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  1. #1
    Date d'inscription
    décembre 2010

    Two accounts on one server

    Can or will we be able to merge two accounts if on the same server one being VIP the other prem. account ?

  2. #2
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2011
    Citation Envoyé par Blondwing Voir le message
    Can or will we be able to merge two accounts if on the same server one being VIP the other prem. account ?
    No, there is no way to do so. You also cannot transfer chars from one to the other, never were actually.

  3. #3
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2010
    Citation Envoyé par Blondwing Voir le message
    Can or will we be able to merge two accounts if on the same server one being VIP the other prem. account ?
    As Hoyos has said above, the simple answer is No. VIP and Premium are two different account types; have different identifier tags, account restrictions, etc. You can have a VIP, a Premium and a Free account on the same server. Any characters on these accounts can exchange any item not BoA, BtA, etc. They even can be in the same Kinship or group. You can trade items between the different accounts even Gold. In short, you can do anything with or between the accounts that you can do with another player. Nonetheless, the accounts can never be merged into one server account.
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  4. #4
    Avatar de Erionor
    Erionor est déconnecté Captain of Gondor, showed quality
    Date d'inscription
    avril 2018
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    ... which is essentially just the same as any two players sharing stuff.

    You can, however, play both accounts at the same time and on the same machine, simply by opening LOTRO twice and signing into each account separately. It works surprisingly well actually, and can be used for various purposes including setting up several characters in a band to play a gig together, or helping your son with a tricky quest on your higher level character

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