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Discussion: Captain Questions

  1. #1
    Date d'inscription
    août 2015

    Captain Questions

    I am playing red line solo captain- and I am having some questions:
    -Which traceries should i use on the 2 LI?
    -Which stats should i focus on and where are they capped? Because i read in old guides that there is a cap ...
    -some tips how i should have my skills located on the bar?

    When inspecting captains i only see 2 or 3 traceries on their LI's so no easy answeres there to be found...

    Maybe just some Screenshots can help me to guide me...

    KR PhilB

  2. #2
    Date d'inscription
    septembre 2010
    1 696
    The problem is you are asking too much. We aren't going to tell you how to play the game. It would be hard to tell you which traceries you need every time you reforge. There are some people who make hybrid legendary items where it benefits both lines. Use the traceries you obtain or get the ones that correlate with the abilities you use the most. Not everyone's playstyle is going to be the same.

    As for stats, the traceries will tell you. For example, a tracery that benefits an ability that focuses on high critical damage will also provide you with Critical Rating. Then that is what you should try to get more of. If you really want to optimize for what is considered the best, many like to use

  3. #3
    Date d'inscription
    mars 2019
    The question you should ask yourself is

    What to slot and what to do rather than
    How to slot and how to play.

    The above 2 lines perhaps make it difficult for anyone who plays or mains something else than a captain, or lore-master. For example, a red warden rotation is pretty set in stone, to which ''how to play'' could fit more easily. For Captain and LM it becomes a much more difficult question, based on the situation opposed to other classes.

    This requires critical thinking and awareness of what you can offer to the group. As for a good understanding of what is happening in your environment.
    Know that even if you have a way, you should never stop questioning your own way of supporting in that given situation, you should always try to find a better way.
    Dernière modification par Zaheer ; 20/03/2022 à 17h27.

  4. #4
    Date d'inscription
    janvier 2007
    1 863
    As the other posters have noted, the situation, your playstyle and other conditions should guide your decisions.

    In very general terms:
    Which traceries to use: The suggestion by WeirdJedi is good general advise. Use the traceries you obtain or get the ones that correlate with the abilities you use the most.

    Which stats to focus on? You can always use Might and Vitality. Other stats will depend on your own preferences.

    Quickslot locations: This is entirely personal preference. Personally, I like my primary melee skills up front on the 1st bar, followed by my gated skills, in increasing order of cooldown. My 2nd quickslot bar contains my healing, cleansing and buff skills

    This is just some very general opinions based on my own personal preferences. Experiment to see what works best for YOU.



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