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  1. #226
    Date d'inscription
    octobre 2011
    Thanks for the response

    I'm not really worried about maximizing DPS so a short delay between skills wouldn't bother me. I'd rather be able to reliably execute a rotation without worrying about accidentally missing an important ability because I clicked too fast!

  2. #227
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2011
    2 190
    Version 3.34 of SequenceBars is now available at lotrointerface.

    Version 3.34 release notes

    Bug fixes:

    • Fixed a bug that could cause the "/sb sort" command to fail with an error message, if the Color Picker had been opened previously.

    New features:

    • Added support for more fonts -- Thanks, Garan.
    • Added an option (requested by Antitheist) to wait until a skill executes before advancing to the next slot in the sequence. It may fail to work in some cases: Since I don't have high level characters of every class, I am unable to test them all. If you find a skill that it doesn't work for, let me know. (There are some skills, such as mounts, that won't work because they aren't in moebius92's database.)

    Other changes:

    • Improved the algorithm for detecting idleness, so the plugin won't save as often. Saving can cause noticeable hitching, depending on the amount of data to be saved.

  3. #228
    Date d'inscription
    octobre 2011
    That was fast!

    So.. how do I actually enable the option? Sorry, I've only just started using SequenceBars and there's a lot to learn!

  4. #229
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2011
    2 190
    Citation Envoyé par Antitheist Voir le message
    That was fast!

    So.. how do I actually enable the option? Sorry, I've only just started using SequenceBars and there's a lot to learn!
    In the sequence editor, if you currently have a skill slot selected in the left panel, then in the right panel you should see an option to "Advance to next slot when skill is executed":

    If the option doesn't appear, then the skill isn't in moebius92's database, or there is some other problem. Let me know and I might be able to fix it.

  5. #230
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2011
    2 190
    Version 3.35 of SequenceBars is now available at lotrointerface.

    Version 3.35 release notes

    Bug fixes:

    • In the previous version, the Directory (in the options panel) was very slow to update (~10-12 seconds) after changes such as moving bars from one group to another, or showing/hiding bars. This is now fixed.
    • In the previous version, the newly-added "Advance to next slot when skill executes" feature didn't work for the Warden skills "Spear and Spear" and "Spear and Shield", due to an error in the SkillData database. These should now work. If you find any other skills for which this feature doesn't work, please let me know.

  6. #231
    Date d'inscription
    octobre 2011
    Hi again,

    I don't think this issue is specifically related to your plugin but is there any way of avoiding cancelling channelled skills by double clicking them? The SequenceBars rotation will work perfectly until it gets to a channelled skill (Smouldering Wrath) but if you click twice the second click will immediately cancel the channel.

    I really wish there was an option to disable the skill queue entirely in this game. I can see multiple threads asking for that feature from back in 2009 even.

    Other than that the new feature is great! Works perfectly on my melee classes.

  7. #232
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2011
    2 190
    Citation Envoyé par Antitheist Voir le message
    is there any way of avoiding cancelling channelled skills by double clicking them? The SequenceBars rotation will work perfectly until it gets to a channelled skill (Smouldering Wrath) but if you click twice the second click will immediately cancel the channel.
    I can't think of a good way to do that. I could prevent you from clicking the skill again after having clicked it once, but then what if the skill failed (e.g. because you moved) and you want to click it again?

    Unfortunately, there's no reliable way for me to detect that a skill has failed.

  8. #233
    Date d'inscription
    février 2007

    Possible Bug for hunters?

    Fire-oil and improved quick shot seems to be breaking my sequence bar. The bar simply will not advance past quick shot with the oil active. I've checked this with the debugger. (Note: I have all skills set to "Advance when executed" and "Requires Target")

    My bar works fine with no oil applied.

    Whether or not fire-oil is applied improved quick shot appears to have the same skill id. At least according to the Alerter plugin. Still, I tried adding skills with and without fire-oil. No Luck.

    Am I doing something wrong or is this perhaps a bug?

