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  1. #1
    Date d'inscription
    septembre 2007

    Looking for Laid Back but lively Kin

    Well, we transferred over from Elendilmir with our kin and now the kins dead and the leader doesn't log in. Bummer...

    What we are looking for:
    A lively kin that does group content of all levels, NOT just end game, and has fun when running! Yes we take our roles in a group serious but we are hardly leetist. We game to have fun, not stress, scream/get screamed at and boot people (or get booted)
    A kin that doesn't have requirements like "you have to log in at least once a week or you get booted" Um...we have super busy lives, we can't commit to time constraints....we log on when we can.
    A kin with a sense of humor! We like to joke around and can get pretty feisty at times. We are too old to be censored during our down time. If you can't handle some off color humor and occasional cursing...we are def not good for you.
    Helpful and patient people who actually answer questions (sarcasm in the answer is more than welcomed as long as there IS in fact an answer)

    What we offer:
    We have lots of toons between us, mostly in their 80s and 90s...each have a 100. We do have quite a few that craft. We have no problem playing a toon thats needed since we love all that we have.
    We are helpful when we can be, again, our time in game is sadly limited but we are always there to help with anything when we are on.
    A sense of humor!

    I have been playing lotro on and off for 8 years. I have been an officer is some kins and led others. I LOVED the days of running instances, from farming BG for the Captains Arm (I still have it in my inventory!) or CD for Helchgam's Slime (when it was actually a challenge to get) to the days of running each Moria instance for the specific gear that instance dropped. (I miss the old days lol) Sad to say that after an extended absence, I have still not quite got my groove back. All the changes STILL have me thrown, but I'm working on it. My husband is only about 3 years in. The last time I ran group content was when the Mirkwood expansion was released. I miss group play (heh). Worse still my husband has very little experience with the group content and I REALLY want him to see/experience what he's missing!

    We are EST in the US

    If you think we may be a good fit with your kin, please send a message

    Dernière modification par Agron5 ; 07/06/2016 à 08h59.



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