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Discussion: LUA Memory leak

  1. #1
    Date d'inscription
    mai 2007

    LUA Memory leak

    I bugged this in game but I thought I would mention it here too.

    Every image loaded using SetBackground is never unloaded, even if you stop using the image. So say you have an application which lets a user show a picture and they change the picture multiple times, the memory usage just keeps going up.
    The Un-named Kinmate
    LOTRO Utilities

  2. #2
    Date d'inscription
    juillet 2008
    6 829

    Re: LUA Memory leak

    Citation Envoyé par Tilps Voir le message
    I bugged this in game but I thought I would mention it here too.

    Every image loaded using SetBackground is never unloaded, even if you stop using the image. So say you have an application which lets a user show a picture and they change the picture multiple times, the memory usage just keeps going up.
    Actually, that's not a memory leak, the game just handles images differently than you're expecting. Every image that is loaded is kept in memory, but it also means that it doesn't use more memory if that image is used multiple times. At any rate, it's not Lua, it works the same for skins as well.

    [SIZE=1][B][COLOR=white]75[/COLOR][/B] Fourohfour | [B][COLOR=white]75[/COLOR][/B] Artemedis | [COLOR=Blue][B]60[/B][/COLOR] Whiskeytango Foxtrot | [B][COLOR=#00ca00]50[/COLOR][/B] Mistah Boombastic | [B][COLOR=#00ca00]56[/COLOR][/B] Appetizer | [B][COLOR=#a7a7a7]25[/COLOR][/B] Aggromi | [B][COLOR=blue]61[/COLOR][/B] Onepointtwentyone Gigawatts [/SIZE] [/CENTER]

  3. #3
    Date d'inscription
    mai 2007

    Re: LUA Memory leak

    I understand that and my thread subject is I guess unintentionally misleading.
    I think it is wrong that it Never reclaims unused memory. I can understand caching them to avoid reloading, but to never reclaim, with no maximum memory usage - that seems wrong.
    The Un-named Kinmate
    LOTRO Utilities



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