, even on the former Codemasters forums - keep in mind that many EU players felt like we were being treated as second rate customers, compared to the US players.
I really wish people would lighten up a little. Ah hell... who am I kidding? Flame on, whine, moan, do whatever you want. This is the internet, isn't it? YOU are ALWAYS right, right?
Last edited by Lowj; Aug 22 2011 at 06:43 PM.
Loge, Snowbourn.
Founder of First Knights
Posts a Lot
I assume based on the 3 tiered pricing, the lotro store will get the 'Rise Of Isengard Expansion', and none of the pre-order perks in any form. ; It may be also available broken down but these are the parts I'm expecting to see included.
Taken from my thread where I muse about pricing:
Things I'm not expecting to see in the package deal:
Additionally, I'll clarify. I'm assuming soldiers will be able to be increased in rank given the level cap increase. They havent officially announced this either.
Last edited by Crell_1; Aug 22 2011 at 06:45 PM. Reason: Spelling
Crell-L85-Champion - Riddermark ; Swego-L85-Burglar ; Kotvi-L95-Runekeeper
Delego-L85 Hunter ; Stodden-L51-Captain ; Edhul-L61-Loremaster
Deglorion - SoA XP Disabler
I've been watching this thread all day, everyone, and I am quite disheartened to see that a few people are taking this as an opportunity to belittle or attack one another over opposing opinions.
I'd like to take the time to remind you all that just because you may not like the news does not give you a right to personally attack and insult others, just as liking the news does not give you that right. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, whether you agree with it or not, and we can discuss this calmly and together.
We're all players here, and we're all invested in the game's future. No need to begin insulting one another.
Seraphina Brennan -- Turbine Community Specialist
"When in doubt, reach for the stars. That way you'll never come up short."
Don't forget about our Facebook page! and Twitter page! =^_^= Questions on our policies? Read the community guidelines!
I try to answer all of my PMs, but I get a lot! Sometimes I may not get back to you, but I have read your mail!
Rohirrim Scout
Poster of Note
Somewhere there's a maxim that fits this I'm sure...
What can I say.. I'm young, impulsive, and have been actively trying to get this info since the press-release.. I'm more astonished by +Sapience's comment about it being the first time he's been asked about F2P/Premium PvMP Freeps. Somewhat concerned that he's only got a theory and that this isn't knowledge he's got locked down, even if he couldnt tell us under NDA.. I've made a point to emphasize it everytime someone brings up that F2P are going to get monster play. They've only promised access to reavers and that they'll sell other monster classes.. everything else is still 'in the air'..
[.sarcasm] Did Turbine really think People would only want to buy permanent access to one side of monster play? [./sarcasm]
Crell-L85-Champion - Riddermark ; Swego-L85-Burglar ; Kotvi-L95-Runekeeper
Delego-L85 Hunter ; Stodden-L51-Captain ; Edhul-L61-Loremaster
Deglorion - SoA XP Disabler
The problem I have with this particular point is that it was originally promised as part of a free Anniversary celebration, and became part of a paid expansion. Slipping timelines is one thing, but slipping something in for pay that was originally supposed to be free (whether or not it was in order to shore up lacking content) is quite another. Sure, now it "counts" as expansion content (by virtue of being in it), but it is also leaving a very bad taste in my mouth (something to which I'm becoming sadly accustomed). As a side note, though, the astute observer* might have taken it as a sign of what type of content was likely to actually be forthcoming (or not) in said expansion. The dancing around being done rather than giving a solid answer on when RoI will be available to purchase with TP and whether the new 'coming' instances will have an additional price tag is just adding insult to injury. I find I've quite lost my appetite for Turbine's monetization schemes.
ETA: This is in no way meant to demean the good efforts of the OP to get questions answered. I've added rep to you, because you went above and beyond in collecting the questions, getting time with Sapience, and reporting back. That I don't like the answers in no way lessens my admiration and gratitude to you!
TL;DR: I've pre-ordered something with a fall release date - and it's not RoI.
