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  1. #1
    Date d'inscription
    septembre 2010

    Not quitting on pvp action on this server

    hey everyone I know the last few months have been pretty boring ( I also was not playing this is my first week back ) but I really want to try and get moors action back into this server I don't even care if its like 6 people on each side a night having fun and trying to get some good fights. if your ever interested in coming out I have made a chat channel on freepside called nimmoors feel free to join it im going to be advertising a lot to try and get bothsides of players out and see if we can string together a little action. once we get a few people I have faith that more people will join in.
    thanks everyone

    Devdor R15 Champion ~ Devarsi R12 Rk
    Scrublio R9 BA ~ Omnomfreeps R6 WL

  2. #2
    Date d'inscription
    juillet 2010


    Citation Envoyé par devdor Voir le message
    hey everyone I know the last few months have been pretty boring ( I also was not playing this is my first week back ) but I really want to try and get moors action back into this server I don't even care if its like 6 people on each side a night having fun and trying to get some good fights. if your ever interested in coming out I have made a chat channel on freepside called nimmoors feel free to join it im going to be advertising a lot to try and get bothsides of players out and see if we can string together a little action. once we get a few people I have faith that more people will join in.
    thanks everyone

    Hey dev,
    im definately in!

  3. #3
    Date d'inscription
    juillet 2008
    Rock on Dev! It's a bit harder, but there are a lot of new folks now in the Moors trying it out
    on both sides.

    Won't be nightly fights anymore, but if people start putting the word out in World chat/Glff,
    people will show up.

    "If you announce it...they will come!"

  4. #4
    Date d'inscription
    juillet 2010
    Nice to know there are people still trying for it... I will be try to join the fight when I will have free time and soon will have plenty!!!!
    Will join at channel and see if we come to have some fun!!!

  5. #5
    Date d'inscription
    août 2011
    Sounds great! Will join nimmoors chat channel next time I'm on!



  6. #6
    Date d'inscription
    décembre 2008
    I'm in there a lot on creep side Mortasilla is the name, come hunt me down, well unless you're a warden, then I'll run away lol. Hope to see you all out there
    Mortanah the Unwise, Lvl 100 Champ - Mortasilla, r8 weaver



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