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Discussion: Rare Breed - Kin

  1. #1
    Avatar de Dadislotroguides
    Dadislotroguides est déconnecté The Well Met
    Former Players Council Member
    Date d'inscription
    janvier 2007

    Rare Breed - Kin

    Rare Breed is a kin on the Meneldor server. We are led into battle by our leader, Maegilthalion, and seconded by Marswarlord. We are a family of all different types of gamers from all different walks of life. Some of us are casual gamers; others of us are hard-core gamers. We enjoy all aspects of LOTRO. We have people who craft, who only solo quest, people who love to raid.
    As one of the largest active kins on the server we have weekly scheduled runs, raids, and social events. Plus a creep tribe for those who like to PvMP. We stay pretty busy, and run lots of ad-hoc runs throughout the day, but we are most importantly a kin who likes to have fun.

    We seek friendly and mature adult members to join us in our journey through the wonderful land of Middle Earth. If this kin is of interest to you, please visit our website or chat an officer in game.
    Dadi / Tyrlas - Arkenstone (Leader - Rare Breed Kin)

  2. #2
    Avatar de Dadislotroguides
    Dadislotroguides est déconnecté The Well Met
    Former Players Council Member
    Date d'inscription
    janvier 2007
    Last night (Friday) someone commented about how dead the game was because there was only 2 people from their kin online on a Friday night. I quickly opened the social panel to see how many were on for Rare Breed ... 26.

    It is clear that some kins are shrinking, for various reasons, and as a result; others are growing. Rare Breed has been a very steady kin, remaining very active during the lulls of LOTRO.

    If you find your kin is dwindling and you are looking for a new home, come check out Rare Breed.
    Dadi / Tyrlas - Arkenstone (Leader - Rare Breed Kin)

  3. #3
    Date d'inscription
    décembre 2008

    Don't do it

    Rare Breed has leadership that tries to tell you after you buy kin AH items how you are allowed to benefit. You are persona non grata which you deceptively find out after the fact if you try to use what you buy in the best way the item can help you. They put control freak strings on you. I can't in good conscience reccommend them with their current leadership.

  4. #4
    Avatar de Dadislotroguides
    Dadislotroguides est déconnecté The Well Met
    Former Players Council Member
    Date d'inscription
    janvier 2007
    Citation Envoyé par duttnutt Voir le message
    Rare Breed has leadership that tries to tell you after you buy kin AH items how you are allowed to benefit. You are persona non grata which you deceptively find out after the fact if you try to use what you buy in the best way the item can help you. They put control freak strings on you. I can't in good conscience reccommend them with their current leadership.

    You bought items on the AH listed as Kinship Only for dirt cheap and then immediately re-posted the items on the AH at a tremendous profit. And you don't see anything wrong with that??? You are profiting off of someone's generosity ... give your head a shake.
    Dadi / Tyrlas - Arkenstone (Leader - Rare Breed Kin)

  5. #5
    Date d'inscription
    décembre 2008

    Yup and there's nothing wrong with it when there's no such prior conditions advertised

    That's what would help me. I see nothing wrong with that since there were no such prior conditions put on such a sale; not a peep about that advertised. If someone wanted folks to follow what they feel their product should be used for, then they shouldn't be selling the articles in that way but use kin chat so folks know that's how someone wanted the articles used. Then I wouldn't have bought them as I resent folks telling me how to use things I OWN. I offered to give them back but someone wanted to debase me to show abased contrition and I refused to bow to their delusions of morality IMPOSED ***AFTER*** THE FACT and I felt were snuck on me from out of the blue. No, ***YOU*** GET A CLUE. I was always helpful in that kin and made a lot of friends I will not forget. The leadership doesn't know how to handle people, even long time friendly kinmates, and SHOULD IMMEDIATELY RESIGN!!! I have never put conditions on what I sold dirt cheap (including HD crafting recipes recently at a loss) in kin- what would help them is MY motto, not imposing usage restrictions with some private values I wish to impose. I certainly didn't monitor for hints on how the items were used; someone is a pretty sad case imo for spending their time doing that and weaseling at me behind the scenes; THAT is immoral. Whatever helps my kinnies is how I look at it. Profit is not evil inherently- it helps me get what I really want in the game right now, economically.

  6. #6
    Date d'inscription
    décembre 2008

    Poor strategy

    Guess I should have been dishonest and denied I did that like the others who have done the same thing!