  9. #234
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2011
    2 190
    Citation Envoyé par xiaoyu Voir le message
    Fire-oil and improved quick shot seems to be breaking my sequence bar. The bar simply will not advance past quick shot with the oil active. I've checked this with the debugger. (Note: I have all skills set to "Advance when executed" and "Requires Target")

    My bar works fine with no oil applied.

    Whether or not fire-oil is applied improved quick shot appears to have the same skill id. At least according to the Alerter plugin. Still, I tried adding skills with and without fire-oil. No Luck.

    Am I doing something wrong or is this perhaps a bug?
    Thanks for reporting the issue. Please see my reply at lotrointerface.

  10. #235
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2011
    2 190
    Version 3.37 of SequenceBars is now available at lotrointerface.

    Versions 3.36 and 3.37 release notes

    New features:

    • Added a new special slot type: "Lua script". You can use this to execute any arbitrary Lua script. The return value is ignored.

    Bug fixes:

    • Fixed a race condition that could cause flakiness when skill slots were set to "Advance when skill is executed".
    • The "Advance when skill is executed" feature should now work for the "Improved Penetrating Shot" and "Improved Quick Shot" skills when fire/light oil is in use.

    Other changes:

    • Added some additional debug output in the "ADVANCE" debug trace, and enabled it by default.
    • Improved handling of scenarios in which the user enters an invalid Lua script.

  11. #236
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2011
    2 190
    Version 3.38 of SequenceBars is now available at lotrointerface.

    Version 3.38 release notes

    Bug fixes:

    • In previous versions, after importing group(s)/bar(s), the bar directory was not updated promptly. The display should now be updated within 0.25 s after you stop moving the mouse.
    • In previous versions, when using the French or German client, setting a noninteger duration (e.g. 0.75 seconds) for a "Delay" slot could cause the delay not to execute. This is now fixed.
    • In the previous version I introduced a minor UI bug that sometimes prevents test runs of Lua scripts for conditional slots; this is now fixed.
    Dernière modification par Thurallor ; 03/10/2019 à 22h10.

  12. #237
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2011
    2 190
    Version 3.41 of SequenceBars is now available at lotrointerface.

    Versions 3.39-3.41 release notes

    Bug fixes:

    • Fixed a bug that caused a delay slot to be broken if the bar was reset while it was counting down.
    • If a skill was repeated in a sequence, and both slots were set to "Advance when skill is executed", and the user spam-clicked the bar, the second slot could erroneously advance before the skill is executed for the second time. An effort was made to eliminate the race condition that was the root cause of this problem.
    Dernière modification par Thurallor ; 17/10/2019 à 05h09.

  13. #238
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2011
    2 190
    Version 3.43 of SequenceBars is now available at lotrointerface.

    Versions 3.42-3.43 release notes

    New features:

    • Apparently detecting that a skill has been executed by watching the combat log is not very reliable. The lack of synchronization between the chat log messages and the skill execution events causes race conditions. From now on, when the "Advance when skill is executed" option is enabled, the skill's execution will be detected by its cooldown reset event by default. (This will work for the vast majority of skills, but there are a few for which this event is broken.) The combat log will be ignored unless the "Use secondary detection method" checkbox is ticked; this method is unreliable (especially if the skill is repeated), but may be better than nothing.

    Bug fixes:

    • v3.42: Fixed a crash that could occur immediately after a secure trade involving multiple items.
    • v3.43: Fixed a bug introduced in v3.42 that prevented "unequip" slots from working.

  14. #239
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2011
    2 190
    Version 3.45 of SequenceBars is now available at lotrointerface. Thanks to AverEU for reporting bugs (with fixes) and feature ideas!

    Versions 3.44-3.45 release notes

    New features:

    • [Requested by AverEU] Added a new special slot: "Save target". This allows you to assign a target number to whoever/whatever you're currently selecting. Then you can return to that saved target later with a "Select target" slot.
    • "Select target" slots now have a tooltip. When you hover the mouse over it, you'll see the name of the player/mob that will be selected when you click it.

    Bug fixes:

    • [Fixed by AverEU] The "Select target" special slot, when configured to select "Current target's target", generated an error message when clicked if the current target wasn't targeting anything.
    • [Fixed by AverEU] The targeting of a raid member by name would correctly identify a valid player name (in green under the name entry box). However, it would not actually select the player when clicked.

