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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Battle for an Army

    So i just watched Troy and was inspired by the 1vs1 idea.

    Heres the deal, if you could pick one freep/creep to go up against any opposing freep/creep, for a keep or something like that, who would it be?

    Also what battle would you like to see between 2 people on opposing sides?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Re: Battle for an Army

    Demkoa vs Sauron

    My money is on Dem x1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Re: Battle for an Army

    Id pay 10g to see Leon vs Vyxe 1v1.
    But knowing that would never happen, seeing them or other Raid leader 1v1 on CM would be interesting seeing the out-come of the moors map.

    IMO leaders should be able to fight all battles as well as there own, and without zerging/relying on numbers to win the day...but then again, usa is unreal..and illy is royal hay-priade-loyalist memeber =}

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: Battle for an Army

    i think leon is op.;P not sure on vyxie though. havent seen him play personally. it would be fun to watch . i second that.
    Last edited by Zalexia; Dec 06 2010 at 08:31 AM.
    alzie rank 15 mini
    "less talky, more killy"
    "kill fast , run faster!"
    The Apocalypse Kinship Elendilmir
    Antisocialnetworking brandywine

    Teddibara beorning Brandywine
    alzeria rank 15 mini renamed Brandywine

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: Battle for an Army

    The Story of Troy shows us no matter what Greeks always win... so OPEN WIDE EVERYONE
    Stickeez: It's got to be a huge hit to Fantaros and his reputation as an anarchist.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Battle for an Army

    Thugglife vs anyone who kites him, purely for the ensuing rage by thugg

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: Battle for an Army

    Quote Originally Posted by STRKDEX View Post
    The Story of Troy shows us no matter what Greeks always win... so OPEN WIDE EVERYONE
    The greeks didn't win. Aeneas escapes, (The Aeneid), eventually ends up in the Tiber River area, makes a truce with the Latins, founds the Roman People by cross breeding...

    So who really wins the Trojan War if the united Romans end up wiping out, enslaving, and winning wars against the still divided city states of Greece?

    Sorry for the buzzkill. Rome>Greece.

    Good bye, Vapor/Immortality, Tyrannicus, Naurath, Faja, Riecker, Energizer, Barkinin, Guen, Rauko, Ramster, Familiarity, Knitefall/Pepperidge, Blaeloch, Kriptic, Illthallion, Angfauglir, Kosemos, Jmez, Gloinfast, Bots, Legions, Genocide, And Anyone else I have played with over the years.
    -Fuzion Rank 11 Rk/Lews Rank 7 Cpt/Swel/Arctic Rank 9 Warg ~ Forever RIP Keep Jamming

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Battle for an Army

    Quote Originally Posted by snarfy View Post
    The greeks didn't win. Aeneas escapes, (The Aeneid), eventually ends up in the Tiber River area, makes a truce with the Latins, founds the Roman People by cross breeding...

    So who really wins the Trojan War if the united Romans end up wiping out, enslaving, and winning wars against the still divided city states of Greece?

    Sorry for the buzzkill. Rome>Greece.

    So... let's say your enemies sent you a giant cake and had someone hiding inside who slipped out after you were done getting drunk for the night.

    They then loot, & pillage your home while enslaving your entire family and all your friends.

    They burn your house from under you.

    You escape your burning house by the seat of your pants and run through the sewers to safety. You move west.

    But you say you really actually win becaaaaaaause... 1,000 or so years after the you were thrown out of your own house, some " cross-bred " ancestors fought and won your battles. Got it.

    Meanwhile the land to the east develops a form of democracy, philosophy, expands mathematics, builds monuments, writes poetry and literature, builds trade routes to almost the entire known world...

    and shields the rest of europe from megalomaniacal despots from the far east long enough that the rest of europe can grow some muscles and stand on its own 2 feet. ( and then does it again from AD332 - 1450ish btw ).

    You're welcome

    How about you not mention the word " win", say that both civilizations made huge contributions to the western world and leave it at that.
    O wad some Power the giftie gie us
    To see oursels as ithers see us!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Battle for an Army

    Quote Originally Posted by Blue_Horseshoe View Post
    So... let's say your enemies sent you a giant cake and had someone hiding inside who slipped out after you were done getting drunk for the night.

    They then loot, & pillage your home while enslaving your entire family and all your friends.

    They burn your house from under you.

    You escape your burning house by the seat of your pants and run through the sewers to safety. You move west.

    But you say you really actually win becaaaaaaause... 1,000 or so years after the you were thrown out of your own house, some " cross-bred " ancestors fought and won your battles. Got it.
    Just because the Greeks made a damn good cake doesn't mean that the Romans didn't steal it, put their name on it, and then eat it all by themselves. The whole point of the Aeneid is that because of the defeat that Troy suffers at the hands of the Greeks, the Trojans are forged into something stronger, as evidenced by the fact that the Romans come back and whip the **** out of the Greeks.

    Quote Originally Posted by Blue_Horseshoe View Post
    Meanwhile the land to the east develops a form of democracy, philosophy, expands mathematics, builds monuments, writes poetry and literature, builds trade routes to almost the entire known world...
    True enough, but the Romans took it much, much further. Enterprise and ambition FTW.

