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  1. #1
    Date d'inscription
    juillet 2007

    Is the Lag issue on the table?

    I've been playing on and off for a good many years on Landy. I've never seen it this bad, but what's more, it seems to be a universal issue for most people on the server.
    My kin is constantly on about it everytime we play, world chat complains about it regularly, every time I meet a cross-server player they always say they can't believe we are playing under these conditions.
    It's so widely known, some players routinely do /loc checks and know what server numbers are the bad ones.

    So, is it even being looked into?

  2. #2
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2011
    They are trying to fix it, by tweaking the program code for each update (which so far have only made it worse).
    Its a poor man company solution Im afraid.

  3. #3
    Date d'inscription
    octobre 2019

    Lets be Realistic here

    Citation Envoyé par Aranaan Voir le message
    They are trying to fix it, by tweaking the program code for each update (which so far have only made it worse).
    Its a poor man company solution Im afraid.
    exactly. And they expect to KEEP the new players coming in off the wave of the Amazon Series?

    there are so many other MMO's out there that have 1. better UI interaction 2. minimal lag 3. clunky game mechanics

    i wager all the Tolkien nerds are already playing this game and as time goes on it will be harder for SSG to KEEP the numbers of logged-in players up.

    my opinion is that with each new content release ie. more code the server has to process, the Lag gets worse.



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