    Other changes:

    • v3.44: Performance improvement: Eliminated some save operations that were occurring during combat.

  15. #240
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2011
    Thurallor, you are easily one of my favorite plugin authors - I am learning from your code and the functionality is so well thought out. Kudos!

  16. #241
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2011
    2 190
    Citation Envoyé par Hyos Voir le message
    Thurallor, you are easily one of my favorite plugin authors - I am learning from your code and the functionality is so well thought out. Kudos!
    Thanks, Hyos! The current well-developed state of SequenceBars (and Reminders) is the result of a lot of people contributing ideas, bug reports and other feedback over the years.

  17. #242
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2011

    Another Thank You

    I'm new to plugins despite having played LotRO since Alpha. Sequence Bars has rapidly become indispensible to me, particularly for Equipment and Stance swapping. It's a shame the API doesn't expose Trait/Virtue swaps also. Love the targetting update in the latest version.

    I play on a variety of machines which have widely differing monitors. It would be useful if the bar positioning could be set separately from the sequence itself. That said, a bit of reposiytioning whenever I copy updates around isn't the end of the world.

    PS I'm also using your Mouse Finder plugin on my laptops. What a star you are...

  18. #243
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2011
    2 190
    Citation Envoyé par TheMarauder Voir le message
    I play on a variety of machines which have widely differing monitors. It would be useful if the bar positioning could be set separately from the sequence itself. That said, a bit of reposiytioning whenever I copy updates around isn't the end of the world.
    Can you be more specific?

    There are a few features intended to make bar positioning easier:

    1. You can put multiple bars into a group, enable the "Bars move together" group option, and then drag the entire group around the screen.
    2. You can "align vertically" and "align horizontally" a group of bars.
    3. You can specify, for each bar, which point on the screen it is positioned relative to. For example, if you choose the bottom left corner as the "anchor point", then position the bar just inside the bottom left corner of the screen, then it doesn't matter what the resolution of your monitor is; the bar will always be positioned that same distance (in pixels) from the corner.
    4. You can enable the "Snap to grid" global option so you don't have to tediously fiddle with bar positions to make them line up.

    I thought about implementing a LOTRO-style positioning algorithm, such that each bar is centered at the same horizontal and vertical percentage of the total screen size, regardless of resolution. But it wouldn't work very well with bars that are close together, because at low resolution the bars would overlap, and at high resolution there would be a gap between them.

  19. #244
    Date d'inscription
    août 2014
    Hi Thurallor and everyone else using this awesome Plugin,

    Let me first say that I LOVE your Plugin!!

    I played lotro from beta to the release of mirkwood+ and returned to this beautiful game a few weeks ago. (Altough with a new Account...)

    A few questions I would like to ask:
    1. What is the difference between skill is ready and skill is usable?
      Is it if a skill with a condition is usable (not greyed out) and ready (not on cooldown)?
      If so do I have to put both of them around a conditional skill??
    2. Can't find any trait related skills or effects like the different Brother skills of the captain or signs in general, neither their effects.
      e.g. Inspire seems not to work if changing from/to red/blue/yellow. Only in it's original state.
      Is that 'just' update related in some kind?
    3. For a longer attack sequence I use reset at end of combat and the click on sequence name reset. Although it is just a tiny mousemovement, it annoys me enough (the more I use your Plugin the lazier I get ) to ask you if it would be possible to reset a sequence under the mouse with any key or a mouse button? None of the available options to reset fit my needs for this sequence. (except for user event?!)
    4. I'm struggeling with potions and skills to aid wounds etc.
      regarding to potions: I managed to have multiple sequences and user events to trigger when e.g. IF debuff: wound appears -> the appropriate bar appears (one slot only) - show a skill IF it's not on cooldown ELSE show potion -> ELSE (if no Debuff detected) disappear (stop appearing fits better).
      • Is it possible to trigger when debuffs are cureable only? Uncureable fear effects are quite common.
      • can't seem to get the captains withdraw skill to trigger like my potions. Can only find one of the four (?) possible and cureable effects.
    5. Add timers to event behaviours? Could get rid of a few user events.
    6. You can check if a skill is on cooldown, would that be possible for potions aswell?
    7. Would it be possible to check cooldowns without selecting an appropriate skill/item? (I don't expect a yes here)
    8. It would be awesome to be able to copy and paste a group/sequence from/to other characters, without the need of editing the SequenceBars.plugindata files.
    9. I don't see any shared code / scripts although there is an export function.. Is there a place for that? (need to change name and if different language a lot more but still)

