I would like to see the cooldown of Rousing Words (and maybe for the partial same reasoning, the CD of Smouldering Wrath) be proportional to the channel duration.
Rousing Words is probably the base of our healing rotation, as it makes keeping up Writ of Health tier 3 on every member of the fellowship tremendously easy, and on top of that (even thought it never crits!) does quite a lot of healing.
The problem with this skill is, well, it's a channel. It roots us to a certain place for up to 6,5 seconds, making us unable to move away without breaking the channel. This makes healing raids like Draigoch (or Battle for Erebor with lazy LMs) a huge pain (not saying it's impossible, just very annoying).
Just started channeling and have to run from a rock flying at your face, or the big Dragon throws you in the air? Well, your group just received no healing from your most important group healing skill, and the skill goes on a 20s cooldown.
As channels seem to be intended to be used until no longer useful (as in, say RW full channel heals your group for 20% of their morale, but you only need 10%, so cut off mid channel) the cooldown should also accomodate this.
What I would like to see is, if RW is used for 1s, 5s cooldown. When used for 2s, 10s cooldown, etc. This way you still get the same cooldown it has now when you use it for the WoH procs, but when interrupted by any means you get to use the skill again a lot sooner.
I really don't want to see Rousing Words to be made in a copy of Inspire Fellows, it should remain a channel. But it should also be adapted to be more usable in highly mobile instance mechanics, as it makes certain raids less favorable to heal with Rune-keepers.
Characters: Tindillin (100 Rank 7 Rune-keeper), Arnillion (95 Rank 4 Hunter) on Evernight