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  1. #1
    Date d'inscription
    août 2007

    why have the updates to fix game lag stopped

    no patches in 3 weeks and game is still unplayable, just mount up and run out of MT and youll end up in some orc camp dead by the time you get control back.
    pauses in game play make doing your daily grind imposible. still no pony at south gate yet its imposible to run there. cistern daily has more lag than 1920's mule.
    come on. your feastifalls are more important to you than fixing the game. STOP what your doing and FIX it.

  2. #2
    Avatar de maartena
    maartena est déconnecté The Wise
    Drinks Coffee All Day
    Date d'inscription
    février 2011
    6 474
    Lag updates don't always require a "code" update that needs to be patched to the servers, for you to download on the client side. They also don't always need to include downtime. A lot of things can be tweaked "real time", especially on the virtualized servers.

    Some fixes have to be performed by their peering providers, the internet providers that connect to the internet backbone from the data center the servers are in. This too can be done while the servers are running and doesn't need downtime.

    On the back-end, a lot of the reshuffling of resources can be done without downtime, such as allocating more or less CPU time to virtualized servers, and depending on whether the hypervisor they use supports it, in some cases hot-swapping (adding/removing) memory can also be done on the fly with a simple flick of a switch.

    This all said, I don't think the work to fix lag has stopped.... however, the communication from Turbine staff about it seems to have died completely.
    Moved from Riddermark to Arkenstone on 9/29/2015!
    Disclaimer: The definition of "Soon™" and "In The Near Future™" is based solely on SSG's interpretation of the words, and all similarities with dictionary definitions of the word "Soon™", "Near", and "Future" are purely coincidental and should not be interpreted as a time frame that will come to pass within a reasonable amount of time.

  3. #3
    Date d'inscription
    avril 2007
    We continue to work in the background on improving performance but the general feedback we are seeing through CS and bug reports and our own staff running trough the game is that the issues have mostly cleared up. However we do note that there are still some outliers which we are attempting to hunt down. If you are continuing to see crashing and severe lag problems please send in a big report in the area you are seeing the problem and/ or contact technical support so we can gather more information on the circumstances in which you are seeing the problem. Bug reports and the information gather by support can help us see if the issue you are having could be a regional or hardware conflict.

    Thank you,

  4. #4
    Date d'inscription
    août 2007
    Citation Envoyé par Vyvyanne Voir le message
    We continue to work in the background on improving performance but the general feedback we are seeing through CS and bug reports and our own staff running trough the game is that the issues have mostly cleared up. However we do note that there are still some outliers which we are attempting to hunt down. If you are continuing to see crashing and severe lag problems please send in a big report in the area you are seeing the problem and/ or contact technical support so we can gather more information on the circumstances in which you are seeing the problem. Bug reports and the information gather by support can help us see if the issue you are having could be a regional or hardware conflict.

    Thank you,
    I just did

  5. #5
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2008
    Citation Envoyé par Vyvyanne Voir le message
    We continue to work in the background on improving performance but the general feedback we are seeing through CS and bug reports and our own staff running trough the game is that the issues have mostly cleared up. However we do note that there are still some outliers which we are attempting to hunt down. If you are continuing to see crashing and severe lag problems please send in a big report in the area you are seeing the problem and/ or contact technical support so we can gather more information on the circumstances in which you are seeing the problem. Bug reports and the information gather by support can help us see if the issue you are having could be a regional or hardware conflict.

    Thank you,
    what ever happen friday night, has caused game from being playable 1-2 hours till crash to. Instant CTD at log in or 1-30seconds in. Been this way ever day since.

    When I see you type out "mostly cleared up" I wanna laugh, and get very angry....-_-'

    You guys and gals extend Yule for those of us who missed it... and I still ******* missed it.


  6. #6
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2011
    Citation Envoyé par Vyvyanne Voir le message
    We continue to work in the background on improving performance but the general feedback we are seeing through CS and bug reports and our own staff running trough the game is that the issues have mostly cleared up. However we do note that there are still some outliers which we are attempting to hunt down. If you are continuing to see crashing and severe lag problems please send in a big report in the area you are seeing the problem and/ or contact technical support so we can gather more information on the circumstances in which you are seeing the problem. Bug reports and the information gather by support can help us see if the issue you are having could be a regional or hardware conflict.

    Thank you,
    Lag outside of PVE is fine apart from a few jumps here and there but not consistently lagging.

    Lag in PvMP however is unreal.

