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  1. #1
    Date d'inscription
    août 2013

    Chord of Salvation is no longer an immediate skill.

    • Chord of Salvation is no longer an immediate skill.

      From Beta 3 patchnotes.

    Don't really see the point in this. Would like others opinion of it.
    If the problem is that bmini has too much interrupts, make PC in ressonance the same type as in melody and there wouldn't be the problem of chaining skills quickly.
    If the problem is that mini in red has a healing skill as another interrupt, make only the Chord version with all points traited immediate.

    I think the bug the you don't reset your snowball stacks can be fixed in another way.

    Dernière modification par Fureo ; 07/03/2023 à 13h40.

  2. #2
    Date d'inscription
    décembre 2012
    1 065
    Should have been done years ago. Interupting the animation is counterproductive for class and fights balance. I hope other similar skills will be fixed as well sooner or later.

  3. #3
    Date d'inscription
    avril 2015
    4 112
    Citation Envoyé par Arabani Voir le message
    Should have been done years ago. Interupting the animation is counterproductive for class and fights balance. I hope other similar skills will be fixed as well sooner or later.
    Since Chord of Salvation used for Anthems too, that way make Anthems even more boring



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