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  1. #1
    Date d'inscription
    septembre 2010

    Induction time reduction do anything for Guardian?

    I am fairly new to guardian class and Lotro but am quite impressed with the game. It is possibly the best MMO I've come across (for my playing style) after long string of MMOs.

    Now, my question is does the gear bonus of "induction time reduced by 9% for all skills" help Guardians in a meaningful way? I can see that "Quickness" trait "decreases your attack duration by 5%" can be helpful in applying your skills quickly assuming it translates to faster taunts and skilled attacks. However, I have not seen induction timer (except when you start drawing a bow to pull for example) while in the thick of tanking. Guardian skills do not seem to employee the "induction time" for the most part. So would that bonus go to waste for Guardians?

    Any helpful info is appreciated.

  2. #2
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2008

    Re: Induction time reduction do anything for Guardian?

    You're correct on that we don't use inductions besides Let Fly. It's a waste.
    Also that cutie Beelzebash.

  3. #3
    Date d'inscription
    janvier 2007
    2 058

    Re: Induction time reduction do anything for Guardian?

    The induction time reduction stat on bows only affects Let Fly and travel skills (not maps, only the skills such as the racial travel trait, returning to your house/kin house, or the reputation earned travel skills.)

    Not a huge deal since those travel skills can only be used out of combat but should still be mentioned.
    I want my "The Venomous" title back.

  4. #4
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2008

    Re: Induction time reduction do anything for Guardian?

    Citation Envoyé par Iracham Voir le message
    The induction time reduction stat on bows only affects Let Fly and travel skills (not maps, only the skills such as the racial travel trait, returning to your house/kin house, or the reputation earned travel skills.)

    Not a huge deal since those travel skills can only be used out of combat but should still be mentioned.
    Didn't know/realize it had any effect on those, good to know, but imo, it's still pretty useless.
    Also that cutie Beelzebash.

  5. #5
    Date d'inscription
    février 2008

    Re: Induction time reduction do anything for Guardian?

    IIRC, It use to affect the horse-summoning induction.
    [CENTER][COLOR=#C2C2A3][B]ArcticAurora [/B][COLOR=#999966]95 S/B Guard[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ffffff][B]//[/B][/COLOR] [B]Pavello[/B] [COLOR=#999966]95 OP Guard[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ffffff][B]//[/B][/COLOR] [B]Canadian[/B] [COLOR=#999966]95 Capt[/COLOR] ... [SIZE=1]et alts[/SIZE] [/COLOR]
    [B][SIZE=2][COLOR=#C2C2A3]2013 Player Councillor[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]//[/B] [SIZE=2][COLOR=#C2C2A3]Rich people would rebuild the Bridge of Khazad-Dûm. Wealthy players fill the great chasm with gold.[/COLOR][/SIZE]

  6. #6
    Date d'inscription
    avril 2007

    Re: Induction time reduction do anything for Guardian?

    It also reduces the time to make an Acorn whistle from 4 sec to 3.4 sec. Totally worth it



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