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Discussion: Music --- Sign Up

  1. #1
    Date d'inscription
    novembre 2013

    Music --- Sign Up

    Hullo WithyWindle,

    You might have seen the band LITTLE FOLK traversing across many a crafting hall in Middle Earth and playing a tune or two. If you have, then ... well met, friend.

    I have spoken to a few people in my travels, and there are a handful who would like to partake in a music concert one fine day. From browsing through the forums, this server has had its share of social events and the like, but I don't know about a music concert.


    Please respond to this thread if you are interested in either LISTENING TO.....or... PLAYING YOUR SONGS (solo or band) a biweekly music concert.

    A great place to host this concert is in the Bree Horsefields. There is a large RED STAGE that does not allow for any forced emotes, etc. Less forced emotes equals better music, less staggering of notes and lag.

    Anyway, let me know your thoughts.....and I'd certainly be glad to see other people play their tunes for others to enjoy. This is meant to be a fun adventure, and to bring some joy of MUSIC and DANCE again to a smaller server.

    Kind regards,

    Fionah Fairskinne AKA Lavendorla Lightfoot of Little Folk kinship

    Dernière modification par FionahFeet ; 19/07/2015 à 02h49.



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