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Affichage des résultats 1 à 4 sur 4
  1. #1
    Date d'inscription
    mai 2009

    Question about limitations

    Is it possible to write a plugin that you could place skills onto a toolbar, and when you click that skill the plugin would then impose a cooldown counter over the skill?

    Like this:

  2. #2
    Date d'inscription
    décembre 2010

    Re: Question about limitations

    World of warcraft!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It burns us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. #3
    Date d'inscription
    janvier 2008

    Re: Question about limitations

    Yes, but the tracker would be independent of the actual cooldown information.

    I.e., you'd have to have information about the base cooldown of all of the skills in question, configure anything (traits, legacies, set bonuses) that could affect the cooldowns, figure out some mechanism for determining when the skill had triggered (power drop and combat log messages are usually good), determine the delay between the trigger event and the start of the cooldown, and detect any other skill usages that could modify the cooldown.

  4. #4
    Date d'inscription
    mai 2009

    Re: Question about limitations

    Citation Envoyé par moebius92 Voir le message
    Yes, but the tracker would be independent of the actual cooldown information.

    I.e., you'd have to have information about the base cooldown of all of the skills in question, configure anything (traits, legacies, set bonuses) that could affect the cooldowns, figure out some mechanism for determining when the skill had triggered (power drop and combat log messages are usually good), determine the delay between the trigger event and the start of the cooldown, and detect any other skill usages that could modify the cooldown.
    Perfect, thanks for the info man. Many thanks.



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