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Discussion: Stealth Level

  1. #1
    Date d'inscription
    avril 2007
    4 924

    Stealth Level

    Greetings fellow Burglars.

    I'm here to beg.

    I posted a suggestion about a method for quickly determining our "stealth level".

    From that thread came a suggestion that we might be able to get this through a LUA application.
    So then I posted in the LUA Scripting...Plugins & Requests Forum.

    A response to that lead me here. Begging.

    What is needed is a bunch of support for this idea.
    If support is apparent, we might be able to get some coding-genius to create such tool.
    Those genius type folks don't get rich by creating code, but they do like it when we use what they make...I think that is their motivation.

    This thread will get you to the details

    Like I told you...What I said...Steal your face right off your head.

  2. #2
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2011
    What do you need this for, Boraxxe? I mean, you can simply count it in a few seconds.

  3. #3
    Date d'inscription
    avril 2007
    4 924
    Citation Envoyé par Schattenhand Voir le message
    What do you need this for, Boraxxe? I mean, you can simply count it in a few seconds.
    Don't need it.
    Want it...but alas, I expect it to stay in the land of might have been.

    Like I told you...What I said...Steal your face right off your head.



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