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  1. #1
    Date d'inscription
    novembre 2013

    Music Concert Saturday July 25, 2015 @ 4:00 p.m. SERVER TIME

    Hullo good folks of Withywindle,

    Are ye needin' a break from smashing goblin skulls? Are ye gettin' carpal tunnel with the endless grind? Is the gloom of Moria gettin' ye down?

    Well....maybe have a break for a bit, and join LITTLE FOLK for some music at Breeland Festival Grounds! (24.7 S, 51.8 W). The fastest way to get there is West Gate Bree, and take the other horse to the festival grounds. We'll be there BI-WEEKLY, and don't be shy! Share a tune or two if you like after the show during OPEN MIC

    Next concert will be JULY 25 2015 @ 4:00 P.M. Server Time.

    It was a grand time with folks last week who joined us and danced th' night away. Feel free to stop by at any time and relax for a bit.


    Lavendorla Lightfoot of LITTLE FOLK music kinship

    Dernière modification par FionahFeet ; 12/07/2015 à 01h05.

  2. 12/07/2015, 05h58

  3. 13/07/2015, 16h30

  4. #2
    Date d'inscription
    novembre 2013
    Little Folk will be playing a variety of tunes ranging from classic rock, pop, classical, themes, and a bit of the alternative. I'm imagining that each concert could have a certain genre of music, like 80's tunes, etc. But for now, we're keeping it very eclectic. Share a song if you have one!!! There is OPEN MIC after the 40-minute concert.
    Dernière modification par FionahFeet ; 24/07/2015 à 13h26.

  5. #3
    Date d'inscription
    novembre 2013

    Thumbs up

    hope i can see next music concert xD

  6. #4
    Date d'inscription
    novembre 2013
    Hullo there youdragonest,

    Plenty of opportunity to attend the concert one of these days. LITTLE FOLK will play a concert biweekly on the red stage. This concert July 25 coincides with Weatherstock concert on Landroval, so I do not expect a huge turn out. Needless to say, we'll play music anyhow...hehehe. So, you can check these forums for updates on the music concerts, which I will be posting about regularly. I anticipate that some concerts will have a theme, like only classical music, or pop tunes, funk, or 80's songs, etc. Maybe even a costume contest along with concert? Lots of ideas here.......

    Citation Envoyé par youdragonest Voir le message
    hope i can see next music concert xD

    Lavendorla Lightfoot, Chief of LITTLE FOLK music band
    Beloved Withywindle Server
    Dernière modification par FionahFeet ; 24/07/2015 à 13h27.



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