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  1. #51
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2010
    1 977
    Congratulations on your Official Mention by turbine for your excellent guide =) ; You've saved me hours of headache trying to explain what's going on with Hytbold!
    Crell-L85-Champion - Riddermark ; Swego-L85-Burglar ; Kotvi-L95-Runekeeper
    Delego-L85 Hunter ; Stodden-L51-Captain ; Edhul-L61-Loremaster
    Deglorion - SoA XP Disabler

  2. #52
    Date d'inscription
    novembre 2008
    This is just awesome and shows an incredible amount of passion and dedication. Thanks very much for putting it together.
    Jaedore Wishsong

  3. #53
    Date d'inscription
    octobre 2010

    Thank You very much!

  4. #54
    Date d'inscription
    mars 2009
    1 220
    Fantastic guide, thank you!

  5. #55
    Date d'inscription
    juillet 2010
    Thanks Fredelas for this awesome guide.
    I give to you ALL THE REPS.
    Stephenfry - LVL 85 Hunter; Bobbyo - LVL 47 Guardian; Hildifast - LVL 17 Warden; Felafel - LVL 11 Minstrel;
    [url][/url] feedback appreciated :D

  6. #56
    Date d'inscription
    juillet 2008
    2 378
    I just added the following information in the "Aiding the Eastemnet" post:

    If you finished every quest in Eastern Rohan while leveling up, you should have reached the following reputation standings:
    • Men of the Wold: Friend at 18,100 / 25,000 toward Ally.
    • Men of the Norcrofts: Friend at 18,700 / 25,000 toward Ally.
    • Men of the Entwash Vale: Friend at 18,800 / 25,000 toward Ally.
    • Men of the Sutcrofts: Friend at 19,700 / 25,000 toward Ally.
    This means to reach Kindred standing with every faction, you'll need a total of 146,400 reputation. It will take a minimum of 25 days to do this, assuming you do five quests for Aiding the Eastemnet each day and don't "waste" any reputation on factions that are already at Kindred standing.
    I'm pretty sure I did every quest, but if someone else came up with higher numbers, I'll have to go look for something I missed.

    Edit: Yup, I missed one quest. Fixed that!

    Edit again: I missed three more quests in the Sutcrofts! How sloppy of me!
    Dernière modification par Fredelas ; 20/10/2012 à 12h48.

  7. #57
    Date d'inscription
    avril 2007
    4 482
    Citation Envoyé par Fredelas Voir le message
    I have screenshots of them from beta and a list of which deeds to complete. I'll add those in today! (I'm just trying to decide how to present it, since I can only put four images in one post on these forums.)

    There were some bugs with the housing items in beta. Of note, the models for chandeliers went through the floor so all you could see was the chain, the double windows attached to hooks incorrectly, some furniture models were missing textures on their backs, and some items that traditionally have been large wall decorations were instead large furniture decorations.

    In the meantime, several other players have posted galleries of those items. Chromite has one here for example:
    Hey, thank you for the quick response!

    I have seen that gallery, which is one reason I'm so eager to see /how/ to get them the quickest ways.

    Since your housing guide is not up yet, perhaps the simplest way to implement it is have links to the picture of each individual item, since there is a 4-pics-per-post limit. It's not the most ideal way, but it will work. Even better if you have the links come up as a separate tab (though I do not know if that's possible with bbc coding).

    I'll continue refreshing this thread daily in the meanwhile

    RIP ELENDILMIR • Jingle Jangle
    : LAERLIN (Bio + Drawings) • LAERWEN • OLORIEL • AETHELIND (Bio + Drawing) • NETHAEL

  8. #58
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2011
    Thanks Fredelas, appreciate the effort you and everyone else put into this guide. Really amazing! Bravo! Me thinks Fred is a secret agent undercover Dev, lol.

  9. #59
    Date d'inscription
    avril 2010
    Thanks a lot Fredelas for your guide, can we use it or parts of it for lotro-wiki ? It's easier to centralize every bit of information as much as possible.