    Just a few questions of mine..
    Stay healthy

  20. #245
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2011
    2 190
    Hi MiniMiez,
    Citation Envoyé par MiniMiez Voir le message
    Let me first say that I LOVE your Plugin!!
    Glad to hear it!

    What is the difference between skill is ready and skill is usable?
    Is it if a skill with a condition is usable (not greyed out) and ready (not on cooldown)?
    If so do I have to put both of them around a conditional skill??
    You are right on all counts. Caveat: The plugin only uses the information that the API makes available. If "skill is ready" or "skill is usable" doesn't work in a particular scenario, I probably can't fix it.

    Can't find any trait related skills or effects like the different Brother skills of the captain or signs in general, neither their effects.
    e.g. Inspire seems not to work if changing from/to red/blue/yellow. Only in it's original state.
    Is that 'just' update related in some kind?
    It's been a long time since I tested it, but IIRC, if a skill is only available in a certain trait line, then you need to have that trait line selected when editing the sequence, or you won't see the skill.

    As for effects: The plugin doesn't have an internal list of effects. It only knows about the effects that it has seen on your character. So before you will be able to select an effect from the pulldown menu, you will first need to put the effect on your character while the plugin is running. Then it will remember that effect for future use.

    For a longer attack sequence I use reset at end of combat and the click on sequence name reset. Although it is just a tiny mousemovement, it annoys me enough (the more I use your Plugin the lazier I get ) to ask you if it would be possible to reset a sequence under the mouse with any key or a mouse button? None of the available options to reset fit my needs for this sequence. (except for user event?!)
    You can generate a user event with a hotkey. See this video. I plan to add a more user-friendly way to do it (without occupying one of the slots on your quickbars) in the future.

    I'm struggeling with potions and skills to aid wounds etc.
    regarding to potions: I managed to have multiple sequences and user events to trigger when e.g. IF debuff: wound appears -> the appropriate bar appears (one slot only) - show a skill IF it's not on cooldown ELSE show potion -> ELSE (if no Debuff detected) disappear (stop appearing fits better).
    Is it possible to trigger when debuffs are cureable only? Uncureable fear effects are quite common.
    Currently, the only way is to specify the individual effects by name. That seems like something I should add, though. I'll put it on my list.

    can't seem to get the captains withdraw skill to trigger like my potions. Can only find one of the four (?) possible and cureable effects.
    Has the plugin "seen" these effects on your character yet (see above)?

    Add timers to event behaviours? Could get rid of a few user events.
    This was requested recently and I'm looking into a way to add the feature. It's a lot of UI work.

    You can check if a skill is on cooldown, would that be possible for potions aswell?
    Unfortunately, no.

    Would it be possible to check cooldowns without selecting an appropriate skill/item? (I don't expect a yes here)
    For skills, yes. ("Skill is ready") For items, no.

    It would be awesome to be able to copy and paste a group/sequence from/to other characters, without the need of editing the SequenceBars.plugindata files.
    Then you should use the awesome export/import feature. You can export a bar, or a group of bars, save the text somewhere, then login to another character and import it.

    I don't see any shared code / scripts although there is an export function.. Is there a place for that? (need to change name and if different language a lot more but still)
    I don't understand the question. What are you trying to do?