    I am playing on the Gladden US server. I was just recently in a 1v4 so that is 5 players, I was unable to move with no debuffs at all and then when I die and hit retreat it takes 10 seconds to do it, when I go back to try again my skills get locked (Skill lock has been around since i can remember but not this frequent) I have to exit client and load it back up as once you get skill locked you can't even retreat and then I went to go ride outside of GV I hit an invisible DC wall in which my character stops every toon running around me and I get frozen on spot unable to do anything then I have to exit client again, all this in the time of 5 minutes.

    I am extremely disappointed that I renew my VIP for PvMP with the new server hardware but I continue to get this unbearable lag and skill lock. It is not my computer/hardware/internet as I work in IT and have built everything perfect for gaming, I have checked with my ISP that there is nothing wrong with my connection and even done network scans to make sure I am getting no loss in pinging the LOTRO Gladden server which I am not. These problems are only in PvMP, it could possibly have something to do with the no textures on those white bushes which are everywhere and been in the Ettenmoors for a year now, the white bushes could be trying to load a corrupted texture every time your character goes past them.

    The Disconnect walls are new with the server upgrade though.

  7. #7
    Date d'inscription
    avril 2007
    8 374
    Citation Envoyé par Vyvyanne Voir le message
    We continue to work in the background on improving performance but the general feedback we are seeing through CS and bug reports and our own staff running trough the game is that the issues have mostly cleared up. However we do note that there are still some outliers which we are attempting to hunt down
    I had to read that a few times to make sure I read it correctly.

    By "our own staff running through the game" do you mean employees running through the tutorial where there are no other players nearby? I don't know about PVE land, but there have been too many complaints about horrible lag in the Ettenmoors for those complaints to be considered "outliers." Or do those not count?

    Did any employees actually enter the moors and run around near a lot of other people? Or did they only do solo PVE activities in quiet zones? And were they in your prod/live environment and not a QA / staging / dev environment?
    Dernière modification par elderlygamer ; 11/02/2016 à 18h26.

  8. #8
    Date d'inscription
    janvier 2011
    Citation Envoyé par Vyvyanne Voir le message
    We continue to work in the background on improving performance but the general feedback we are seeing through CS and bug reports and our own staff running trough the game is that the issues have mostly cleared up. However we do note that there are still some outliers which we are attempting to hunt down. If you are continuing to see crashing and severe lag problems please send in a big report in the area you are seeing the problem and/ or contact technical support so we can gather more information on the circumstances in which you are seeing the problem. Bug reports and the information gather by support can help us see if the issue you are having could be a regional or hardware conflict.

    Thank you,
    Vyvyanne, what kinds of problems exactly do you feel are mostly cleared up?

    Are you talking just about crashing and disconnects?

    I'd like a statement on what the plans are to address the overall sluggishness of game performance - not being able to target a mob until you're practically on top of it, staying in combat long after a mob is dead or going into combat state from a stealthed mob that takes forever to appear, hitching/stuttering/zooming of NPCs and player characters, delay in accessing vaults, delay in firing off skills.

    I assure you I encounter all of these each and every day, no matter which level character I play, no matter which zone I'm in. I hope you're not saying that you expect players to fill out bug reports for each of these issues every time they occur.

    The game is in a very sorry state these days, and patience with the ongoing cavalcade of issues, along with willingness to keep reporting problems is extremely thin for myself and a great many of the folks I know in game.
    “All that is gold does not glitter,
    Not all those who wander are lost;
    The old that is strong does not wither,
    Deep roots are not reached by the frost."

  9. #9
    Date d'inscription
    novembre 2010
    Citation Envoyé par Vyvyanne Voir le message
    We continue to work in the background on improving performance but the general feedback we are seeing through CS and bug reports and our own staff running trough the game is that the issues have mostly cleared up. However we do note that there are still some outliers which we are attempting to hunt down. If you are continuing to see crashing and severe lag problems please send in a big report in the area you are seeing the problem and/ or contact technical support so we can gather more information on the circumstances in which you are seeing the problem. Bug reports and the information gather by support can help us see if the issue you are having could be a regional or hardware conflict.

    Thank you,

    Issues may be getting 'better', compared to being really bad when the moves first happened, but are we seeing performance improvements compared to the old hardware? Don't get me wrong, I wasn't expecting the game to cook my dinner for me all of a sudden on the new hardware, but I thought if I click on a stable master, they might open the travel menu in less than 20 seconds - seemingly not. That is just a small sample of things not getting better, if anything, at best, staying the same.