  10. #60
    Avatar de Wynniekins
    Wynniekins est déconnecté Defender of the Hornburg
    Fail Mini
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2011
    First of all: awesome post

    Second: I'm a bit confused in regards to the map. According to that, the quest giver requiring Kindred standing with the Wold is Oseg, and the Ally standing NPC is Hargar. However, in all the posts regarding armour, Oseg is mentioned as the Ally standing NPC and Hargar as the Kindred NPC... So I'm somewhat confused
    Isquariel ~ lvl 105 Rune-keeper / Ithilielle ~ lvl 105 Minstrel

  11. #61
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2011
    Citation Envoyé par Wynniekins Voir le message
    First of all: awesome post

    Second: I'm a bit confused in regards to the map. According to that, the quest giver requiring Kindred standing with the Wold is Oseg, and the Ally standing NPC is Hargar. However, in all the posts regarding armour, Oseg is mentioned as the Ally standing NPC and Hargar as the Kindred NPC... So I'm somewhat confused
    Oseg is Ally.
    Ishtarien - Captain
    Ishtara - Beorning | Ishtari - Rune Keeper | Ishtarel - Hunter
    Lunasa - Minstrel | Cabernetta - Guardian | Ishtaridas - Lore Master | + many more
    Eldar -> Evernight

  12. #62
    Date d'inscription
    juillet 2008
    2 378
    Citation Envoyé par Wynniekins Voir le message
    First of all: awesome post

    Second: I'm a bit confused in regards to the map. According to that, the quest giver requiring Kindred standing with the Wold is Oseg, and the Ally standing NPC is Hargar. However, in all the posts regarding armour, Oseg is mentioned as the Ally standing NPC and Hargar as the Kindred NPC... So I'm somewhat confused
    You're right, I got the titles mixed up in an earlier version of the map. Thanks for catching that!

    Since I'm using the Lorebook to host the images (to take advantage of Turbine's content delivery platform) they sometimes get cached by the servers and don't seem to update when I upload a new version of an existing file to the Lorebook. (This is why one of the burglar sets appears to sometimes have a transparent background, too.)

    I think I've worked around this now by uploading a completely new file to the Lorebook. I hope this doesn't break things.

  13. #63
    Date d'inscription
    juillet 2008
    2 378
    Citation Envoyé par Maelendil Voir le message
    Thanks a lot Fredelas for your guide, can we use it or parts of it for lotro-wiki ? It's easier to centralize every bit of information as much as possible.
    You can use any of the structured information in any of these posts in any way you see fit. (I don't own that information, since it's basically a structured presentation of the game data which is covered by the game's copyright.)

    Here's a link to a slightly more complex denormalized spreadsheet with some of the information we gathered which may be of use if anyone wants to reuse it:

    Google Docs Spreadsheet

    Personally, I felt that the editorial style of the rest of the text wouldn't fit well with a wiki format, which is why I posted this in the official forums. I would ask that you not repost entire narrative portions of the guide elsewhere, although anyone is welcome to write their own guide based on it as a source. (I don't consider myself the most reliable source, so I'd hate for my errors to be propagated to the rest of the internet verbatim. At least here, I can fix them if someone brings them to my attention.)

  14. #64
    Date d'inscription
    mai 2012
    Proof again that LOTRO attracts articulate and genuinely helpful players.

    Only disturbing part has nothing whatsoever to do with the guide but, rather the system.

    Players who succeed against challenges that can only be met by highly skilled and brilliantly executed teamwork should receive rewards surpassing soloists or groups of average or casual players.

    I take it there will be something in the works for top tier team players.

    Not that I am one....not hardly. I'm average on my best day. It's just the principle of the thing. It can't be like religion; you can't get there by devotion alone....well, not to the very top.
    Dernière modification par Aethelwald ; 19/10/2012 à 19h09.

  15. #65
    Date d'inscription
    avril 2007
    4 482
    Thank you, Fred, for the list of deeds! For now I'll look at the Hytbold photo album for reference, until this page is complete ^^ But still most helpful! I appreciate all the work you've put into this.