*See: "Doom and gloomer"
Last edited by Lomeloth; Aug 22 2011 at 07:06 PM.
[COLOR=olive]Lyriell, Elf Guardian of Carpe Jugulum [/COLOR]
[COLOR=olive]6 Fairwood Lane, Pel-e-Maenas, Falathlorn (Silverlode)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal]- Comfrey (Minstrel), Lomeloth (LM), Galmiriel (Captain), Melanna (Hunter), Curubrindal (Warden), Collinsia (Burglar)[/COLOR]
ignore this post accept for Loge..
Thank you for all information. Great to see Turbine employee's interacting with players and taking the time to explain somethings that I am sure many were wondering.
+ rep for OP
+ rep for Sapience
Last edited by Longfeellow; Aug 22 2011 at 07:09 PM.
Yes, I'll grant you that. And it could be that it being included pushed back the 3.6.12 instances that we now know are in the pipe. I'd suppose it came down to a choice: "which would we rather have as paid for content..." and in this case, the 24 man raid won. There might also have been the consideration that they just added some smaller group content earlier in the year.
Not saying it was a good move, but in the context that it was *either* 24 man or 3.6.12 man...which was the better choice?
Sorry, I'd respectfully disagree on one point... their marketing and business practice is no longer in the grey area... it has crossed a point where it could be considered black. They keep this method of business up and mark my words, there will be some nasty blood spilled in the coming year. No offense to attorneys, but with them owned by such a big corporate entity and bordering on fraudulant business practice, some attorney is going to smell blood.
I've been there, done that, and I would actually be willing to bet this is going to happen before summer of next year if not this fall. Mark my words and remember.
I could make reference to DDOs celebrations where buying access (instead of doing really grindy initial item acquisition) is an option, which you can then sustain once you get in, isnt all that uncommon. [Crystal Cove anyone?]
I'll point to the 'Treasure hunt' being nothing more than a thinly veiled tp grab lotto for ingame cosmetics (In its brief time in bullroarer),
I'll say...the raid is probably a bigger draw for players than 3/6/12 mans would have been if it had to be an either or; they chose well. I wish they'd been more forthcoming though.
Crell-L85-Champion - Riddermark ; Swego-L85-Burglar ; Kotvi-L95-Runekeeper
Delego-L85 Hunter ; Stodden-L51-Captain ; Edhul-L61-Loremaster
Deglorion - SoA XP Disabler
Just for my own curiosity, where is the false advertising and marketing? Press releases that came out over 6 months ago? Well before the official RoI anouncement from E3 where they said exactly what we are getting? Where on the official Isengard page did they say we were getting an instance cluster? Or new PvMP area? Or anything else that people are decrying?
Don't show a press release from December of last year. Show something fairly new. Show something from the point where they announced the official release date of RoI and said we were getting any of the listed above. There hasn't been any. As with any press release, items and and terms are subject to change. That is just the way it is.
I wouldn't. A few people on the forums blowing hot air on the forums does not equate with a lawsuit. And if it really does come to that...well, I think its safe to say that person who would go to that extreme has absolutely no life outside of LotRO and has taken this game FAR too seriously for his (or her) own good.
Crickhollow Server:
Evenhald: L86 Minstrel Armaius: L76 Loremaster. Gaheriad: L96 Hunter Malhion: L74 Captain
There is an extremely vocal minority that seems to have the mistaken impression that raiders represent a large number in the LOTRO playerbase. It's been made clear a number of times over the years that solo, duo and small group play is the majority.
You might not like this, instances might make your bells whistle in 3/4 time, and I'm happy for you if you like that, but don't mistakenly believe that raiders are the majority, or that they ever have been in LOTRO.
The games we play ought to be the ones we enjoy. If this game isn't the one you enjoy there are a lot out there to choose from, you don't have to flame up these forums just because this game isn't the right game for you.
