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  1. #1
    Date d'inscription
    mars 2014

    Mouse scroll key-mapping

    Just a quick suggestion,

    It would be nice to be able to use mousewheel scroll up and down to combine with key-mappings. For instance, shift+mwheelup, ctrl+mwheeldown, alt+mwheelup etc.

    I usually use these binds in mmo's to flesh out some more keybinds as I dislike clicking on spells.

  2. #2
    Date d'inscription
    juillet 2018
    Citation Envoyé par Slingshooter Voir le message
    Just a quick suggestion,

    It would be nice to be able to use mousewheel scroll up and down to combine with key-mappings. For instance, shift+mwheelup, ctrl+mwheeldown, alt+mwheelup etc.

    I usually use these binds in mmo's to flesh out some more keybinds as I dislike clicking on spells.

    Perhaps you can use the mouse software? I can reassign buttons, including the scroll button. Don't know about the wheel itself.

  3. #3
    Date d'inscription
    juillet 2020
    1 925
    LOTRO uses the scroll wheel for camera zoom. There is no in-game option to change this, there is nothing that can be edited into the lotro.keymap file which will change this. I would love to even be able to change the camera zoom to shift-scroll wheel because I am a spaz and often inadvertently move the scroll wheel a little which changes the camera zoom when I don’t want it to change; no way to do this, either. Even if this isn’t hard-coded into the client there is no user-accessible option for changing it.

    Many third-party mouse drivers allow the user to change scroll wheel inputs to some other input – some other mouse button or keyboard key. Many of these drivers allow the user to specify per-application settings so that you can set things up the “normal” way for everything except LOTRO while having a different setup for LOTRO. I use BetterTouchTool which provides a huge amount of functionality for all sorts of input devices, not just mice. USB Overdrive is also excellent, I used it for many years. SteerMouse I have never used but have heard good things about. I’m sure there are Windows equivalents for these things out there as well:


    USB Overdrive


    I use BetterTouchTool to create a set of presets for my mouse and keyboard which are only active when LOTRO is the foreground application. (Actually, whenever any Windows application which uses WINE is active, but that’s getting a little too deep into the weeds for this thread.) I set scroll wheel up and scroll wheel down to generate left-arrow and right-arrow, which I use to “scroll” through the 3 different skill bar sets (main, alternate, mounted combat). I set shift-scroll wheel up and shift-scroll wheel down to generate scroll wheel up/down which allows me to adjust the camera zoom without having to resort to keyboard keys to do so. It’s a bit of an annoyance to remember to use shift-scroll wheel to scroll text but I’m used to it now after playing this game for 2.5 years. Still, it would be nice to have simple control over the scroll wheel input bind using in-game options rather than having to use third party tools and fairly complex macro-like presets which change other behaviors in an undesirable manner.
    Dernière modification par Tralfazz ; 08/04/2023 à 15h08. Motif: frickin’ autocorrect…

  4. #4
    Date d'inscription
    janvier 2022
    Would love to see this as well. Played WoW for years and never realized how unique it was in freely allowing re-binding of the wheel - you could easily rebind the wheel to abilities or other functions, then assign, say, Shift+Wheel to zoom in/out. Played a few other MMOs more recently and they don't allow rebinding the wheel either.

    Rebinding with mouse software works, but it's a little janky with putting the zoom back on Shift+Mouse. It can't seem to parse continuous scrolling as continuous scrolling, so it moves in stutters or not at all. Native rebinding would be amazing.



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