  21. #246
    Date d'inscription
    août 2014
    1. Citation Envoyé par Thurallor
      Citation Envoyé par MiniMiez
      What is the difference between skill is ready and skill is usable?
      Is it if a skill with a condition is usable (not greyed out) and ready (not on cooldown)?
      If so do I have to put both of them around a conditional skill??
      You are right on all counts. Caveat: The plugin only uses the information that the API makes available. If "skill is ready" or "skill is usable" doesn't work in a particular scenario, I probably can't fix it.
      What about the order? Does it affect performance or functionality / effectiveness?
      Or is that trivial?
    2. Citation Envoyé par Thurallor
      Citation Envoyé par MiniMiez
      Can't find any trait related skills or effects like the different Brother skills of the captain or signs in general, neither their effects.
      e.g. Inspire seems not to work if changing from/to red/blue/yellow. Only in it's original state.
      Is that 'just' update related in some kind?
      It's been a long time since I tested it, but IIRC, if a skill is only available in a certain trait line, then you need to have that trait line selected when editing the sequence, or you won't see the skill.
      OK. That is easily fixed (but probably hard to remember for ME ).
      Citation Envoyé par Thurallor
      As for effects: The plugin doesn't have an internal list of effects. It only knows about the effects that it has seen on your character. So before you will be able to select an effect from the pulldown menu, you will first need to put the effect on your character while the plugin is running. Then it will remember that effect for future use.
      I only lack to find effects that do NOT effect myself / appear on my own character.
      Is it possible to get effect information from enemies / pets?

      Regarding to the signs of the captain. They can be turned On / Off like Track Mines. How to determine those skills?
    3. Citation Envoyé par Thurallor
      Citation Envoyé par MiniMiez
      For a longer attack sequence I use reset at end of combat and the click on sequence name reset. Although it is just a tiny mousemovement, it annoys me enough (the more I use your Plugin the lazier I get ) to ask you if it would be possible to reset a sequence under the mouse with any key or a mouse button? None of the available options to reset fit my needs for this sequence. (except for user event?!)
      You can generate a user event with a hotkey. See this video. I plan to add a more user-friendly way to do it (without occupying one of the slots on your quickbars) in the future.
      I watched your videos, but I didn't make the connection to my problem.
      Solved it a little differently but still it's working now as intended.
    4. Citation Envoyé par Thurallor
      Citation Envoyé par MiniMiez
      I'm struggeling with potions and skills to aid wounds etc.
      regarding to potions: I managed to have multiple sequences and user events to trigger when e.g. IF debuff: wound appears -> the appropriate bar appears (one slot only) - show a skill IF it's not on cooldown ELSE show potion -> ELSE (if no Debuff detected) disappear (stop appearing fits better).
      Is it possible to trigger when debuffs are cureable only? Uncureable fear effects are quite common.
      Currently, the only way is to specify the individual effects by name. That seems like something I should add, though. I'll put it on my list.
      That would be very handy, because there are 51 fear effects (23 June 2016, at 17:10.) and I would like to avoid adding the curable ones one by one

      Citation Envoyé par Thurallor
      Citation Envoyé par MiniMiez
      can't seem to get the captains withdraw skill to trigger like my potions. Can only find one of the four (?) possible and cureable effects.
      Has the plugin "seen" these effects on your character yet (see above)?
      Managed to "see" two by now.
      Not sure about the logic of a detector for that. Don't think that it is necessary to add detectors for each effect to show / hide the appropriate bar. But I don't seem to be able to do it.
      Where to squeeze in more IF-effectX-active?
      I'm asking because it is not as easy to test.
      Wait.., just thinking about workbench, oven,..
    5. Citation Envoyé par Thurallor
      Citation Envoyé par MiniMiez
      Add timers to event behaviours? Could get rid of a few user events.
      This was requested recently and I'm looking into a way to add the feature. It's a lot of UI work.
      Sounds great!
      talking about the feature, not the work.
    6. Citation Envoyé par Thurallor
      Citation Envoyé par MiniMiez
      You can check if a skill is on cooldown, would that be possible for potions aswell?
      Unfortunately, no.
      Quality of life and not really necessary anyway.
    7. Citation Envoyé par Thurallor
      Citation Envoyé par MiniMiez
      Would it be possible to check cooldowns without selecting an appropriate skill/item? (I don't expect a yes here)
      For skills, yes. ("Skill is ready") For items, no.
      My fault -> Language barrier
      What I meant was:
      SkillIsReady(not selecting a Skill){Skill1, Skill2, SkillX}
    8. Citation Envoyé par Thurallor
      Citation Envoyé par MiniMiez
      It would be awesome to be able to copy and paste a group/sequence from/to other characters, without the need of editing the SequenceBars.plugindata files.
      Then you should use the awesome export/import feature. You can export a bar, or a group of bars, save the text somewhere, then login to another character and import it.
      Used the export feature two or three times but seem to were unable to see the import button
      I'm sorry for the waste of time..
    9. Citation Envoyé par Thurallor
      Citation Envoyé par MiniMiez
      I don't see any shared code / scripts although there is an export function.. Is there a place for that? (need to change name and if different language a lot more but still)
      I don't understand the question. What are you trying to do?
      Got lazy in the end.
      "Do people share their (ideas of) sequences (somewhere)?" is the essence of that random arrangement of words.