  7. #7
    Date d'inscription
    avril 2008
    2 811
    Citation Envoyé par duttnutt Voir le message
    That's what would help me. I see nothing wrong with that since there were no such prior conditions put on such a sale; not a peep about that advertised. If someone wanted folks to follow what they feel their product should be used for, then they shouldn't be selling the articles in that way but use kin chat so folks know that's how someone wanted the articles used. Then I wouldn't have bought them as I resent folks telling me how to use things I OWN. I offered to give them back but someone wanted to debase me to show abased contrition and I refused to bow to their delusions of morality IMPOSED ***AFTER*** THE FACT and I felt were snuck on me from out of the blue. No, ***YOU*** GET A CLUE. I was always helpful in that kin and made a lot of friends I will not forget. The leadership doesn't know how to handle people, even long time friendly kinmates, and SHOULD IMMEDIATELY RESIGN!!! I have never put conditions on what I sold dirt cheap (including HD crafting recipes recently at a loss) in kin- what would help them is MY motto, not imposing usage restrictions with some private values I wish to impose. I certainly didn't monitor for hints on how the items were used; someone is a pretty sad case imo for spending their time doing that and weaseling at me behind the scenes; THAT is immoral. Whatever helps my kinnies is how I look at it. Profit is not evil inherently- it helps me get what I really want in the game right now, economically.
    Not a Rare Breed member or associate, but wow. It should be totally obvious that things sold at a steep discount (usually the AH posting price) to kinfolk are not for resale, but are put on the AH for those who need them for personal use. I'd have thought it went without saying. Same as items posted in kinchat with "anyone need an XXX". No need to say it isn't intended for resale, it is just plain common sense that you aren't intending to hand out gold. Good for them for having standards...

    Perhaps you should find a kin that shares your "values", if any exists? Or start a kin based on them?
    Dernière modification par DelgonTheWise ; 14/02/2014 à 08h09. Motif: fixed typos/clarified

  8. #8
    Date d'inscription
    avril 2007
    Yep, Delgon.

    Buy something from kin AH posting, you use it or if you feel the need to get money to purchase an item to help you, ask the kin member who posted it first if it is okay that you resell. Otherwise, you look like the traditional freeloader taking advantage of kinmates. If nobody told you that before it was addressed by your kin, you should be sure that you know it now.
    Leafblade, Captain

  9. #9
    Date d'inscription
    mars 2007
    I'm actually kind of surprised that you don't get it yet. How can a kin leave the chests open to someone they know is selling gifts for profit?

    Rare Breed is about looking after each other to improve game play, not bank balances.


    P.S. A public forum is maybe not the best place to have this conversation. Any decent kin would think twice about recruiting someone who sits on the shady side of an honour code.

  10. #10
    Date d'inscription
    décembre 2008

    Its a game

    I'm trying to raise cash for emerald shards. The idea that its only "moral" if it takes **ME** 1000 sales to buy ONE shard rather 100 sales is Absurd. It's a GAME and folks shouldn't be trying to impose their personal ideas about "obscene profits" on others after the fact. If you want to control what you sell to the extent they want to then they should sell in a way that advertises how they want folks to use their item. Not all share socialistic ideas about what happens in a free market where no such conditions are stated up front. But this absurdity is instructive about those who would consider joining that kin. Do you really want to have to walk on eggshells all the time? I reject the notion I don't have values. I just think you shouldn't be dictating how folks want to get help in the game. I reject the notion that wanting to sell the item to help me get shards is inherently wrong in any way shape or form!

  11. #11
    Date d'inscription
    mars 2007
    I've given away 5 shards already to kin mates in need. All you needed to do was ask.

  12. #12
    Date d'inscription
    décembre 2008


    Is someone really being "generous" when their attitude is you can only buy this (never mind you don't tell potential buyers that first) if it doesn't help you much? Noper, I'd say that person is the opposite of generous if that is the attitude. TRUE generosity is giving even if it really helps someone a lot! The absurd arguments against how I look at this slay me. If you want to impose socialistic ideas about what is fair, generous or whatever other subjective opinion you have about sales, then you should at least state so up front, not after the fact. Sheesh, this is so ridiculous. MY conscience is clear- I've done absolutely nothing wrong!

  13. #13
    Date d'inscription
    septembre 2010
    Rare Breed is a social kin with a strict 'no drama' policy. We have over 100 players representing over 200 active toons. We keep our kinchests open and use the honor system on them as well as kin auction. The thing is: I have never had to say anything to anybody about this honor system until now. I'm sorry you didn't get it. You should have, you were with the kin for quite a long time.
    Does it make you feel better to flame this forum and anyone who will listen about how horrible we are?
    Flame on, anyone who knows Rare Breed knows better than the empty statements you are making about us.

