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  1. #1
    Date d'inscription
    avril 2020

    Question Help! How do i get Kinship Chest Content?

    Hello Everyone!
    I am new to the forums but I have played LotRO for a while now.

    I love programming and I recently started to program in Lua. I looked at the API documentation but I cannot find anything about getting content from kinship chests

    I understand that kinship chests work like the vaults. All the content is stored and retrieved when the player interacts with the bank NPC.

    The Concept:
    The Plugin will work exactly like when you open the kinship chest but instead of opening when you interact with the chest, the window will open when you type a command in the chat [eg: /kinchest, or similar].

    Thanks in advance


  2. #2
    Date d'inscription
    mars 2007
    1 590
    Housing chests are not exposed to Lua. The Lua API for LotRO is extremely limited and not likely to be expanded - the last significant changes were in 2014. The Lua API was a 'pet' project of a couple of developers at Turbine and there are no longer any developers with SSG that are supporting it.
    Dernière modification par Garan ; 15/06/2020 à 17h29.

  3. #3
    Date d'inscription
    avril 2020
    That is a bummer

    Thanks for the info.



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