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  1. #1
    Date d'inscription
    octobre 2008
    2 207

    Captain Resources, Updates, and Guides.

    This is a stickied index of guides and resources for the Captain. If you know of a good guide, good discussion, or good resources post them here with a brief description. Anytime we get a substantial update or armory addition post it here so we can find it fast. I will grab that stuff and add it to the index, or if I'm too slow you can copy this post and carry it forward with the additions. (Click on the legacy server guides to see the prior format) If you have any color palate suggestions let me know. I dig the orange but seems that only green works with it.


    Old Guides for Legacy Servers.
    This was the original Captain Resources sticky before the forum moved. Some of the links no longer work as hyperlinks. Hover your mouse over the link to see what the forum thread title is and then google that Lotro + the title.

    All Captain Rotations and Skill Info - By Zaheer

    What skills to use, when to use them, and what they do

    Advanced Captain Rotations - By Zaheer

    Incredible Burst

    Threat Guide.
    How to generate threat on a captain.

    Legendary Items and their Legacies.

    Discussion on the best legacies for DPS with moderate healing.

    Legacy: Bleed Skills Crit Damage

    Legacy: Blade of Elendil

    -Not affected by Light damage legacy 11/24/19

    Discussion on Red Line captain Legacies.

    Captain Discussions Q/A

    Discussion on making a generic build

    Discussion on tanking/healing/dps

    Mega discussion with Q/A

    A lot of good questions get answered, bugs and weak traits get revealed. Highly recommended.


    Plugins for Tanking


    Captain Bug List - By Zaheer.
    Dernière modification par Armitas ; 27/02/2020 à 10h28.

  2. #2
    Date d'inscription
    août 2011
    I've made a short list of the best endgame gear for Captain here
    Maybe it helps!



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