    I personally try to give more to my kin than I take from it, and have had the honor of leading this kin for 9 months now.
    I have the fortune of having an excellent officer base to work beside, and I don't think any of us are going to resign over this any time soon.


    Maegilthalion Lalaithoniel of Meneldor
    Leader of Rare Breed
    Dernière modification par Maegilthalion ; 14/02/2014 à 10h06.

  14. #14
    Date d'inscription
    avril 2008
    2 811
    Citation Envoyé par duttnutt Voir le message
    Is someone really being "generous" when their attitude is you can only buy this (never mind you don't tell potential buyers that first) if it doesn't help you much? Noper, I'd say that person is the opposite of generous if that is the attitude. TRUE generosity is giving even if it really helps someone a lot! The absurd arguments against how I look at this slay me. If you want to impose socialistic ideas about what is fair, generous or whatever other subjective opinion you have about sales, then you should at least state so up front, not after the fact. Sheesh, this is so ridiculous. MY conscience is clear- I've done absolutely nothing wrong!
    Sounds like you can do what you like, on your own.

    I think kins are inherently somewhat socialistic. They are run for mutual benefit, and are not (internally) generally meant to be competitive. If people were moaning about you buying low and selling high on unrestricted (non kin) items I'd be on your side. But if you think vacuuming up cheap items people put in kin auction and selling them is what the sellers would intend or want, well, you have your own special sense of "values" or "what is reasonable" that I'd guess doesn't agree with most folks expectations of kinfolk. It doesn't seem like it agrees with the Rare Breed's leaderships values either. You complain that they didn't make this clear, seems to me like the kind of obvious "rule" that need not even be written down.

    If there is stuff in the kin chest, and the policy is "take what you need", sounds like you'd be good scooping it all and selling it on AH, or even vendoring it. After all, you "need" it to get your shards. Why not?
    Dernière modification par DelgonTheWise ; 14/02/2014 à 12h09.

  15. #15
    Date d'inscription
    décembre 2008
    There were no restrictions stated ahead of time. ONLY after the fact of the sale had already occurred. THAT is the TRUTH.

  16. #16
    Date d'inscription
    avril 2008
    2 811
    Citation Envoyé par duttnutt Voir le message
    There were no restrictions stated ahead of time. ONLY after the fact of the sale had already occurred. THAT is the TRUTH.
    If your goal is to warn others about the perils of this kin, you're not, at least to me, being very successful. I'm not shopping for a kin to join, but if I were the kin's attitude and response to you would be selling points. I'd not want to be in a kin which tolerated folks who had to be told that slurping up stuff posted dirt cheap on the AH to sell for profit is not the behavior expected of kinfolk, much less a kin that tolerated people who made a fuss after having this (IMHO obvious) violation of reasonable behavior pointed out.

    You probably aren't doing yourself favors when it comes to shopping for a new kin.
    Dernière modification par DelgonTheWise ; 14/02/2014 à 13h03.

  17. #17
    Date d'inscription
    décembre 2008


    I disagree, there are those who believe in freedom and can recognize bogus self-righteous posturing. I've already got discrete msgs of support but those folks are afraid to speak out. Thats socialimsm for ya. I'm aiming by means I still have available to explain my self to others who are currently being screened from having access to my side of the story. Not everyone has a socialistic bent. Socialism isn't not the only morality sheesh. And I hope to spare those who believe in freedom from having to be subject to those who desire to control them AFTER they've unknowingly "Sinned". its really sad some feel the right to ruin old friendships for the sake of their personal economic philosophies in what is after all, JUST A GAME. Sheesh!

  18. #18
    Date d'inscription
    avril 2008
    2 811
    Citation Envoyé par duttnutt Voir le message
    I disagree, there are those who believe in freedom and can recognize bogus self-righteous posturing. I've already got discrete msgs of support but those folks are afraid to speak out. Thats socialimsm for ya. I'm aiming by means I still have available to explain my self to others who are currently being screened from having access to my side of the story. Not everyone has a socialistic bent. Socialism isn't not the only morality sheesh. And I hope to spare those who believe in freedom from having to be subject to those who desire to control them AFTER they've unknowingly "Sinned". its really sad some feel the right to ruin old friendships for the sake of their personal economic philosophies in what is after all, JUST A GAME. Sheesh!
    I have no liking for socialism in a political context. In my family however we share lots of things, is that "socialism"? I want a kin to be more like a family than a political system. You appear to want a kin to be a dog eat dog "I get mine" association, everyone out for their own personal aggrandizement. Or so you come across to me.

