They're getting it from here:
Raid Groups playing in Landscape will no longer benefit from Open Tapping, and will also no longer receive money, loot, xp, reputation, quest advancement or deed advancement from monster kills in landscape.
I think the lack of tools that are being referenced are ways to obviate the power-creep that is always inherent to player advancement since it is the main aspect of the game. Player skills sometimes completely negate game play in the 'moors. Outdistancing the range on instakills is a big one.
By tools, I am referencing counter play. I am a big advocate of counter play. Anything you can do, I can diminish - not remove or cripple - but, diminish.
It's not the stats. It's what audacity does on the general game.
1. The tincture always applies 5 levels. The tincture stacks to 10 but only one application at a time. Comms cost is nominal for tincutres. Mithril is just an alternate method to acquire.
2. So there might be incentive necessary for fellow play. Fair point.
Again, this is a give and take between we devs and you players right now.
Known bug; investigating.
Known issue; fixed in next iteration of Bullroarer. (Difference between a bug and issue, is that one is in a backlog of items that will need to get addressed and prioritized the latter is in the process of being fixed or introduced with a recent change and must be fixed to complete said change.)
Can you verify which rank buff this is. Thank you for catching this, I will enter a bug.
I'm not sold on this. I understand the sentiment but you still have mounts.
Not sold on this. It's an interesting point and one that will be exacerbated with the move to free creepside/freepside.
Yeah, there needs to be a disclaimer that you will get your butt handed to you if you go in too early.
I'm not planning on reducing these yet. There are reasons...but they are next step.
Yes. This is actually by design.
Yes. This is also by design. The total cost is ~115k for each side. Give or take the free levels that the creeps can earn currently. Free levels seems like a nice reward.
Yep, need to make a supplemental quest for old creeps to get those freebeies too. Need to bug it.
Where do you think I started in my return?
I get it. You're reacting to initial numbers. That's perfect. That's what we need. We need feedback, but it needs to be constructive. If you don't think I'm playing, that's fine.
I hadn't played PvMP in years...getting back in was like diving into Finnish Lakes after a sauna. I'm making adjustments and looking for feedback. Let's row in the same direction and a host of other colloquial sayings.
Are you saying that you took a fully kitted Brawler into the 'moors at rank 5 ish(15?) and you smashed face on a rank 0 unkitted monster player?
Yes, I have that note.
1. Yep, is it the rank buff?
2. Players have it too - not weekly. It's a new Task available at the supplier.
3. By design.
4. No audacity, but this is not infeasible in the future - if.
5. Didn't touch DG. But that is interesting.
Yet no maps.
The consensus has always seemed to be that from a tactical standpoint...Maps>Mounts.
WL speed buff has simply increased that advantage for creep groups.
If balance is an objective, seeking parity for general movement speed/mobility would seem like a step in the right direction.
This has been floated before: disable freep mounts, give freeps access to maps that somewhat mirror creep map areas (100-200m away), reduce WL group speed buff to something similar to Hunter's FTPath...and turn everyone loose.
All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies. And whenever they catch you, they will try to kill you. But first...they must catch you. Be cunning, and full of tricks, and you will never be destroyed...
Would prefer opposite of this. Maps have compounded the already zergy mentality that backdoors cultivated. It leads to fights being extremely concentrated because you're always a callout away from every creep coming to one spot. Would be infinitely worse if every freep could do that too. No maps at all would be a better solution and equalized movement speeds. Or perhaps fewer maps on longer CDs would be fine.
(Retired... Maybe un-retired?) Arkenstone: Immanitas R12 Burg, Gorbat R12 Reaver, Sueahpro R11 Mini, Falsified R9 RK, -The Blood Hand
Crickhollow: Orphluk R9 Warg, Orphelun-1 R8 RK. -The Blood Hand.
Awesome! Really looking forward to coming back on both sides.
I knew people who never wanted to play freepside because of the grind freep characters had compared to creeps. But likewise, I also knew people who never wanted to play creepside because they didn’t want to have to learn a whole new character that could only be played in PvMP. So I think this is a great change for both sides in order to increase PvMP population.
Also, SSG should maybe add some more PvE-related benefits for VIP in order to keep VIP still as an attractive option for all players.
Having 0 gear on except Legendary items,a good champ will beat most creeps like wargs (there are videos of it) nerf the freeps, if you guys want to take the easy way then just reduce the vitality on pvmp freep gear and do something about champion.
Nerf freeps thats a good way to start pvmp update.
Any idea when Brawlers will get things they're missing? Currently they do not get buffs from their ranks (Battlefield Promotion), which seems to be quite an oversight. I don't know if it's also good to request it here too, but any possibility brawlers could get some things to help in the moors such as a sprint or a skill to break from slows? Currently they have no way to counter-act and get away like other classes can.
I'm rowing with you. I didn't accuse you of not play, I said "if". I'm sorry you took it that way.
And the context was a question I was hoping you'd address: How in your opinion then would low ranks compile the audacity they require if questing is too dangerous, and leaders won't take them into groups?