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Discussion: Ideas for the devs

  1. #1
    Date d'inscription
    janvier 2011

    Ideas for the devs

    Dear devs, please consider giving us
    1) an option to claim our items from expansions and unlockables and not just spawn them all at once upon character creation. The situation with our inventory is dire and personally I don't even want to open some boxes because the spawned items will clutter the inventory even more.
    2) the ability to reclaim the cosmetics from expansions and unlockables as many times we like so we can discard them after use and claim again if we want.
    3) more inventory slots either from the store or bundled with a future expansion or both.
    4) consumables (mounts, titles, emotes, pets, portraits, anniversary year markings) should be in a box without other items so we can open them without other items like cosmetics to clutter the inventory.

    Feel free to add more useful addition for quality of life upgrades guys.
    Dernière modification par Polemarhos ; 28/04/2023 à 18h36.

  2. #2
    Date d'inscription
    septembre 2010
    1 696
    So you want each reward to be in their own individual box but you don't want your inventory to be filled up with them. I mean, I get the appeal of picking and choosing items from a menu but they can't even add an in-game calendar or display an accurate list of the content you own. Is it really that troublesome to go through it all when you create a character? It's very safe to throw out a bunch of stuff like cosmetics since you can A) Put them in wardrobe, B) Put them on a mule character since they are usually account-bound, C) Throw all of it away and create a new character when you want them, or D) use /reclaim command to have them all appear again. They already instituted a way for people to automatically receive their boar with War of Three Peaks. As much as I liked the idea, it spawned lots of posts from confused people that were expecting to see a box with their mount in it.

  3. #3
    Date d'inscription
    avril 2015
    4 112
    Citation Envoyé par WeirdJedi Voir le message
    So you want each reward to be in their own individual box but you don't want your inventory to be filled up with them. I mean, I get the appeal of picking and choosing items from a menu but they can't even add an in-game calendar or display an accurate list of the content you own. Is it really that troublesome to go through it all when you create a character? It's very safe to throw out a bunch of stuff like cosmetics since you can A) Put them in wardrobe, B) Put them on a mule character since they are usually account-bound, C) Throw all of it away and create a new character when you want them, or D) use /reclaim command to have them all appear again. They already instituted a way for people to automatically receive their boar with War of Three Peaks. As much as I liked the idea, it spawned lots of posts from confused people that were expecting to see a box with their mount in it.
    And SSG can introduce Expansion Gifts Carry-All

  4. #4
    Date d'inscription
    février 2022
    Unfortunately, /reclaim doesn't work on expansion cosmetics, as far as I know, because I recently lost Cloak of the Dead City on my main character and /reclaim just got me the Cloak and Hooded Cloak of Starlight, another first year giftbox, and one other thing from the 15th anniversary. No expansion stuff came with the /reclaim. I agree with the OP that it's annoying to get dumped with two bag's worth of expansion boxes, and if you don't have a wardrobe, there's really no way to get back those cosmetics if you dump them. The idea of them making an Expansions Carry-all is very funny though lol.
    Hirenthas/Deminwen on Crickhollow

  5. #5
    Date d'inscription
    janvier 2011
    Citation Envoyé par WeirdJedi Voir le message
    So you want each reward to be in their own individual box but you don't want your inventory to be filled up with them. I mean, I get the appeal of picking and choosing items from a menu but they can't even add an in-game calendar or display an accurate list of the content you own. Is it really that troublesome to go through it all when you create a character? It's very safe to throw out a bunch of stuff like cosmetics since you can A) Put them in wardrobe, B) Put them on a mule character since they are usually account-bound, C) Throw all of it away and create a new character when you want them, or D) use /reclaim command to have them all appear again. They already instituted a way for people to automatically receive their boar with War of Three Peaks. As much as I liked the idea, it spawned lots of posts from confused people that were expecting to see a box with their mount in it.
    No i didn't say that. I want the consumables to be on a separate box so when I open it I won't have all the other items like cosmetics, crafting supplies/tools, furniture etc all over the place. For example the Rivendell Supporter pack I would like a separate box for
    the title, mount, portrait etc without releasing all the other boxes of the bundle. I made this post because the situation with inventory is dire and your proposed ways to organized are already used . The toons are maxed out with crafting stuff, items from Reward Track, cosmetics etc and worst of all I'm getting close to the character cap of 46(?) so no more mules for me.

  6. #6
    Date d'inscription
    décembre 2016
    1 105
    It would be cool if they had a new kind of vault-keeper you could visit with any of your characters, to examine and take any of the expansion items you've earned over the years without it all being dumped in your inventory on character creation.

  7. #7
    istvana est déconnecté Legendary forums 1st poster
    Date d'inscription
    novembre 2007
    2 356
    I have been around since release. I create many new characters (sanity is vastly overrated). On each of them I go through many boxes. I do not consider it a big deal.

    Note that many of the items in these boxes are mounts and pets that disappear from inventory when clicked. Even more are bind-to-account items.

    The joy of a bind to account cosmetic is you can instantly destroy it. If you ever want it just create a new level 1 and send the item to the character you wish to have it.

  8. #8
    Date d'inscription
    mars 2022
    1 590
    Just the shear amount you have to sort out dissuades one from purchasing the more "generous" expansion packs. It's not like they gift away the additional storage space to hold on to it so often.



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