    I hope things can improve. I'm a bit perplexed that CS and whatever other streams you have report that mostly players are 'back to normal', maybe it's your definition of the issues being 'mostly cleared up' that need a visit? Are you happy with the performance improvements, do you think the playerbase would vote and say YES the game is performing noticeably better?

    I'd say with some confidence that if performance doesn't improve by the time U18 and the instance cluster and raid come out, things could get messy. You don't want people 12 manning a new raid (on GOOD systems, we play and stream other games, run YouTube channels, etc), coping with CTD, buff lagging, and be told to check if the issues are regional or a hardware conflict.

    For me I'm hanging on in there, but I think I'm a realist. I'm watching in the wings, I do honestly wish you the best of luck sorting things out Just keep up the comms with us players a bit more and hopefully the rest will come good!

  10. #10
    Date d'inscription
    avril 2011
    5 516
    Citation Envoyé par elderlygamer Voir le message
    I had to read that a few times to make sure I read it correctly.

    By "our own staff running through the game" do you mean employees running through the tutorial where there are no other players nearby? I don't know about PVE land, but there have been too many complaints about horrible lag in the Ettenmoors for those complaints to be considered "outliers." Or do those not count?

    Did any employees actually enter the moors and run around near a lot of other people? Or did they only do solo PVE activities in quiet zones? And were they in your prod/live environment and not a QA / staging / dev environment?
    I think its hot when your mad.

  11. #11
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2007
    this is the reason why we are down to (what is it 10 servers total?). turbine has low standards for internal performance, quality, skill, and effort.
    no turbine, the issues are not mostly fixed. if you think so, then you are part of the problem and you need to quit touching things and get someone of competence on the project. once a long time ago the current turbine crew asked not to be judged as if the were the old turbine crew. we have seen the quality of craftsmanship......and the old turbine is the new turbine. new boss, same as the old boss.
    dont worry the dev's are working on a fix that fixes the fix that fixed the fix that was fixing the fix....

  12. #12
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2011
    1 680
    Citation Envoyé par Vyvyanne Voir le message
    We continue to work in the background on improving performance but the general feedback we are seeing through CS and bug reports and our own staff running trough the game is that the issues have mostly cleared up. However we do note that there are still some outliers which we are attempting to hunt down. If you are continuing to see crashing and severe lag problems please send in a big report in the area you are seeing the problem and/ or contact technical support so we can gather more information on the circumstances in which you are seeing the problem. Bug reports and the information gather by support can help us see if the issue you are having could be a regional or hardware conflict.

    Thank you,
    You describe skill lag within instances, across a server (Evernight, in this case) at peak times, as an 'outlier'?

    For about an hour, during the busiest time of day during weekday evenings (around 8PM GMT), it takes approximately 3 or 4 seconds for all and any skills to activate, making numerous instances far more difficult, and some impossible.

    To me, that doesn't seem like an outlier. This problem wasn't affecting the server before the move, but its now a regular occurrence on weekday nights, and lasts for longer periods on Sundays in particular.

  13. #13
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2011
    1 755
    Citation Envoyé par Vyvyanne Voir le message
    We continue to work in the background on improving performance but the general feedback we are seeing through CS and bug reports and our own staff running trough the game is that the issues have mostly cleared up. However we do note that there are still some outliers which we are attempting to hunt down. If you are continuing to see crashing and severe lag problems please send in a big report in the area you are seeing the problem and/ or contact technical support so we can gather more information on the circumstances in which you are seeing the problem. Bug reports and the information gather by support can help us see if the issue you are having could be a regional or hardware conflict.

    Thank you,
    13 days and we get this?

    It so bad we'd be making bug reports all day... I'd think with far less people bothering to log on you'd kinda get less bug reports.

    Please take a scholar on a war-steed along the Pelennor wall gathering nodes at peek time, then try off peek. Ride along the road on War-steed from MT to the south gate, peek and off peek. The servers cannot handle the load.

    I don't PvMP but I feel for them. Are CS joining peek time Moors raids or wandering solo through the new map watching the tumbleweed blowing by?

    I'm sure folks soloing through North Downs are fine, if not crashing. If you've driven off the peek time players they're not about to complain any more.

    Edit Or join a 90min thorog run
    Dernière modification par Macdui ; 11/02/2016 à 19h41.

  14. #14
    Date d'inscription
    avril 2015
    Citation Envoyé par Vyvyanne Voir le message
    We continue to work in the background on improving performance but the general feedback we are seeing through CS and bug reports and our own staff running trough the game is that the issues have mostly cleared up. However we do note that there are still some outliers which we are attempting to hunt down. If you are continuing to see crashing and severe lag problems please send in a big report in the area you are seeing the problem and/ or contact technical support so we can gather more information on the circumstances in which you are seeing the problem. Bug reports and the information gather by support can help us see if the issue you are having could be a regional or hardware conflict.

