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  1. #1
    Date d'inscription
    janvier 2021

    Burglars are D tier for solo play? is this true in 2021?

    Put in "lotro strongest solo class" to any search engine (google) and I get rankings pages that always show burglar at the bottom for solo capability. Is this true? How solo friendly is burglar for someone that plays casually? (no raids, has no crafters, etc.)

  2. 06/03/2021, 20h53

  3. #2
    Date d'inscription
    septembre 2010
    1 152
    Citation Envoyé par mythror Voir le message
    Put in "lotro strongest solo class" to any search engine (google) and I get rankings pages that always show burglar at the bottom for solo capability. Is this true? How solo friendly is burglar for someone that plays casually? (no raids, has no crafters, etc.)
    I'd you're reading the listicles on Gamersdecide, disregard all that.
    Argendauss, Captain
    Rechart, Warden
    Hrodgart, Beorning
    Gunnart, Guardian

  4. #3
    Date d'inscription
    avril 2015
    4 112
    Citation Envoyé par mythror Voir le message
    Put in "lotro strongest solo class" to any search engine (google) and I get rankings pages that always show burglar at the bottom for solo capability. Is this true? How solo friendly is burglar for someone that plays casually? (no raids, has no crafters, etc.)
    Solo landscape for burglar very easy. You have high speed, huge damage and you don't need clear whole camp of mobs to kill singature boss, just use hide, kill boss and go away.

  5. #4
    Date d'inscription
    août 2013
    Citation Envoyé par Elmagor Voir le message
    Solo landscape for burglar very easy. You have high speed, huge damage and you don't need clear whole camp of mobs to kill singature boss, just use hide, kill boss and go away.
    I would put Burg at the TOP of the list for these very reasons. But, it depends on your playstyle. Burgs aren't blenders like champs, or screaming meemies like minnies. It takes a little finesse and knowledge of your skills, but once you learn, they are WICKED FUN! Bleeds, stuns, mezzes, one-shots, sneaking, all contribute to the party-like atmosphere. Mounted combat gives you a disguise and making the mobs attack each other! If you like creative play, this is it! They have an endless supply of tricks and escape hatches.

  6. #5
    Date d'inscription
    novembre 2013
    It all depends on the definition of "strongest". Wanna wade in, pull a whole camp and mow it down? Burgs cannot do that, because they lack AoE damage. Champs can do. But do you really prefer the brute force approach? Burgs have a lot of other tricks in their sleeves, as mentioned by the other ppl who answered. Go in, only kill what you need to kill, get out. (Burg is a BEAST when it comed to ST damage.)

    Besides, even when it comes to kill speed, there are classes that fare worse on landscape. Captain can be a bit of a pain, because of lack of general damage, and Guardians don't hit very hard either (albeit they have a good mix of ST and AoE skills). Lore-Master has some big hitters, but only deals very mediocre damage when those are on cooldown.



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