    RIP ELENDILMIR • Jingle Jangle
    : LAERLIN (Bio + Drawings) • LAERWEN • OLORIEL • AETHELIND (Bio + Drawing) • NETHAEL

  16. #66
    Avatar de Wynniekins
    Wynniekins est déconnecté Defender of the Hornburg
    Fail Mini
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2011
    Citation Envoyé par Fredelas Voir le message
    You're right, I got the titles mixed up in an earlier version of the map. Thanks for catching that!

    Since I'm using the Lorebook to host the images (to take advantage of Turbine's content delivery platform) they sometimes get cached by the servers and don't seem to update when I upload a new version of an existing file to the Lorebook. (This is why one of the burglar sets appears to sometimes have a transparent background, too.)

    I think I've worked around this now by uploading a completely new file to the Lorebook. I hope this doesn't break things.
    Thank you very much indeed for clearing that up Thanks again for all the work you put into this
    Isquariel ~ lvl 105 Rune-keeper / Ithilielle ~ lvl 105 Minstrel

  17. #67
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2011
    The Sutcrofts repeatable 'Ghâmpronk: Digging For Iron' gave me 700 reputation rather than 1200. Perhaps the same goes for other quests too.

  18. #68
    Date d'inscription
    mars 2010
    I think the previous poster is correct. One of the Harwick quests only awarded me +700 reputation. I believe it was from one of the two guys that only hands out one quest. I think it was the "game of tag" quest, but I may be mistaken about that. It might also have been from one of the two private instance quests, but I am sure that one only gave me +700.

  19. #69
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2010
    1 977
    Anyone have a map of BOX locations for Harwick: dressup? =)
    Crell-L85-Champion - Riddermark ; Swego-L85-Burglar ; Kotvi-L95-Runekeeper
    Delego-L85 Hunter ; Stodden-L51-Captain ; Edhul-L61-Loremaster
    Deglorion - SoA XP Disabler

  20. #70
    Date d'inscription
    juillet 2008
    2 378
    Citation Envoyé par Peter_Pan Voir le message
    The Sutcrofts repeatable 'Ghâmpronk: Digging For Iron' gave me 700 reputation rather than 1200. Perhaps the same goes for other quests too.
    You should report this as a /bug. I believe all the Aiding the Eastemnet daily quests are intended to reward 1200 reputation. Only the developers know for sure though, and the only way for them to confirm it is if you file a /bug report.

    I'll do my best to double check the reputation rewards from each daily quest over the next week or so, too.

  21. #71
    Date d'inscription
    août 2010
    The resource nodes in each instance only respawn every three days.
    I am able to collect lumber daily and the "/raid locks" are always less than 24hrs. Was this changed to reset daily?

  22. #72
    Date d'inscription
    juillet 2008
    2 378
    Citation Envoyé par hurant Voir le message
    I am able to collect lumber daily and the "/raid locks" are always less than 24hrs. Was this changed to reset daily?
    Either it was changed, or it has always been daily. My main is a Yeoman, so I can't gather anything in any of the instances to check this. (It's just what people told me in beta.) I'll just remove that reference.

    Thanks for bringing that to my attention.

  23. #73
    Date d'inscription
    mars 2010
    Citation Envoyé par Fredelas Voir le message
    You should report this as a /bug. I believe all the Aiding the Eastemnet daily quests are intended to reward 1200 reputation. Only the developers know for sure though, and the only way for them to confirm it is if you file a /bug report.

    I'll do my best to double check the reputation rewards from each daily quest over the next week or so, too.
    Since there were instances of +700 in two areas, perhaps a change was made. I don't think it's a bug.

  24. #74
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2011
    Those Hytbold instance quests I have done so far in live have awarded me 1200 rep each, so I think it is a bug if some of them gives only 700.

    EDIT: I noticed that of two Harwick Digelon-instance quests, one gave me 700 rep and another one gave me 1200 rep. Hmm, I might have to start checking if this is true with other instanced Hytbold repeatables as well.
    Dernière modification par Gilean-EU ; 21/10/2012 à 10h54.

  25. #75
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2011
    Sorry if it's already been mentioned, but I think it's weird that the Hytbold armor pieces (at least for Champion) only has 30-40 durability, if I remember correctly most RoI armors have like 60-90 durability.

    Why is this?


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