    Thank you,
    God. REALLY? "Have mostly cleared up"?! There is a permanent lag on Brandywine in Ettenmoors during raids during last MONTHS. Skill lag. There is a permanent "Reduced Awarness" debuff there. Just check Europe prime time. Why do you ask us to report things you already know? It was reported hundred times already. The Brandywine's Moors are absolutely unplayable. Are you kidding?
    Dernière modification par Phindecano ; 11/02/2016 à 19h41.

  15. #15
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2011
    1 755
    Anyone else furious?

    No contrition, just more denial, smokescreen and saving face as if the Chinese buyout went through rather than WBs.

    I want to see +names on the servers at peek time asking to join groups who are experiencing lag before I believe this warped view of the performance.


  16. #16
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2007
    Seriously, Moors lag is unbelievable. How do you guys (LOTRO staff) not see/measure this and instead claim absurdly that most issues are cleared up??!!

  17. #17
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2011
    Citation Envoyé par ElMel Voir le message
    Seriously, Moors lag is unbelievable. How do you guys (LOTRO staff) not see/measure this and instead claim absurdly that most issues are cleared up??!!
    Because they haven't been there, in a raid, on the peak hours. One would expect it would be so easy to test on working hour just log gwaihir or evernight moors around 2-3 pm EST and you will see what kind of performance players are getting. You will instantly know when you enter on the same server area as raid because you get immediate rubberbanding and when you go closer back and forth rubberbanding gets even greater and lastly because of forced reduced awarness raid pops like 15m infront of you and no way to spot it earlier.

    Sure game can be labeled playable in pve at the moment but compared to other AAA MMOs lotros lag issues are really bad.

  18. #18
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2011
    Citation Envoyé par Vyvyanne Voir le message
    We continue to work in the background on improving performance but the general feedback we are seeing through CS and bug reports and our own staff running trough the game is that the issues have mostly cleared up. However we do note that there are still some outliers which we are attempting to hunt down. If you are continuing to see crashing and severe lag problems please send in a big report in the area you are seeing the problem and/ or contact technical support so we can gather more information on the circumstances in which you are seeing the problem. Bug reports and the information gather by support can help us see if the issue you are having could be a regional or hardware conflict.

    Thank you,
    After suffering night after night of horrendous skill delay, rubberbanding and hitching in the Ettenmoors (this is on Arkenstone), your comment has officially broken me. I cannot express how angry I am right now. Do you really not care about PvPers at all, so long as people aren't lagging while baking Lembas at the Michel Delving oven?
    Dernière modification par Twissle ; 11/02/2016 à 22h29.

  19. #19
    Date d'inscription
    mai 2013
    Citation Envoyé par Twissle Voir le message
    After suffering night after night of horrendous skill delay, rubberbanding and hitching in the Ettenmoors (this is on Arkenstone), your comment has officially broken me. I cannot express how angry I am right now. Do you really not care about PvPers at all, so long as people aren't lagging while baking Lembas at the Michel Delving oven?
    im nearing this point myself. the lag is just as bad, maybe even worse than before the hardware 'upgrade'. i think most of us know you dont care about PVP that much, but when the lag gets to the unplayable point people just give up. i have been logging on a lot less because of this lag, and am very, very close to cancelling my sub. unless the lag gets fixed soon, i will be doing so.

    Also, i realise as dev's you cant exactly win, no matter what someone will complain about something. But turning a blind eye to a problem this large is ridiculous
    lugbur R11 reaver /// guthfred R9 cappy /// beregon R8 hunter /// guthblade R9 champ + too many other things

  20. #20
    Date d'inscription
    mars 2007
    2 146
    Citation Envoyé par Vyvyanne Voir le message
    We continue to work in the background on improving performance but the general feedback we are seeing through CS and bug reports and our own staff running trough the game is that the issues have mostly cleared up. However we do note that there are still some outliers which we are attempting to hunt down. If you are continuing to see crashing and severe lag problems please send in a big report in the area you are seeing the problem and/ or contact technical support so we can gather more information on the circumstances in which you are seeing the problem. Bug reports and the information gather by support can help us see if the issue you are having could be a regional or hardware conflict.