  22. #247
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2011
    2 190
    Citation Envoyé par MiniMiez Voir le message
    What about the order? Does it affect performance or functionality / effectiveness?Or is that trivial?
    It does not affect performance or functionality. The processing time is trivial, unless you are running many conditionals every frame; then they may add up, and you may see a reduced framerate.

    I only lack to find effects that do NOT effect myself / appear on my own character.
    Is it possible to get effect information from enemies / pets?
    Unfortunately, no. The API for detecting effects on the player's target, or other mobs, does not work reliably. So the feature, although implemented, is disabled.

    Regarding to the signs of the captain. They can be turned On / Off like Track Mines. How to determine those skills?
    If it's a toggle skill that does not have an associated buff/effect, then there is no way to detect its current status. This is once again a Lua API limitation.

    Not sure about the logic of a detector for that. Don't think that it is necessary to add detectors for each effect to show / hide the appropriate bar. But I don't seem to be able to do it.
    Where to squeeze in more IF-effectX-active?
    I'm asking because it is not as easy to test.
    Wait.., just thinking about workbench, oven,..
    You have correctly identified the only way to implement a logical "or":

    IF (effect1 or effect2) { sequence1 } ELSE { sequence2 }

    must be implemented as

    IF effect1 { sequence1 } ELSE { IF effect2 { sequence1 } ELSE { sequence2 } }

    It is quite cumbersome and difficult to test. Just another way to waste your time in this game.

    If sequence1 is a more complex sequence, then you should use the "Include" feature, so you can define it only once, and include it many times.

    You can leave blank slots in your sequence, if it makes the sequence easier to understand. Blank slots are ignored.

    You can open a debug window for each bar / group to monitor the events and see what it's doing.

    What I meant was:
    SkillIsReady(not selecting a Skill){Skill1, Skill2, SkillX}
    Are you trying to detect if a skill is currently in its "induction" time? Then no, there is no way to detect that.

    Do people share their (ideas of) sequences (somewhere)?
    Not really. See some recent discussion here.

  23. #248
    Date d'inscription
    août 2014
    Hey sry for the delay, I hadn't had much time in the past few days.

    • It is quite cumbersome and difficult to test. Just another way to waste your time in this game.
      Oh yes it is!

    • If sequence1 is a more complex sequence, then you should use the "Include" feature, so you can define it only once, and include it many times.
      You can leave blank slots in your sequence, if it makes the sequence easier to understand. Blank slots are ignored.
      You can open a debug window for each bar / group to monitor the events and see what it's doing.
      Very handy tips indeed.

    • Are you trying to detect if a skill is currently in its "induction" time? Then no, there is no way to detect that.
      One can check if a skill is on cooldown like in 1. Would it be possible to check multiple skills at once (2) without the need to select each skill individually (3)?
      I know that 3 is wrong like it is shown, it is just for easy comparison.
      1--> IFready-ShakeYourBooty{ShakeYourBooty} , IFready-WiggleWiggle{WiggleWiggle}
      2--> Ifready-NothingSelected{ShakeYourBooty , WiggleWiggle}
      3--> IFready-ShakeYoutBooty, IFready-WiggleWiggle{ShakeYourBooty, WiggleWiggle}
      Simplified sequence: [1,2,3,4,5,(6,7,8),9] While 6,7,8 should only be shown if all of them are not on cooldown.
      As of now it needs to look like this:
      It gets very clumsy when putting in more Skills, condition checks,..