    Quote Originally Posted by Blue_Horseshoe View Post
    and shields the rest of europe from megalomaniacal despots from the far east long enough that the rest of europe can grow some muscles and stand on its own 2 feet. ( and then does it again from AD332 - 1450ish btw ).
    Might I remind you that the Byzantine Empire was in fact the Eastern ROMAN Empire ruled out of Byzantium. While Greek speaking because of the region, the form of rule and structure of the Empire was Roman. I don't know if you can necessarily take credit for that...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Battle for an Army

    Quote Originally Posted by Thurindras View Post
    Thugglife vs anyone who kites him, purely for the ensuing rage by thugg

    Thugg never ceases complaining. It almost soothes the mind to see him griping. Almost as if confirmation the world is still spinning.
    [LEFT][COLOR=DarkOrange][I][B]Melodic Viking Metal[/B][/I][/COLOR] -----> [URL]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGINLisYN9Y[/URL]


  11. #11
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    Mar 2007
    Just returned after a while; sorry for the necro, but... can't let any randoms rewrite history :-)

    Quote Originally Posted by Lords_Of_Gondor View Post
    Just because the Greeks made a damn good cake doesn't mean that the Romans didn't steal it, put their name on it, and then eat it all by themselves. The whole point of the Aeneid is that because of the defeat that Troy suffers at the hands of the Greeks, the Trojans are forged into something stronger, as evidenced by the fact that the Romans come back and whip the **** out of the Greeks.
    Something stronger, 500 miles away and conquering a fragmented people 700 - 900 years later. Yeah, they showed em, gg.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lords_Of_Gondor View Post
    True enough, but the Romans took it much, much further. Enterprise and ambition FTW.
    Yup. Roads, bridges, coliseums, bread, circuses, bloody spectacles, torture and execution of Christians, incest, vomitoriums, etc etc etc. Enterprise and Ambition.
    And they *still* couldn't get their statues to stand straight up without a prop.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lords_Of_Gondor View Post
    Might I remind you that the Byzantine Empire was in fact the Eastern ROMAN Empire ruled out of Byzantium. While Greek speaking because of the region, the form of rule and structure of the Empire was Roman. I don't know if you can necessarily take credit for that...
    The part you left out or didn't know is that the capital was moved from Rome ( because of its then geographical irrelevance ) to the most strategic point in the Western / near-Eastern world, straddling Europe and Asia. And yes, I'll allow that the Romans invented bureaucracy. :-D
    O wad some Power the giftie gie us
    To see oursels as ithers see us!

  12. #12
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    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Blue_Horseshoe View Post
    Ravellion the Bold, the Defiler of Innocence, and Slinger of Muddy Cream Pies
    I would almost resubscribe to this game to hang out in Freep Vent with you. Remember the days of yesteryore, when we would compete for the collective animosity of anyone daring enough to listen our Vent conversations?

    Ravellion - "I want to say something dirty about those school-children."
    Illy - "Oh look at them, frolicking in the mud..."
    Ravellion - "I'll bring them a bottle of purell."
    Random Freep - "You're both going to Hell."

    How ya been, Rav?

    - Illy
    [CENTER][I][SIZE=1](D)[/SIZE][/I][SIZE=3]after thought criminal element[/SIZE]
    [B][I][U]time explained:[/U][/I][/B] [URL]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3jjZdyH6io[/URL]

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by CodeofMisconduct View Post
    I would almost resubscribe to this game to hang out in Freep Vent with you. Remember the days of yesteryore, when we would compete for the collective animosity of anyone daring enough to listen our Vent conversations?

    Ravellion - "I want to say something dirty about those school-children."
    Illy - "Oh look at them, frolicking in the mud..."
    Ravellion - "I'll bring them a bottle of purell."
    Random Freep - "You're both going to Hell."

    How ya been, Rav?

    - Illy
    Illy! Yeah, It was the best of times, it was the REALLY best of times :-)

    You purged that screenshot, I hope?? lol

    All good bro - shoot me contact details via pm..

    Talk soon
    O wad some Power the giftie gie us
    To see oursels as ithers see us!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Blue_Horseshoe View Post
    Illy! Yeah, It was the best of times, it was the REALLY best of times :-)

    You purged that screenshot, I hope?? lol

    All good bro - shoot me contact details via pm..

    Talk soon
    If you use Instagram on your mobile Star Trek talkie device, then you can find me @ iwrite_withlight or here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/125708172@N02/. Jumped ship from LotRO to shooting pictures. Grinding out new ranks with the photographers' guild as often as I can.

    As some of you may remember, I'm not above shameless self-promotion...
    [CENTER][I][SIZE=1](D)[/SIZE][/I][SIZE=3]after thought criminal element[/SIZE]
    [B][I][U]time explained:[/U][/I][/B] [URL]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3jjZdyH6io[/URL]

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by CodeofMisconduct View Post

    As some of you may remember, I'm not above shameless self-promotion...
    .............. HAH!
    ~*~Ryssawyn~*~ (RK)
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