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  1. #1
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2011

    Question Create button that does a chat command after a delay?


    I have not figured out how to do this.

    I need a button that executes a command (e.g. /dance), but it should wait some specific number of seconds after the button press to execute that command.

    How do I do that? I can make a slot that has an alias attached, but that will execute immediately..

  2. #2
    Date d'inscription
    mars 2007
    1 590
    Citation Envoyé par Splik Voir le message

    I have not figured out how to do this.

    I need a button that executes a command (e.g. /dance), but it should wait some specific number of seconds after the button press to execute that command.

    How do I do that? I can make a slot that has an alias attached, but that will execute immediately..
    Quickslots are the only way to do this. The game's Lua API was specifically designed to prevent executing chat commands (or any other game commands) programmatically to prevent botting. Since Quickslots require immediate user interaction (clicking) they are less susceptible to botting abuse. Unfortunately, that also means they are less flexible for things like what you are trying to do



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