      I assume the answer is API limitation but I wanted get it clear.

    • Also the Plugin seems to only know the Skills from the yellow traittree (of the captain).
      But only the ones that change | their | names depending on the traittree. Not the ones that are only accessible if in a traittree.
      Does it matter? Is it one name for different variations of the same Skill? Like: In the blue traittree the name of the Skill is "1", in red "2" and yellow "3". But "1" refers to "2" and "3" as well or even each one to another?
      Because I have troubles determining if 'those' Skills are ready/usable?
      (possible workaround for not being able to check certain on/off Skills)
      While Blade-Brother is not active, there is an unusable To Arms (Shield-brother) in the Skillbar.
      When Blade-Brother is active, there is an usable To Arms (Blade-brother) in the Skillbar.
      I can't get it to work that a Bar with only Blade-Brother in it is visible when To Arms (Blade-brother) is not usable. Maybe because I can only select To Arms (Shield-brother) in the drop down menu?!

    • An ADVANCE TO NEXT SLOT - WITH LEFT-CLICK for Potions, since we can't detect cooldown (trying to bypass the fact that we can't detect cooldown on Potions)
      Would like to have all Potions in one single spot (one slot showing only), but I need the Sequence to be able to advance (manually for Potions would be good enough here).
      e.g. if Skill AND Potion are on cooldown EVEN IF the debuff is still present -> continue sequence.
      --> Debuffs Wound AND Poison (or more) are present:
      --> IFDebuff:Wound{IFready-HealDebuffSkill{HealDebuffSkil l}PotionWound}, IfDebuff:Poison{IFready-HealDebuffSkill{HealDebuffSkil l}PotionPoison}
      In addition to that I could prioritize certain Debbufs / Effects and show Athelas on top of everything else (<-- you can do this right now | this would be new -->) but still being able to dismiss the prioritization if you can't do anything about it (cooldown)

      As I'm writing this..:
      An "ADVANCE TO NEXT SLOT - WITH LEFT-CLICK" for Potions would still loop indefinitely between Skill and Potion for as long as the "Debuff:xxx" effect is present.
      I can't think of a solution here without using the mousewheel (which I find unreliable) or splitting the sequence up again for each Debuff (x sequences and on screen positions).

    Just so you know what it looks like what I'm working at:
    The important Stuff for my Captain in the middle of the screen right now:

    On the left are the four different Herald Skills that only appear if no Herald is present. If Herald is present a brother skill will appear instead.

    Next to that is BuffStuff. Again only visible when effect not present on character.

    An empty slot for quicker orientation.

    Third from right is the active Attack Sequence, that is working very well not only in case of the rotation in general but particularly because of the functionality of your SequenceBars Plugin. So thank you again!

    Second from the right is an always visible Mark Skill because of the API limitation (above the Attack Sequence and only showing if not present on enemy would have been nice).

    On the right is the healing bar that I'm still struggling with.

  24. #249
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2010
    2 171
    Thurallor, minor feature request:

    You have the ability to change the size of SequenceBars icons but it appears to be only a global option. Any chance you could make it so we have the ability to have separate bars with different icon sizes?

