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  1. #1
    Date d'inscription
    décembre 2010
    4 875

    Your dream house location?

    I was thinking of all the places where you could have a house or neighborhood, and was wondering where would you have a house in LOTRO if could live anywhere?

    For me a dream house would be in deep narrow valley kinda like Rivendell or Lyndelby surrounded by massive tall mountains with stream next to it, I would totally buy that.
    Pontin Level 140 Hobbit Burglar Leader of Second Breakfast Crickhollow Server.
    other classes: Minstrel, Guardian, Captain, Hunter.

    Taken many Screenshots of Middle-earth, Also a Moderator of the LotRO Community Discord server

  2. #2
    Avatar de Strider5548
    Strider5548 est déconnecté Legendary Hunter of Middle-earth
    Original Challenger of Jagger Jack
    Date d'inscription
    mai 2007
    3 911
    Citation Envoyé par Pontin_Finnberry Voir le message
    I was thinking of all the places where you could have a house or neighborhood, and was wondering where would you have a house in LOTRO if could live anywhere?

    For me a dream house would be in deep narrow valley kinda like Rivendell or Lyndelby surrounded by massive tall mountains with stream next to it, I would totally buy that.
    I always thought it would be cool if they gave us open world housing, the world is so large and the player population is so small that I actually think it could work. Personally, all I would want is a cottage out in Breeland somewhere, maybe off the path from Bree to Lonelands.

    EDIT: Thinking about it more there are just so many cool remote locations to have maybe 5 or so plots of land spread out for players to be able to acquire. I started going through them in my head and realized you know what, every single area in this game, from Forochel to Ithilien to Iron Hills and everything in between, could make for awesome player housing.
    Servers: Treebeard | Arkenstone | Landroval
    Classes: Hunter | Champion | Loremaster | Warden | Beorning | Guardian | Captain | Burglar
    Creeps: Warleader | Reaver

  3. #3
    Date d'inscription
    janvier 2012
    I would like a elven mansion on the ocean, perched high atop white cliffs, hidden in a dense forest, far away from civilization. The mansion would face out to the sea from atop a hill at the top of the cliff. In this way, a person in the front room would have an unobstructed view looking down upon the ocean. Wings would extend backwards from the main structure with another wing sealing the back. This would make the building a rectangle, enclosing a courtyard filled with decorative flowers and ornamental trees. More flowers and fruit trees would surround the outer building. A small clearing behind the mansion would serve as a paddock for horses, dairy cows, and sheep. A pair of barns would lie behind the paddock.

    Boarded walking trails, lined with flowers and shrubs, would weave through the woods on either side of the structures. These would lead to watch flets deeper in the wood.

    Beneath the mansion would lie a series of cellars for cider and food stores. Deeper still one would find a grotto at sea level. This would open to a larger space, large enough for a single, medium sized sailing ship of elven design. Great gates would seal this dock from the ocean, rendering it invisible from the sea.

    A jetty would protect the small bay leading to the cave and ship, used for picnics on calm and sunny days.

    The mansion would include many rooms, some for the mistress of the mansion, some for her staff, some for guests, a large banquet hall, a reception hall, and a grande ball room with spiral staircases.

    A large infirmary would lie to one side of the mansion at some distance, adjacent to workshops for smithing, carpentry, and tanning.

    A track for running the horses would circle the property, hidden, along with everything else, within the dense wood.

    The mansion would have no neighbors.
    Sophie the Enchantress - Creator, Dreamer, Explorer - Happy yet Sad - Seeker of Beauty and Wonder
    I wish all of you many successful and happy adventures., brave Ladies and Lords of Middle Earth!

  4. #4
    Date d'inscription
    avril 2012
    1 212
    I would love it if you could get housing whose entrance was actually in town.

    In fact, I think they could do this pretty simply using the existing houses. Just take a few doors in towns like Bree, doors that don't currently go anywhere, and transform them into working doors that do the "go to my house" skill and drop you just inside the doorway of your house in whatever homestead your house is in. For bonus awesome points they could make it set a flag so that when you walk back out that doorway after having reached the house by this way, it returns you to the place you came from, instead of into its yard.

