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  1. #1
    Date d'inscription
    février 2007

    Question Buffbars Plugin and Lore-masters - Spam!

    Hello folks!

    I absolutely love the Buffbars plugin and enable it by default on all my alts. When playing my Lore-master, however, the chat box fills with spam notifications every time I enter or leave a state. I assume this has something to do with the Knowledge of the Lore-master skill (I could easily be wrong).

    Does anybody know of a way to eliminate the spam without disabling Buffbars?

    Thanks very much!
    Avowulf, Avodir, Avodoc, Avoin, Avorond, Avoborn, Avorin, Avogar, Avowald, Avobert
    (all in Mabo Lanc on Landroval)
    "Reality: What a gyp."--Dogbert

  2. #2
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2011
    post screenshot with this spam
    New LI Traceries:
    ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

  3. #3
    Date d'inscription
    février 2007
    1 501
    /buffbars log disable

    Visit the Lotrointerface page:

    "Effect Logging
    The plugin can optionally log effects you receive to your general chat log. To enable this either check the logging enabled option in the options dialog or type /buffbars log enable to start the logging. Logging can be disabled by unchecking the option or typing /buffbars log disable"
    Bill Magill Mac Player Founder/Lifetimer
    Old Timers Guild - Gladden
    Sr. Editor

    Val - Man Minstrel (108)
    Valalin - Dwarf Minsrel (71)
    Valamar - Dwarf Hunter (120)
    Valdicta - Dwarf RK (107)
    Valhad - Elf LM (66)
    Valkeeper - Elf RK (87)
    Valwood - Dwarf RK (81)

    Valhunt - Dwarf Hunter (71)
    Valanne - Beorning (105)
    Ninth - Man Warden (66)

    "Laid back, not so serious, no drama.
    All about the fun!"

  4. #4
    Date d'inscription
    février 2007

    Thumbs up

    Citation Envoyé par Valamar Voir le message
    Logging can be disabled by unchecking the option or typing /buffbars log disable"
    Valamar, thanks! That's exactly what I needed!
    Avowulf, Avodir, Avodoc, Avoin, Avorond, Avoborn, Avorin, Avogar, Avowald, Avobert
    (all in Mabo Lanc on Landroval)
    "Reality: What a gyp."--Dogbert



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