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Affichage des résultats 76 à 81 sur 81
  1. #76
    Date d'inscription
    octobre 2010
    Now is an excellent time to join the Bearclaws.

    We have finished Vol. 1, Book 3, and are currently at level cap 27 and exploring the new region of the Yondershire.

    We will be moving into Oatbarton and part of Evendim to level up enough to accept the Book 4 Foreword (which requires a min level 32).

  2. #77
    Date d'inscription
    octobre 2021
    She folded herself more tightly into the space behind the barrels in the pub. He was HERE, curse his beard. She'd almost walked into him! Pressing a hand over her mouth to muffle her breathing, she listened to her heart pound and waited.

    After far too much chatting with the barkeep the sound of his voice finally faded. She peeked around the casks, in time to see the door of the Fox and Fiddle slam shut. Casually dodging over-merry hobbits she drifted to the window, and felt her stomach lurch when she saw the dark dwarf talking with Trebble. Luckily, the Bounder seemed his usual self when she finally emerged. Perhaps it had been purely coincidence? Even so, a change of appearance might be wise....

  3. #78
    Date d'inscription
    mai 2007
    I (Trialla) apologize for being out so much recently. I will be unavailable again today but I should be back regularly after this (although I assume next weekend may be lighter due to the USA holiday). Could I get a fresh Discord link? Thank you in advance.

  4. #79
    Date d'inscription
    février 2008
    Citation Envoyé par Caprice Voir le message
    I (Trialla) apologize for being out so much recently. I will be unavailable again today but I should be back regularly after this (although I assume next weekend may be lighter due to the USA holiday). Could I get a fresh Discord link? Thank you in advance.
    No worries. Here's a fresh link:

  5. #80
    Date d'inscription
    octobre 2010

    Club Bearclaw

    Image by Eorhild

  6. #81
    Date d'inscription
    octobre 2010

    Happy New Year!

    As we head into the final days of 2022, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has participated in Club Bearclaw this year (and of course, the previous years)! May 2023 will mark THREE YEARS of Club Bearclaw! And this month (December 2022) is TEN YEARS of Club Eclair! Thank you to Meadowlarke et al for keeping this insane idea going for so long (and also for basically volunteering me to start this "new" club while Lilythorn and Meadowlarke were chatting with a new Bounders of the Shire recruit who was lamenting that there wasn't a lower-level Club Eclair group to take part in-- Say one thing about the Chief, he knows how to delegate, haha!) The struggles of real life continue and I'm sure 2023 will give us fresh challenges, but these regular sessions of fun and adventure with you all have been a true source of happiness for me. I hope that everyone who has participated in our groups, however briefly, has also found some measure of joy in this experience that we have shared, and I'm looking forward to many further adventures with you all!


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