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The World of Lord of the Rings Online

Your dream of journeying through Middle-earth ™ has arrived!
Lord of the Rings Online has been bringing Tolkien's world to life for years, and those countless hours of development allows you to explore a massive world handcrafted by lore enthusiasts whose mission is to bring authenticity and imagination to your adventure. From The Shire to the very pits of Mount Doom itself, LOTRO has it!
Among the locations to explore are Enedwaith, Mirkwood, Dunland, Great River, Eastern Rohan, Ered Luin, Bree-land, North Downs, Lone-Lands, Trollshaws, Evendim, Dale, The Misty Mountains, Forochel, Angmar, Moria, Eregion, Lothlórien, Gorgoroth, Erebor, Lake-town and more! Experience unique quest series, like The Scent of Mithril ™, that take you into the heart of the story and world.
From high-energy battles to quiet locations of respite, Lord of the Rings Online has an ever-growing map of Middle-earth!

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