  25. #250
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2011
    2 190
    Citation Envoyé par MiniMiez Voir le message
    One can check if a skill is on cooldown like in 1. Would it be possible to check multiple skills at once (2) without the need to select each skill individually (3)?
    • I know that 3 is wrong like it is shown, it is just for easy comparison.
      1--> IFready-ShakeYourBooty{ShakeYourBooty} , IFready-WiggleWiggle{WiggleWiggle}
      2--> Ifready-NothingSelected{ShakeYourBooty , WiggleWiggle}
      3--> IFready-ShakeYoutBooty, IFready-WiggleWiggle{ShakeYourBooty, WiggleWiggle}
      Simplified sequence: [1,2,3,4,5,(6,7,8),9] While 6,7,8 should only be shown if all of them are not on cooldown.
      As of now it needs to look like this:
      It gets very clumsy when putting in more Skills, condition checks,..
    You can do it with a single IF, but you need to use the "Lua script" feature:

    1. For the condition, select "Skill is ready: ShakeYourBooty".
    2. Change the condition to "~Lua Script~". You will see the Lua code for the previously-selected condition:
      return (Thurallor.Utils.Watcher.SkillReady("ShakeYourBooty"));
    3. Set the condition to "Skill is ready: WiggleWiggle".
    4. Change the condition to "~Lua Script~". You will see the Lua code:
      return (Thurallor.Utils.Watcher.SkillReady("WiggleWiggle"));
    5. You can combine these two conditions into a single condition:
      return (Thurallor.Utils.Watcher.SkillReady("ShakeYourBooty") and Thurallor.Utils.Watcher.SkillReady("WiggleWiggle"));
    6. You can click the "play" button below the script box to check that it's working.

    • Also the Plugin seems to only know the Skills from the yellow traittree (of the captain).
      But only the ones that change | their | names depending on the traittree. Not the ones that are only accessible if in a traittree.
      Does it matter? Is it one name for different variations of the same Skill? Like: In the blue traittree the name of the Skill is "1", in red "2" and yellow "3". But "1" refers to "2" and "3" as well or even each one to another?
      Because I have troubles determining if 'those' Skills are ready/usable?
    Unfortunately yes, it does matter. SequenceBars uses the SkillData database compiled by moebius92. That database does not contain all of the different names that a single skill can have under different conditions. I have to add the alternatives manually to my copy of the database. Which I am willing to do on request; I have done it for warden and hunter. Just make a list for me of all of the skill names that can change (preferably with French and German translations), and the conditions (so I can test it).

    • An ADVANCE TO NEXT SLOT - WITH LEFT-CLICK for Potions, since we can't detect cooldown (trying to bypass the fact that we can't detect cooldown on Potions)
      Would like to have all Potions in one single spot (one slot showing only), but I need the Sequence to be able to advance (manually for Potions would be good enough here).
      e.g. if Skill AND Potion are on cooldown EVEN IF the debuff is still present -> continue sequence.
      --> Debuffs Wound AND Poison (or more) are present:
      --> IFDebuff:Wound{IFready-HealDebuffSkill{HealDebuffSkil l}PotionWound}, IfDebuff:Poison{IFready-HealDebuffSkill{HealDebuffSkil l}PotionPoison}
      In addition to that I could prioritize certain Debbufs / Effects and show Athelas on top of everything else (<-- you can do this right now | this would be new -->) but still being able to dismiss the prioritization if you can't do anything about it (cooldown)

      As I'm writing this..:
      An "ADVANCE TO NEXT SLOT - WITH LEFT-CLICK" for Potions would still loop indefinitely between Skill and Potion for as long as the "Debuff:xxx" effect is present.
      I can't think of a solution here without using the mousewheel (which I find unreliable) or splitting the sequence up again for each Debuff (x sequences and on screen positions).
    For potions, the sequence always advances on a left click. Even if the potion is on cooldown, the click will still cause the sequence to advance. There is no way to detect that the potion was actually used, though. (Maybe you could try to detect a morale increase, but that isn't implemented.) I think the best you can do is to continuously reset the sequence (by spamming user events from a continuously-running sequence), and don't display anything (potion nor skill) unless there is a debuff.

    Citation Envoyé par ChromiteSwiftpaw Voir le message
    Thurallor, minor feature request:

    You have the ability to change the size of SequenceBars icons but it appears to be only a global option. Any chance you could make it so we have the ability to have separate bars with different icon sizes?
    It is a minor feature, but hard to implement a UI for it. I need to put a slider in a pulldown menu, or just have a (not exhaustive) list of individual sizes that you can choose from. I'll look into it though.
    Dernière modification par Thurallor ; 26/03/2020 à 17h46.


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