  19. #19
    Date d'inscription
    décembre 2008


    You don't know me. i give stuff away all the time and craft stuff for my friends gratis. Folks are just posturing after the fact and spinning. The original behind the back weasle who complained is actually more selfish than me as i've already explained.

  20. #20
    Date d'inscription
    avril 2008
    2 811
    Citation Envoyé par duttnutt Voir le message
    You don't know me. i give stuff away all the time and craft stuff for my friends gratis. Folks are just posturing after the fact and spinning. The original behind the back weasle who complained is actually more selfish than me as i've already explained.
    You are correct, I don't know you. Perhaps you are a far better/more mature person than your words and positions make you appear to me. Not that you care (or should care) about my opinion. But apparently that impression is shared by the your (former?) kin.

    Again, just going by the words, your position and your description of the incident contrasted with that of the kin and its leadership comes across as a recommendation for the kin to me, which I'd doubt is your intent... Anyway, best of luck finding people compatible with your views.

  21. #21
    Date d'inscription
    avril 2007
    Wow, you really are delusional. If you would've just admitted your culpability in the matter when it was first brought up, this whole thing would've likely
    blown over, but no, you had to double down on dumb. What color is the sky in your world when you think that someone trying to move materials
    to other kinnies at nominal costs would be ok with you trying to make a quick buck on his largesse?

    And even in this thread, people unrelated to the situation & kin have chimed in to tell you that your actions are unseemly at best, yet still like some Orcish
    version of Maya Angelou you 'rise'. Nobody is buying your conspiratorial cries of socialism run amok or are they buying your claims of whispered messages of support
    from those too afraid to rock the staus quo. What did you expect was going to happen here? A chorus of the disenfranchised would picket the Rare Breed offices? There aren't any.

    Get over yourself. You put your hand in the cookie jar & got caught. If you need to be told that stealing is wrong, you've got bigger issues than your
    image in a game. And 'btw' "It's just a game' as a response is the last refuge of a scoundrel.


  22. #22
    Date d'inscription
    décembre 2008
    "Stealing" bwahaha PULEEEEZE, you're the delusional one just like the kin leaders who are misrepresenting the situation. I admited what I did. And there's NOTHING WRONG WITH WHAT I DID- I bought something advertised for the advertised price that didn't say anything about delusions of morality never brought up as a condition of sale. Tin pot despot wannabes are who need to get over themselves. i'm going to be warning about this kin for some time to come so people know to steer clear of the control freaks.

  23. #23
    Date d'inscription
    avril 2011
    2 993
    Citation Envoyé par Maegilthalion Voir le message
    Rare Breed is a social kin with a strict 'no drama' policy. We have over 100 players representing over 200 active toons. We keep our kinchests open and use the honor system on them as well as kin auction. The thing is: I have never had to say anything to anybody about this honor system until now. I'm sorry you didn't get it. You should have, you were with the kin for quite a long time.
    Does it make you feel better to flame this forum and anyone who will listen about how horrible we are?
    Flame on, anyone who knows Rare Breed knows better than the empty statements you are making about us.

    I personally try to give more to my kin than I take from it, and have had the honor of leading this kin for 9 months now.
    I have the fortune of having an excellent officer base to work beside, and I don't think any of us are going to resign over this any time soon.


    Maegilthalion Lalaithoniel of Meneldor
    Leader of Rare Breed
    While I agree this guy crossed the line 100 percent , isn't a strict no drama policy broken with all these post on the subject?

    Does the strict no drama policy apply to the creep tribe too?

    Ok carry on
    A tree is a tree, a Rock is a rock and a Troll is Elmo

  24. #24
    Date d'inscription
    septembre 2010
    Yeah, taking advantage of massively discounted items and generous goodwill for your monetary gain is wrong in all circumstances. Like, that clearly goes without saying, you don't need to specifically write that out. It's unbelievable that someone would think otherwise, you know what you were doing.

    This just makes me like Rare Breed if anything

  25. #25
    Date d'inscription
    décembre 2008


    In a contract if you honor the terms of an advertised contract, it is not wrong. I did that, I paid the advertised price and it became MINE to do with as I saw fit. Faux moralities brought up after the sale are utterly BOGUS. If secret terms had been revealed ahead of time I wouldn't have bought. Spinning an after the fact view of what is wrong is a dishonest merely subjective spin of the situation according to no contract advertised. BASIC economic agreements 101. Spinning and lying about business contracts not to the contrary. Folks looking for an honest upfront kin can do better with a kin that makes contract terms clear ahead of time.


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