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  1. #1
    Date d'inscription
    janvier 2018

    LOTRO Player Releases new Book About J.R.R Tolkien!!!

    It is finally out and available at major retailers. Due to the high-quality paper needed for the colored images, the physical copy usually runs between $34-39. However, the eBook version is under $10. I would love your support if you're able to help.

    Link to Barnes and Noble



    J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth has captured the imaginations of millions of readers around the world for generations. He is considered the father of modern fantasy, but few understand how Tolkien’s worldview impacted his mythology. The Road Goes Ever On and On is the first book of its kind to place Tolkien within his proper context, giving the reader a deeper understanding of Tolkien and Middle-earth. Smith takes us on a quest through a wide range of Tolkien’s writings to unlock Tolkien’s perspective—a perspective that, like the elves who have sailed into the West leaving Middle-earth, has faded away from our world. You will gain an in-depth knowledge of Tolkien’s views on politics, environmentalism, religion, and much more. From the Valar to Hobbits, the free peoples closely follow Tolkien’s sentiments. In contrast, forces under the Shadow represent what Tolkien believed was immoral. Covering a wide range of topics, The Road Goes Ever On and On is filled with breathtaking illustrations bringing Middle-earth to life like never before, making this the ‘one book to rule them all.’


    Engrossing...Tolkien’s principles—patriotism, Medievalism, localism, Catholicism—are certainly out of fashion today. And yet they’re the foundation for all his books, which have sold hundreds of millions of copies. Mr. Smith does a wonderful job of explaining why modern readers are so enthralled by Tolkien’s reactionary vision. Whether you’re a casual Lord of the Rings fan or a serious Tolkien scholar, every page of Mr. Smith’s book will delight and fascinate. And if anyone ever tells you that fairy-tales are only for children, hand him this book. Tolkien ought to be regarded as one of the great social critics of our time, as Mr. Smith so masterfully demonstrates.
    -Michael Warren Davis is an editor for Sophia Institute Press and the author of The Reactionary Mind: Why Conservative Isn’t Enough. You can find him on his blog, The Common Man.

    As the popularity of Tolkien's work continues to endure, the importance of Jeb Smith's work continues to grow. This is because of a prolonged siege against Tolkien's work: the attempt to dislodge it from its Christian and Biblical foundations. Jeb Smith's insights are immensely helpful to this and future generations of Tolkien admirers.
    Scott L. Smith, author of Lord of the Rings and the Eucharist

  2. #2
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2011
    Its the Tolkien family of milking the product for all its worth, most likely an attemt to modernize his works as well, making it fit the political landscape.

  3. #3
    Date d'inscription
    janvier 2018
    Citation Envoyé par Aranaan Voir le message
    Its the Tolkien family of milking the product for all its worth, most likely an attemt to modernize his works as well, making it fit the political landscape.

    Look a bit closer; this is the perfect OPPOSITE of Amazon or the modernization of Tolkien. It places him in a reactionary, medieval and traditional Catholic mold to which he belongs.

  4. #4
    Date d'inscription
    juillet 2020
    1 925
    I have Tolkien-related items for sale. I'd like to know if I can post links to those sales here on the forums. The forum rules specifically disallow doing that but this advertisement has been here for a couple of days now so if it is actually permitted I'd like to know in advance so that I can take advantage of the new policy without worrying about a(nother) forum strike or an immediate ban.

    Item 8 of the "Code of Conduct" states:
    "8. You may not market, promote, advertise, or solicit products or services within the Game or Game Website."

    So has that rule been suspended, or not? Because I have computers for sale with LOTRO pre-installed and guaranteed to work that I'd like to move.

  5. #5
    Date d'inscription
    septembre 2016
    6 276
    I try to be lenient when players do something creative in the space and want to tell others about it. This one is borderline, but seems fine. As someone who uses forums for retro game collecting trades and sales, I'd be ok with a subforum for player to player memorabilia and LOTR trading/sales, but I don't think the community would be able to maintain such a forum without using it to try to sell in-game items or accounts, so it seems unwise.
    Community Manager, Lord of the Rings Online
    Follow LOTRO on: Twitter - Facebook - Twitch - YouTube
    Personal channels (No SSG talk): Twitch Twitter Facebook

  6. #6
    Date d'inscription
    juillet 2020
    1 925
    Citation Envoyé par Cordovan Voir le message
    I try to be lenient when players do something creative in the space and want to tell others about it. This one is borderline, but seems fine. As someone who uses forums for retro game collecting trades and sales, I'd be ok with a subforum for player to player memorabilia and LOTR trading/sales, but I don't think the community would be able to maintain such a forum without using it to try to sell in-game items or accounts, so it seems unwise.
    That seems reasonable. But it doesn't answer my direct question: Can I post links to my eBay sales?

  7. #7
    Date d'inscription
    novembre 2011
    2 604
    Does the author say anything about Tolkiens view on women? In my humble opinion, he had a unique access to it. Most of his stories are about male heroes; but then suddenly there are women which have a notable impact on the course of the story. Most prominently of course Galadriel, then Eowyn, Elwing, Luthien, and Melian. If you look closely, they are all protectors of the Free People, each doing their thing by the means available to them. It is also said, that he held his wife in high esteem. This doesn't mean that he thought about them as we do today; but it is a very far cry from eg the horrible latin american machismo.

    Greetings, Polymachos
    Räuberhöhle auf Belegaer, Breelandsiedlung, Ochsbott, Lange Straße 5. Vorsicht, Fallen!
    Awkward Anomalities Arena in Breeland Homesteads, 6 Long Street, Ersward (Landroval) - Elderslade under attack!

    Scared people tend to follow the flock, no matter which shepherd it has

  8. #8
    Date d'inscription
    janvier 2018
    Citation Envoyé par Polymachos Voir le message
    Does the author say anything about Tolkiens view on women? In my humble opinion, he had a unique access to it. Most of his stories are about male heroes; but then suddenly there are women which have a notable impact on the course of the story. Most prominently of course Galadriel, then Eowyn, Elwing, Luthien, and Melian. If you look closely, they are all protectors of the Free People, each doing their thing by the means available to them. It is also said, that he held his wife in high esteem. This doesn't mean that he thought about them as we do today; but it is a very far cry from eg the horrible latin american machismo.

    Greetings, Polymachos
    I do not. Those women are mentioned, and there is a small section specifically on Galdirel, but I do not discus this subject in particular. However, I would love to read a book or paper on that subject.

    But I think Tolkien might disagree with your assumptions (as would I). I think he would say the treatment and love for modern women has been degraded. That the Middle Ages was the height of treatment towards women. I have a book that I am working on about our misconceptions about the Middle ages and one chapter focuses on the treatment of women!!! To give you an idea, the chapter is titled "Princess or Prostitutes." That is in the Middle Ages they were loved and valued, today they have been degraded to sexual and political objects.



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