i didnt see if they mentioned when the close date will be for the pre order. im currently deployed to afghanistan, so im not privy to much info. thanks
i didnt see if they mentioned when the close date will be for the pre order. im currently deployed to afghanistan, so im not privy to much info. thanks
Lyandon splintershield warden 75 Hotdang manitellyouwhat guardian 67
Another question on pre-order: I bought the last pre-order and had to make an account and pw at the order site. The site is the same (digital river) why do I have to make a another login and pw for the next preorder?
I did not see any login on that web page. Is it an error or do we have to make a new purchase login and pw every time a new expansion comes out?
I have a problem with my pre-order:
In fact when i did my order, it sayed that i must select "buy now" in order to continu the purchase. The problem is that i have not this button, so i can't pay.
Is there something wrong with the system? Or should i write to cancel the order?
Extase, apologies, but Digital River accounts are per purchase. You will have to create a new account with them at the top of their page. Just fill in the information and you'll be all set.
If you're having an issue with the website, you can contact our account support team by visiting http://support.turbine.com. You can find more information regarding this on our FAQ page, under question 21.
Seraphina Brennan -- Turbine Community Specialist
"When in doubt, reach for the stars. That way you'll never come up short."
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I try to answer all of my PMs, but I get a lot! Sometimes I may not get back to you, but I have read your mail!
Did the pre-order page get taken down or did I forget where I found it?... It is not readily apparent.
Seems kinda odd that that home lotro.com page has a video offering the Rise of Isengard pre-purchase. Has someone been missing some sleep lately?...
I have my money in hand, where can I order?
If you ain't dyin' then you ain't tryin'...
It's at rohan.lotro.com
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