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  1. #1
    Date d'inscription
    avril 2013

    Post The Elite Army of the Citadel

    Hello everyone,

    The Elite Army of the Citadel, is rank 7 kinship with fresh new kinship house in Whinshot (hobbit house). 20th of April, 2014 we started recruiting to our kinship new members. We would love to inform you a bit about us, what we do, what we have to offer.

    1. Kin rules: - There is only one we have and it is kin collecting .... every wednesday we collect 100 silver only from each player in kin to make kin chest more wealthy.
    For collected money we buy stuff for kinnies, kin house maintance etc. etc.
    - !!! we dont have rule, that you must!! have all toons in our kinship !!!

    2. School - We do once a month school, where higher ranked freep, player will come and get paid for telling us about him and playing his class for so long, which virtues
    to use, race skills, Legendary items build, spent trait points, etc. etc.

    3. Training - We traing each memeber, and we will, how to use groupin ,raiding, RAT assist, everything about dmg types, how to use channels, about using social panel,
    etc. etc., also as an officer what do we expect from you.

    4. Timezone - We want to have EU and US timezone players in our kinship, so as much officers will be during EU daytime online, will be during night US officers with bit of
    luck, time and patience ofc.

    5. Offer - We need atm still and we offering positions for: 1. Economist officer (more explained in mail)
    2. Behaviour officer (more explained in mail)
    3. Vocation officer (more explained in mail)
    4. US officers (5 US players to lead kin during the night)
    5. PvMP officer (more explained in mail)
    6. creep side -> 2 officers & defiler for start

    6. Kin competitions - Well because we dont want to inspire other kins, i ll keep this as a kin secret, but we will do monthly two big and one small kin competitins where
    u can win nice rewards and one year one, where u can win VIP!!!!!

    7. Rep farming - We have rep farming twice a week as a kin. So if you are free to play player and u dont know how to earn TP for ur new region, come and join us.

    8. PVMP - We play freep and creep, so if u r one of those who dont like any more solo play and getting killed by Boshal, come and join us (apropo: we might
    die together, cause he is just too good )

    We are active players and we are looking forward to seeing some of you joining us and helping building a great and big familly and big Gondor Army. For more information send tell or mail to Klaraghorn. Thank you for your patience and time.

  2. #2
    Date d'inscription
    novembre 2013
    So worth joining ^^



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