    You could still go to the house the ways you can now if you want to see the yard, but you could also roleplay that your house is in town and doesn't have a yard.

  5. #5
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2007
    I know we already have a Gondor premium housing area, but I would really love if we could buy a townhome in Minas Tirith. I walk past all of the un-interactable doors in the city so enviously, lol. And I think adding a housing neighborhood within Minas Tirith could help make it a bit more lively, like Bree is.

    I also think a Glittering Caves Dwarven housing area behind Helm’s Deep would be so cool. It would bring a bit more life back to the West Rohan area, and it makes sense lore-wise, as Gimli did canonically establish a Dwarven colony in there.

    For the Hobbits……well, I really fell in love with the Yondershire area, so I’m hoping the premium hobbit neighborhood is there! But I don’t have strong feelings on it, so I’m just generally excited to see what the team has in store for us

  6. #6
    Date d'inscription
    décembre 2008
    7 294

    Thumbs up

    Citation Envoyé par Pontin_Finnberry Voir le message
    I was thinking of all the places where you could have a house or neighborhood, and was wondering where would you have a house in LOTRO if could live anywhere?

    For me a dream house would be in deep narrow valley kinda like Rivendell or Lyndelby surrounded by massive tall mountains with stream next to it, I would totally buy that.
    I dream all nights that i wake up as my elf maiden rune keeper, at my Belfalas house with the sound of the sea birds, ocean breeze & waves.

  7. #7
    Avatar de Sammo
    Sammo est déconnecté Secret Squirrel
    Long-Time Lurker
    Date d'inscription
    février 2007
    I would love to be able to go inside and live in Radagast's cabin. That would be my dream home location.
    Saelemyr, Burglar, Arkenstone
    Aharon, Warden, Arkenstone
    Arcaenna, Rune Keeper, Arkenstone
    Ashryl, Hunter, Arkenstone

  8. #8
    Date d'inscription
    décembre 2010
    4 875
    Citation Envoyé par HunterGreen Voir le message
    I would love it if you could get housing whose entrance was actually in town.

    In fact, I think they could do this pretty simply using the existing houses. Just take a few doors in towns like Bree, doors that don't currently go anywhere, and transform them into working doors that do the "go to my house" skill and drop you just inside the doorway of your house in whatever homestead your house is in. For bonus awesome points they could make it set a flag so that when you walk back out that doorway after having reached the house by this way, it returns you to the place you came from, instead of into its yard.

    You could still go to the house the ways you can now if you want to see the yard, but you could also roleplay that your house is in town and doesn't have a yard.
    Entering a door in town just to get inside a house thats in a Neighborhood? I have to say that would feel odd to me, as it would be like entering one building only to end up in a completely different building somewhere else.
    Pontin Level 140 Hobbit Burglar Leader of Second Breakfast Crickhollow Server.
    other classes: Minstrel, Guardian, Captain, Hunter.

    Taken many Screenshots of Middle-earth, Also a Moderator of the LotRO Community Discord server

  9. #9
    Date d'inscription
    juillet 2011
    1 136

  10. #10
    Date d'inscription
    décembre 2010
    4 875
    Citation Envoyé par miriadel Voir le message
    Lindon would be nice, perhaps a House on the Gulf of Lhun near the Grey havens.
    Pontin Level 140 Hobbit Burglar Leader of Second Breakfast Crickhollow Server.
    other classes: Minstrel, Guardian, Captain, Hunter.

    Taken many Screenshots of Middle-earth, Also a Moderator of the LotRO Community Discord server

  11. #11
    Date d'inscription
    avril 2012
    1 212
    Citation Envoyé par Pontin_Finnberry Voir le message
    Entering a door in town just to get inside a house thats in a Neighborhood? I have to say that would feel odd to me, as it would be like entering one building only to end up in a completely different building somewhere else.
    You missed the point: the intent is that the building isn't somewhere else. Your house is in town; you open a door in town, go into the house, then come back out into town, so there's nothing that contradicts that. (You already can't look out the windows.) It's just a hack to use the existing houses to accomplish that, with their existing instancing process.

  12. #12
    Date d'inscription
    décembre 2022
    A cosy, sunken cottage on the outskirts of Mirkwood would do nicely.

    Hang on a minute...



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