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  1. #1
    Date d'inscription
    septembre 2010

    Rotating decorations 90 degrees

    I'd love a snap to 90 degrees feature for housing decorations. I hate having to guess and check, and knowing my walls/decorations are slightly askew.

  2. #2
    Avatar de Whohaz_Duhrang
    Whohaz_Duhrang est déconnecté Father Of Dwarves Within The Evernight...
    Date d'inscription
    juillet 2021
    I Too Second This Motion., Though Itd Be Grand To Show All Available Slots That Dont Have A Decor Items., Too Easy Is It To Get Lost In The Sauce And Not Know Which Hooks Are Still Open., Showing A Total Of Types Of Hooks, And How Many Of Those Types Are Still Available Is A Decoration Game Changer

  3. #3
    Date d'inscription
    décembre 2008
    7 294


    Citation Envoyé par Broinfinn Voir le message
    I'd love a snap to 90 degrees feature for housing decorations. I hate having to guess and check, and knowing my walls/decorations are slightly askew.
    You can already rotate all decoration kinds to a full 360º. What you can't do is tilt decorations

  4. #4
    Date d'inscription
    janvier 2011
    1 182
    Citation Envoyé par YamydeAragon Voir le message
    You can already rotate all decoration kinds to a full 360º. What you can't do is tilt decorations
    I don't think that's what the OP means, though they may correct me! It seems that the suggestion is to add actual numbers to the sliders for the rotations like SWTOR's UI does.

    So, in SWTOR, when decorating a stronghold, it gives you like these coordinates. You can tell if you've rotated the decoration 35 degrees, 90 degrees, etc. So, say you have 2 statues, and you want them to mirror each other precisely. You can set each to the number you're looking for and have them identical.

    LOTRO doesn't have that. You can rotate the decorations but have no numbers; so, you have to do all this guess-work and fine-tuning to get decorations to match each other in various arrangements.

    I agree with the OP. LOTRO should have the numbers. Tell me when I'm at 97 degrees instead of 95 so I can adjust it more easily

    Landroval player; I am Phantion on the forums only and do not have a corresponding character in-game with that name on any server. Cheers! :)


  5. #5
    Date d'inscription
    septembre 2010
    Citation Envoyé par Phantion Voir le message
    I don't think that's what the OP means, though they may correct me! It seems that the suggestion is to add actual numbers to the sliders for the rotations like SWTOR's UI does.

    So, in SWTOR, when decorating a stronghold, it gives you like these coordinates. You can tell if you've rotated the decoration 35 degrees, 90 degrees, etc. So, say you have 2 statues, and you want them to mirror each other precisely. You can set each to the number you're looking for and have them identical.

    LOTRO doesn't have that. You can rotate the decorations but have no numbers; so, you have to do all this guess-work and fine-tuning to get decorations to match each other in various arrangements.

    I agree with the OP. LOTRO should have the numbers. Tell me when I'm at 97 degrees instead of 95 so I can adjust it more easily

    Numbers would be nice too! The original suggestion was just a snap to at different degrees. Hard to describe snapping, unless you've used other pieces of software that use it lol. But the idea was that it would sort of rubberband in place when you hit 90 degree rotations, so that you would know that your decoration was straight.

  6. #6
    Date d'inscription
    janvier 2011
    1 182
    Citation Envoyé par Broinfinn Voir le message
    Numbers would be nice too! The original suggestion was just a snap to at different degrees. Hard to describe snapping, unless you've used other pieces of software that use it lol. But the idea was that it would sort of rubberband in place when you hit 90 degree rotations, so that you would know that your decoration was straight.
    I see! *nods* Thanks for clarifying

    I think in that case . . . a coordinates system might work a little better to keep the current flexibility while also letting you - know - whether the decoration is straight or not from the number. I agree that maybe a separate "snap to 90 degree angle" button could help. I could see it causing more issues though if it's rubber-banding to a set value all the time when you're trying to do something unique with a rotation.

    I think we agree though that the current set-up isn't as helpful where you pretty much have to guess at how straight the object is. I definitely have a somewhat easier time making things symmetrical in a decoration layout in SWTOR than I do currently in LOTRO and wish LOTRO could have some UI improvements for decorating along those lines

    Landroval player; I am Phantion on the forums only and do not have a corresponding character in-game with that name on any server. Cheers! :)




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