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Discussion: Can't purchase VIP

  1. #1
    Date d'inscription
    avril 2007

    Can't purchase VIP

    I have 2 cards on file. Both get the following message. "3032: Sorry, the payment cannot be completed now. Please try again later or contact Xsolla customer support." I was able to buy the expansion but now I can' buy VIP. Any work arounds. I am not using steam launcher.

  2. #2
    Date d'inscription
    novembre 2022
    I get a 3030 failure, not surporting creditcard, and I have used it before.

  3. #3
    Date d'inscription
    avril 2007
    Well I would like to try a legendary server but if that can't take either card then I guess just move on.

  4. #4
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2011

    Cant pay for VIP

    I cannot pay with cc ive used before and paypal not working

  5. #5
    Date d'inscription
    avril 2013
    Same here, I wanted to renew my VIP sub but it says it doesnt accept my card even though i've used this card for many lotro purchases before.

  6. #6
    Date d'inscription
    avril 2014
    Same here...Anyone found a solution yet?
    Shazen - r14 Stalker

  7. #7
    Date d'inscription
    avril 2013
    Was finally able to use my debit card today for VIP sub, have another go at it everyone before it breaks again! :P

  8. #8
    Date d'inscription
    novembre 2022
    Citation Envoyé par Thagrune Voir le message
    Same here, I wanted to renew my VIP sub but it says it doesnt accept my card even though i've used this card for many lotro purchases before.
    Me too. With 2 different cards that I use regularly for Internet and in person payments. They're both visa cards. Is it something to do with visa? Luckily I was able to use my card to buy the expansion from but I can't buy anything from the in game shop. I don't understand ssg obviously wants to make money from the game. I'm trying to throw money at you and you won't take it. I've tried multiple times per day with buying vip and lp and keep getting same message.



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