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Affichage des résultats 51 à 52 sur 52
  1. #51
    Date d'inscription
    octobre 2012

    Suggestion: Legend

    I dug around a bit, and have a couple of questions/comments that I could not find the answers.

    A small thing, really, but when I first looked at Cooked Food I had a devil of a time figuring out 'ICPR' and 'NCMR'. It took a few minutes but I finally realised you were referring to In Combat (and NonCombat) Morale and Power Regen.

    In that vein, I'm not quite sure what 'Base' refers to.
    Points would be clearer if labelled XP.
    Stack would be clearer if labelled $/stack or something.

    If there are space constraints on the column width, might I suggest a few lines of text below the chart?

    I'm REALLY glad you had this done, so that it saves me the time from having to do it.

  2. #52
    Date d'inscription
    mars 2014

    Thumbs up Thank You

    Thank you very much for this information! I am really glad I found this post!=)


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