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  1. #1
    Date d'inscription
    septembre 2013

    Is Beorning good at late game landscape content?

    I remember having an awful time with Captain in Mordor, is Beorning better at handling that kind of content?

  2. #2
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2011
    1 232
    Citation Envoyé par Frarin Voir le message
    I remember having an awful time with Captain in Mordor, is Beorning better at handling that kind of content?
    Two things they nerfed Mordor so it's now as boring as everywhere else and more importantly Beorning is great on landscape definitely not as slow as cappy
    Evernight - Walred (Champ), Walmur (RK), Walbert-2 (Cappy)

  3. #3
    Date d'inscription
    mai 2011
    Citation Envoyé par Once_of_Bree Voir le message
    Two things they nerfed Mordor so it's now as boring as everywhere else and more importantly Beorning is great on landscape definitely not as slow as cappy
    If you are slow with captain, then you do smth wrong.
    Captain, both red and yellow line, is way faster than red, or yellow bear. Blue /tank/ bear with dps gear is supperior for clearing big grps / fast and safe/ but it lack on ST kills / which captain dont/.
    I love to play beor, and there are only 2 reasons i "hate it"
    One is the ugly bear form /even LM have options to change his bear ski/
    And main reason is, you cant pick sh@it in bear form /speaking for everything outside big battles, where you can build and repear in anima form/ changing form every time i need to interact with something, pisses me of. We speaking about 5y game play here.
    Overal beor is in great place. Viable in 2 of his 3 specialisations, and fun to play.

  4. #4
    Date d'inscription
    janvier 2008
    Although it may not work in your situation since I have a levelling partner, I picked up my bear again last year and we went thru limlock and elderslade (somewhat undergeared). I wasnt really enjoying the mediocre red damage/playstyle. By the time we got into elderslade and hit the more challenging mob densities and whatnot I decided to go full blue (since we were getting frustrated) and absolutely loved it. Really transformed my entire beorning experience.
    "Argle-bargle morble whoosh?"




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