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  1. #1
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2011

    Some Sagroth parties do make me laugh.

    I have to say that some of the Sagroth 6 man parties that I have been on, really make me howl with laughter. The number of parties that think that DPS (and nothing else) is the answer to everything and they can’t understand why they wipe repeatedly. Some of the tactics I see employed are the archetypal definition of insanity i.e. 'doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result'.
    This is especially obvious in the difference between T1 and any tier higher than that. You can get away with DPS-mania on T1 if that’s how you want to do it but higher than that it just doesn’t work.

    So I decided to run Sagroth on T1 the other day and hopefully use it as a way of helping some lesser experienced players learn how to do the instance.

    So we started off DPS-ing like mad (as you might guess). When we got to the first slug nobody did any corruption removal and after it was dead the Champion even said “Wow these slugs are tough”. I told them to do 'Remove Corruption' on the slugs first but nobody took any notice so I did the corruption removal for them and obliviously one of them even commented “That first slug must have been an anomaly because all the others have been dead easy”. I just shook my head and carried on.

    Anyway we found ourselves at the final boss and paused outside the room. I asked the party "Does everyone know what to do here"?
    Lots of 'No', and 'Not sure' replies followed, so I decided to explain as best I could. I decided to throw in some of the mechanics from higher tiers e.g.

    "Bunch up around the boss so it cannot use its ability which only affect those more than 5 metres away".
    "Use your interrupts on the boss whenever he is doing something interruptable".
    "Use your corruption removal abilities as often as you can".
    (Lots of 'Yeh', 'Yep' and 'OKs' here from the party)

    "When the small rats appear, interrupt their casting otherwise they will put puddles down. CC them and ignore them".
    "When the 2 big rats appear, either CC them both and ignore them or kill one and CC the other. Don't kill both otherwise they will respawn".
    "If you get a eye over your head, move away from the party until it has gone".
    "If you are standing in a puddle, move out of it as fast as you can".
    "If you take a big hit, pause, heal yourself up and then rejoin the action".
    (Further 'Yeh', 'Yep' and 'OKs' here from the party)

    So we began and, yes you guessed it, as soon as the big rat boss activated, all my advice seemed to go completely out of the window and the party just went DPS mad again. The champion even stood still in the middle of 3 red boxes going DPS, DPS, DPS until eventually said “Oh dear I am dead”. I know it was only T1 and the remaining 5 of us did succeed in completing the instance but I really couldn’t help but roll about laughing. The number of T2 parties I’ve been on who've employed the same tactics and wiped over and over and over again just makes me howl with laughter.

    Please understand I am not overly criticising lesser experienced players. I certainly am not that experienced and know my limitations. I fully admit that T3 is about my absolute limit and that everyone has to start somewhere.

    Still some parties do make me laugh.

  2. #2
    istvana est déconnecté Legendary forums 1st poster
    Date d'inscription
    novembre 2007
    2 356
    How unutterably sad that LOTRO doesn't have cross-server play so that everyone can have a chance to benefit from your expertise and willingness to share your knowledge with groupmates.

  3. #3
    Date d'inscription
    septembre 2010
    3 137
    I know the feeling, but to be fair, that final boss fight has a lot of mechanics to think about. I've only beaten it once, with 4 of us dead as the tank did the final million damage to the boss. A couple weeks left on the LTC title but I don't think I'll get it. I would rather do both 3-mans on T5 than Sagroth T2.

  4. #4
    Date d'inscription
    avril 2015
    4 112
    Citation Envoyé par Digaloo Voir le message

    Still some parties do make me laugh.
    Try T4 or T5. Even if you follow all mechanic you still need have dps.

    Citation Envoyé par Vilan Voir le message
    I know the feeling, but to be fair, that final boss fight has a lot of mechanics to think about. I've only beaten it once, with 4 of us dead as the tank did the final million damage to the boss. A couple weeks left on the LTC title but I don't think I'll get it. I would rather do both 3-mans on T5 than Sagroth T2.
    From combat analysis I count 12 different attacks from Raddrig, including attack what deal 0 dps, but summon 3 tiny rats. Most of them don't have any casts. My favorite Vicious Slash (deal 2+ million damage). No wonder why people so confused. You can't always stay within 5m from boss, because when you have puddles people start moving from them and usually one of them will be far from others
    Dernière modification par Elmagor ; 01/05/2023 à 12h53.



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