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Discussion: Leagcies

  1. #1
    Date d'inscription
    avril 2014


    Any Hunters have good advice on what legacies I should put on my FA sword ?, my bow all set, but not quite sure what best for sword. I'm not hard core raider yet obviously, and probably won't be, but would still like to be able to eventually do end game raids.

  2. #2
    Date d'inscription
    juillet 2018
    Citation Envoyé par bobf Voir le message
    Any Hunters have good advice on what legacies I should put on my FA sword ?, my bow all set, but not quite sure what best for sword. I'm not hard core raider yet obviously, and probably won't be, but would still like to be able to eventually do end game raids.
    I always consult the wiki to determine what legacies will change after imbuement; this goes for all classes, but here is a link to the hunter page: I work backwards from the final option I want and make sure to have the non-imbued version fully-leveled (to tier 6) first. It really depends on your trait line and your personal preferences.

  3. #3
    Date d'inscription
    février 2010
    Citation Envoyé par bobf Voir le message
    I'm not hard core raider yet obviously, and probably won't be, but would still like to be able to eventually do end game raids.

    Disclaimer: Things might change any time with a balance patch.

  4. #4
    Date d'inscription
    avril 2014
    Citation Envoyé par Bothketbog Voir le message
    I always consult the wiki to determine what legacies will change after imbuement; this goes for all classes, but here is a link to the hunter page: I work backwards from the final option I want and make sure to have the non-imbued version fully-leveled (to tier 6) first. It really depends on your trait line and your personal preferences.
    Thank you



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