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  1. #1
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2022

    Casual In-Character Chat Channel

    Hi everyone!

    I recently started the game on invitation from some RL friends on Evernight, and am really loving it. One thing I miss from the old days of EQ is having an in-character general channel, so I created one called Evernight-Inn. It's not meant to be centered on hardcore or story-driven RP, just a casual IC replacement for World, or to announce concerts or other events. I know I'd probably have more luck with this on the RP servers, but figured I'd see if there was anyone else interested. Feel free to add the channel and come say hello!

  2. #2
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2011

    Thumbs up

    That's nice man, when the server is up I'll join (if I don't forget haha, my short term memory is swiss cheese)
    Gilrain Vet, loving the server and I am glad that some people left it.
    Konungald on freeps, Idieanyway on creeps

  3. #3
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2022
    Thanks! So far haven't really seen anyone in, but I've got it set to autojoin. Maybe it'll catch on eventually, haha.



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