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  1. #1
    Date d'inscription
    avril 2008
    2 811

    "Best" legacies for each class

    Is there somewhere a list of the consensus "best" legacies for each class? I only have played a captain so far, and from experience and the captain's forum I've pretty much gathered what the best ones are for that class. I know there are differences of opinion, but (e.g.) most seem to think for Captain's weapon Telling Mark and PA max targets are the top two, followed in some order by melee power cost, To Arms duration, Kick Cooldown, and PA crit. It would be nice if there were such a list for all classes of the essential, the good, and the useless legacies for weapons and class items.

    The reason I ask is if I ID a legendary for another class, it is hard to tell how much should be asked for it on the AH or if it even worth putting up for sale.

  2. #2
    Date d'inscription
    mai 2007

    Re: "Best" legacies for each class

    Citation Envoyé par DelgonTheWise Voir le message
    Is there somewhere a list of the consensus "best" legacies for each class? I only have played a captain so far, and from experience and the captain's forum I've pretty much gathered what the best ones are for that class. I know there are differences of opinion, but (e.g.) most seem to think for Captain's weapon Telling Mark and PA max targets are the top two, followed in some order by melee power cost, To Arms duration, Kick Cooldown, and PA crit. It would be nice if there were such a list for all classes of the essential, the good, and the useless legacies for weapons and class items.

    The reason I ask is if I ID a legendary for another class, it is hard to tell how much should be asked for it on the AH or if it even worth putting up for sale.
    I'm too lazy to look it up but if you look far enough back there is an almost identical thread somewhere in the LI forums. Basically there may be one or two for each class that are an absolute lock but its really subjective and depends on playstyle and a number of different variables. For example 2h vs DW for champs, one you are going to covet Relentless Strikes more, the other Brutal strikes. Some absolutely have to have both and some people never even knew that one of the skills might become more useable in different setups.

    As per useless skills i think that is even harder to define. Again, using champs as an example Fight On! Duration legacy is going to be absolutely useless to some but now others swear by it and it is a must have.

    Then throw in Moors builds to add to the confusion. Basically if you get something with at least three legs on identification and their teirs are relatively decent, you have a good chance of getting some coin on the AH, if you are really not sure just put it on auction instead of a buyout and let the consumer decide

  3. #3
    Date d'inscription
    mai 2007
    3 194

    Re: "Best" legacies for each class

    Citation Envoyé par 4enzix Voir le message
    I'm too lazy to look it up but if you look far enough back there is an almost identical thread somewhere in the LI forums.
    Here is the thread, I think:
    Elven Adventuress UI ~ Newbie Guide To Playing LotRO



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