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Discussion: Disarmed Brawler

  1. #1
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2011

    Disarmed Brawler

    Odd finding: Brawler can get 'disarmed' by mobs... Pretty gruesome.

  2. #2
    Date d'inscription
    mars 2011
    I'm assuming when a Brawler is disarmed by a foe, that means they've temporarily been stripped of the special gloves they wear that empower their attacks.

  3. #3
    Date d'inscription
    septembre 2008
    As amusing as the visuals might be for the Brawler to have part of his forelimbs ripped off and tossed aside...

    I'd throw logic at it as being akin to a nerve strike, temporarily numbing/disabling an arm or leg.

    Brandy: Cupcakes of Doom.
    Landro: Trueheart Companions.

  4. #4
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2011
    Citation Envoyé par Devolved Voir le message
    As amusing as the visuals might be for the Brawler to have part of his forelimbs ripped off and tossed aside...

    I'd throw logic at it as being akin to a nerve strike, temporarily numbing/disabling an arm or leg.
    Immune to disarm could be a strategy for the class, in my opinion makes more sense than being robbed of a glove.

  5. #5
    Date d'inscription
    mars 2007
    Citation Envoyé par hfe Voir le message
    Immune to disarm could be a strategy for the class, in my opinion makes more sense than being robbed of a glove.
    It'd be nicer still if the brawler was the one disarming the opponent: let's make this a "fair" fight.

  6. #6
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2011
    Citation Envoyé par Nevyn55 Voir le message
    It'd be nicer still if the brawler was the one disarming the opponent: let's make this a "fair" fight.
    Pretty epic idea...

  7. #7
    Date d'inscription
    septembre 2010
    1 152
    Argendauss, Captain
    Rechart, Warden
    Hrodgart, Beorning
    Gunnart, Guardian

  8. #8
    Date d'inscription
    septembre 2013
    I would also prefer that the Brawler could not be disarmed, same as the Beorninger in bear form. It would make much more sense.



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