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Discussion: Kin of Kins

  1. #1
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2011

    Kin of Kins

    Greetings Evernight.

    Is there any shared discord open to multiple kins to join in? Back in the days, we would have a userchat called the kin of kins, where four kinships would come together. This allowed us to do grouped content together, as our individual kinships often missed the numbers. Today, I am still part of what was once the oldest kinship in Snowbourne and can't get my heart to leave it now, though our numbers are reduced to two.

    That said, I do hope to stumble into an active group

    Captain Morganil of Snowbourne

  2. #2
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2011
    Citation Envoyé par hfe Voir le message
    Greetings Evernight.

    Is there any shared discord open to multiple kins to join in? Back in the days, we would have a userchat called the kin of kins, where four kinships would come together. This allowed us to do grouped content together, as our individual kinships often missed the numbers. Today, I am still part of what was once the oldest kinship in Snowbourne and can't get my heart to leave it now, though our numbers are reduced to two.

    That said, I do hope to stumble into an active group

    Captain Morganil of Snowbourne

    There are a couple of inter-kinship discord servers hosting numerous players from various kinships for end-game grouping. However, those are addressed to individuals i believe. Admission is naturally easy (because Discord) and based on acquaintances. Not aware of anything with the scale you describe. This is probably the case as most end-game kinships are shooting for self sustained squads.

    Psorokostaina/Ippokratis/Kervertros/Teucros. Officer & Raid Leader for The Aegean Eagles, Evernight {EU}.
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