In addition to:
Cirra Ceemstress, 72 Hobbit Hunter
Cyrawyn, 75 Woman Captain
Keharra Thistleknott, 38 Hobbit Warden
Kyari, 43 Elf Runekeeper
Kyradriel, 37 Elf Loremaster
Kyrafern, 29 Woman Champion
Kyre Thistleknott, 29 Hobbit Burglar
Keralin, 28 Hobbit Guardian
Exactly, that's why majority of people prefer 3/6/12 mans over one 24 man raid.
From Turbine financial perspective, it makes more sense to ship lair raid with RoI and sell instance cluster later for extra earnings.
From players perspective, it makes sense to start in 3/6/12 mans which will later on eventually lead to epic 24man lair raid. You will not convince me that majority of Lotro players prefer 24man raid over smaller group instances.
It could be even more insidious...they could KNOW they are going to charge, but are staying silent about that as they did until now (after the cat was out of the bag already) about no instances ...allowing some people to buy RoI with higher expectations that were warranted.
More could still purchase in the next 5 weeks, assuming (once again), that instances will arrive later free of charge, since they paid for RoI.
Hey...when you have live fish on the keep on reeling them in, no?
Locomente - Champ, Beraxis - Guard, Sustain - warden
Ok I will admit I have no knowledge of how a game development company runs. But what is this budget he speaks of? The only money they need to spend is on employee salaries. Not counting electricty, building lease, bandwidth, and other business operation costs. The only budget I can think of is a time budget. They'd need to budget their time. Spend X hours making Y then move on to Z because it will require alot of hours to make. I guess if they aren't making enough of a profit, they can't pay salaries so that's less people working on game development and less new content being made. Am I completely off base cause that budget comment made me wonder.
Sarik - Warleader // Jacin - Champion // Aiden - Minstrel
Crickhollow Server:
Evenhald: L86 Minstrel Armaius: L76 Loremaster. Gaheriad: L96 Hunter Malhion: L74 Captain
Right. So, who's getting new content? Raiders (though it's suboptimal content from their point of view), and presumably soloers (based on the soloification of the epic line). The paucity of new landscape group quests in the recent past make duo, small group, or full group content unlikely. That has predominantly been delivered in instances and skirmishes, which are notably absent from this expansion. What exactly was your point?
This update delivers a raid though. It may only be a lair boss, but it is a raid. 3/6 man instances are by definition not raids. Don't mistakenly believe any one playstyle, majority or not, is the only one worthy of satisfaction in a game that has, heretofor, satisfied multiple styles at least in some measure.You might not like this, instances might make your bells whistle in 3/4 time, and I'm happy for you if you like that, but don't mistakenly believe that raiders are the majority, or that they ever have been in LOTRO.
It is not flaming to express opinions and feedback on the forums of a game I have enjoyed and wish more than anything to continue enjoying. This is (or at least, has been for the past four years) the right game for me. You may disagree with my opinion, but it's hardly constructive to tell me to just go elsewhere.The games we play ought to be the ones we enjoy. If this game isn't the one you enjoy there are a lot out there to choose from, you don't have to flame up these forums just because this game isn't the right game for you.
[COLOR=olive]Lyriell, Elf Guardian of Carpe Jugulum [/COLOR]
[COLOR=olive]6 Fairwood Lane, Pel-e-Maenas, Falathlorn (Silverlode)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal]- Comfrey (Minstrel), Lomeloth (LM), Galmiriel (Captain), Melanna (Hunter), Curubrindal (Warden), Collinsia (Burglar)[/COLOR]
Thanks for the report, Lowj!
Goonies, eh? I thought it might have been the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disneyland.
There is a connection between Goonies and LOTR. Anyone wanna guess what it is? That's right, actor Sean Astin played the role of Mikey Walsh in 'Goonies' and Samwise Gamgee in 'The Lord of the Rings' movies!
Faërie is a perilous land, and in it are pitfalls for the unwary and dungeons for the overbold. – J.R.R. Tolkien, ‘On Fairy-Stories’.