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  1. #1
    Date d'inscription
    septembre 2010

    Post Red-Line Guardian Guide - The Keen Blade (Updated for U30)

    So, you are interested in doing DPS as a guardian? You've come to the right place! Ever since the launch of Update 30, Guardians have seen an excellent boost in damage, making them decently competitive for lower tier raids, six-mans, and three-mans, and they are an overall fun line to play with in landscape and missions.

    Since I cannot post attachments, I cannot post pictures of my Imbued LIs and trait line. Thus, this guide will be provided in Google Document format. Enjoy!

    Note: LotroHQ also recently launched a fresh guide for Red Guardians as a result of the buffs we received in Update 30. I would encourage you to consider the tips of that guide as well (they provide an AoE rotation, while I completely skipped it for the sake of brevity), but one major difference between my build and LotroHQ's build is how much bleeds and Brutal Assault are prioritized. LotroHQ's guide prefers the Guardian as focused on bleed damage, while my guide is focused on the massive, burst hits. In my personal opinion, I've found bigger DPS by focusing on the big hits rather than the bleeds.

    Here's the link to LotroHQ's build for your viewing:

    With the new LI system on the horizon, this guide will be updated accordingly.

    Happy Guarding! :-)

  2. #2
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2015

    Thumbs up Finally a good guard update from SSG

    Yep just made a new red guard recently and it's really fun to play with the massive damage boost. Even with sword + board it does excellent damage, easily 2-2.5x quicker to what I remember pre-buff.



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