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Discussion: Buffbars questions

  1. #1
    Date d'inscription
    octobre 2021

    Buffbars questions

    In Buffbars is there a way to change the color of the bars? Right now they all appear blue which makes it difficult for me during combat to find the one I'm looking for. I tried different things in settings with no luck.
    I increased the size of the bar and text which helped a little. A color difference would help me more if possible.
    Also is there a way to remove certain bars that do not pertain to combat. Like the Crafting XP Weekend or Subscriber Buffs?

  2. #2
    Date d'inscription
    janvier 2012
    I don't think you can change the color, but I have never tried. You can right click a buff and blacklist it and it won't show up there anymore. Not sure why your having an issue seeing a blue bar. Mines right above my hot bars and stands out well, even in combat. If anyone knows of a color change, that would be nice though.

  3. #3
    Date d'inscription
    octobre 2021
    Citation Envoyé par Nieyah Voir le message
    I don't think you can change the color, but I have never tried. You can right click a buff and blacklist it and it won't show up there anymore. Not sure why your having an issue seeing a blue bar. Mines right above my hot bars and stands out well, even in combat. If anyone knows of a color change, that would be nice though.
    I'm not having an issue seeing the bars it's more to distinguish the different ones. Like buffs/debuffs/cool downs. I noticed if I'm hit with poison it will show green. So I was wondering if the others can be a different color to tell them apart.
    Thanks for the backlist tip.

  4. #4
    Date d'inscription
    janvier 2012
    Part of the buffbar feature is you can slot pots and when you get a poison/fear/wound/disease, it will show you the pot to click. Look under options, 2nd tab I think.

  5. #5
    Date d'inscription
    octobre 2012
    3 068
    It's a while since I played with the options in Buffbars but I'm pretty sure you can split the bars so you don't just get one long list. For example you could have one block that is just self buffs and another, separate, block that is just debuffs and etc. Basically make a series of new Effects Windows that have different types of effects in each. So at least then you'd know which block to look at for the effect you were interested in.

    Other than that there's a section, which you may know about, at the bottom of the Effect Window tab in the options that lets you change the colours of different classes of effects but that's all you can do I think. That's why poison is green (fear is purple).

  6. #6
    Date d'inscription
    octobre 2021
    Citation Envoyé par Altair6 Voir le message
    It's a while since I played with the options in Buffbars but I'm pretty sure you can split the bars so you don't just get one long list. For example you could have one block that is just self buffs and another, separate, block that is just debuffs and etc. Basically make a series of new Effects Windows that have different types of effects in each. So at least then you'd know which block to look at for the effect you were interested in.

    Other than that there's a section, which you may know about, at the bottom of the Effect Window tab in the options that lets you change the colours of different classes of effects but that's all you can do I think. That's why poison is green (fear is purple).
    Separate blocks will help. Thanks



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