    Thank you,

    I...I honestly...don't know what to say. To even make this statement with all the problems that still remain from the move. It's just hard to fathom. Having been with this game from the beginning...and sticking with it through so many ups and downs....this kind of a response is just so discouraging.

  21. #21
    Date d'inscription
    avril 2011
    5 516
    Citation Envoyé par Narthalion Voir le message
    I...I honestly...don't know what to say. To even make this statement with all the problems that still remain from the move. It's just hard to fathom. Having been with this game from the beginning...and sticking with it through so many ups and downs....this kind of a response is just so discouraging.
    Think about the response made. Why would a producer make that response under the current conditions?

    Is it a disconnect from the player base?

    Is it a factual depiction of what happened on her end?

    Is it meant to induce the reaction you had?

    Is it the bastion of someone who doesnt know what else to say?

    Or, and this is the scariest hypothesis, is it all of the above?

    If it is what are you going to do in this new normal? Will you continue to consume the product? You have one last power left here and thats your consumption of the product, will you use it? Will any of you?

  22. #22
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2011
    Citation Envoyé par Vyvyanne Voir le message
    We continue to work in the background on improving performance but the general feedback we are seeing through CS and bug reports and our own staff running trough the game is that the issues have mostly cleared up. However we do note that there are still some outliers which we are attempting to hunt down. If you are continuing to see crashing and severe lag problems please send in a big report in the area you are seeing the problem and/ or contact technical support so we can gather more information on the circumstances in which you are seeing the problem. Bug reports and the information gather by support can help us see if the issue you are having could be a regional or hardware conflict.

    Thank you,
    Are you kidding ? So that's it, the game is fixed ? I drop quickly to 15fps in MT, then start having random freeze, and ultimately crash. The crash after a while happens elsewhere to. There was a whole topic discussing about the lack of optimization in the last update :

    But hey, it's fine. I can't cancel my sub, since I'm LTS, but if I wasn't, I would right now. Optimization never stopped to get worse since Rohan, to the point it's unplayable on a decent rig (I can run about every new game just fine, but a 8years old game ? Nope !).

    I'll give you a tip on the "regional issue" : Minas Tirith. I'll make a big long and large bug report in the meantime. But the tldr is just that, Minas Tirith. Always been, and apparently, always will be.

  23. #23
    Date d'inscription
    avril 2007
    8 374
    Citation Envoyé par Macdui Voir le message
    I want to see +names on the servers at peek time
    Maybe they tried but their clients kept crashing.

  24. #24
    Date d'inscription
    mars 2010
    Citation Envoyé par Vyvyanne Voir le message
    We continue to work in the background on improving performance but the general feedback we are seeing through CS and bug reports and our own staff running trough the game is that the issues have mostly cleared up. However we do note that there are still some outliers which we are attempting to hunt down. If you are continuing to see crashing and severe lag problems please send in a big report in the area you are seeing the problem and/ or contact technical support so we can gather more information on the circumstances in which you are seeing the problem. Bug reports and the information gather by support can help us see if the issue you are having could be a regional or hardware conflict.

    Thank you,
    This concerns me.

    I'm reading this as "people are not complaining as much so we think we fixed it" but what I see is that I've stopped playing in Minas Tirith and Old Anorien because of the crashes so I wouldn't know if you've fixed it and won't bother trying. Not to mention that I've already submitted bug reports and if you don't make it easy enough for me to click a button that says "it's happening again...see what I already wrote" then I'm not going to bother re-submitting the same thing again.

    Look, I get it, you guys are working hard, but it's just not playable. Too many people I play with that were just starting to come back have once again left. Two of us bought brand new, almost top of the line computers and STILL see crashing.

    I don't know what happened, but that datacenter move seems to really be just the latest disappointment. I can't speak for everyone I know, but I'll tell you, there's only one reason I haven't left and it's the IP. You keep rushing to Mordor, but I'm afraid when you get there and people experience that, the problems that keep popping up won't seem as tolerable to some of us. It's just this subscriber's opinion, but there are two things I think can't come soon enough—a challenging raid with interesting rewards and a comprehensive improvement of gameplay that includes bug fixes so that we can actually play all the parts of the game that have already been released.

  25. #25
    Date d'inscription
    mai 2009
    1 547
    Citation Envoyé par Vyvyanne Voir le message
    We continue to work in the background on improving performance but the general feedback we are seeing through CS and bug reports and our own staff running trough the game is that the issues have mostly cleared up.
    Constant crashes and unplayable lag are now the new "normal", confirmed.

    The auto crash dumps cannot even be uploaded anymore, because the disk that holds them at is full, but those must just be outliers.


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